Mark III R2 Volume Question

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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2006
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I recently purchased (some say stole...) a Mark III blue stripe combo and was curious about the R2 volume mod.

I have seen several posts on the R2 mod, but so far I haven't notice a huge volume jump between R1 and R2 to justify the mod--yet.
Am I missing something or is it very dependent on the main volume settings, etc?

Are all Mark III's the same or did the volume difference change between older "no stripes" and improve with "later" stripes?

My settings so far are:

Vol: 6-8 Pulled
Treb: 7
Bass: 2
Mid: 4-5
Mast: 2 Pulled
Ld G: 6
Ld V: 3
Pres: 0
Revb: 2
With my blue stripe, I did the mod kind of just to do it. It's very simple, I don't have reverb, it was an easy operation.

In usage, I've found that usually I can set the R2 volume and leave it. Depending on what the rest of your settings are (mainly volume, master, lead master, lead gain), and what kind of tube you have in V2 (I suppose...) you may have to tweak it.

R2 is a lot less compressed than R1, I think, and so you can balance that out with more overall volume for R2, etc etc etc.
Try this, set R2 up to the tone you like, then footswitch to the Lead channel and see what happens. Go try it now and report back.
Yeah, my amp has reverb so I would have to move the direct out jack up and put in a pot for the R2 so there is a little more to it I guess.

scottcrud said:
Try this, set R2 up to the tone you like, then footswitch to the Lead channel and see what happens. Go try it now and report back.

Uhmmm...OK---Not sure what am I looking for?
I have an nice crunchy tone on R2 and pretty sweet lead tone on the lead chanel that I can adjust the volume of...

I was mainly referring to the R1 to R2 volume issues--I have no problem with the lead channel volume.
Buddy said:
Thats what it was made for

**** kids ....

Wow--What great advice--Thanks for taking the time to reply!!

Now get back to watching the Weather Channel and Headline News!

Grumpy old fart...
Well , you know , sometimes an old flatulant guitar playin' bastid , has a thing to say or two ...
Now, i" get back to beatin' up my ole acoustic . dint mean to make you feel mean . ....I beg your pardon...
No offence taken .
May your hemmoroids shrink without surgrrrery .
(Old Irish toast)
well, my point was that I never had a volume issue between R-1 and R-2 channels, it was R-2 and lead. For example, I got R-2 sounding real good with a Tube Screamer pushing it so I could actually use the lead channel for leads, well when I stepped on the lead channel I almost blew out my eardrums cause the lead channel was about 10X louder than R-2...
Another way to fix the r1/2 issue is to just try different preamp tubes for the r2 spot . I have had excellent success with this .
N.O.S ! They are worth it in the long run imgrumpyo .

Hi Mercury,

I just bought a Green MKIII head (you may have noticed the onslaught of questions I have been barraging these good folks with as of late), and I too did not experience a large diff in vol betwn R1 and R2. But R2 was just a bit louder, enough for me to have to go for the guit vol knob and have to change my attack. Not huge, mind you, but noticible. But since the R2 vol mod is SOOO easy and 100% reversable, I did it (I also don't have reverb so that hole was avail to me). Now that it's done, I do prefer having the pot there. Sure it's a set-and-forget pot. But being able to balance the R2 vol exactly how I want, along with the simplicity of the mod itself, makes it completely worth it IMHO.

Thanks Edward!

I saw some pics of the mod--did you actually remove the R130 resistor or solder around it i.e. one side of R130 to one side of R131?

Maybe I'll do it this weekend...if I find a 250K pot.

Thanks again, I'm loving this amp and just want to be sure I'm not missing out on anything beneficial!
I did the simplest thing possible: I de-soldered one leg of the resistor, so she was just hanging out in space, just in case I wanted to put her back in for whatever reason. Then did the mod. All is well and decided to keep the mod. But being the OCD freak that I am, after a few days of knowing I left the resistor there, I ended up going back in and taking her out ...I'm never going to reverse the mod so there was no point in leaving it there I figured :)


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