mark iii owners, those that use pull deep..

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Well-known member
May 31, 2010
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I normally dont use pull deep (master vol knob pulled) on my red stripe but lately tried it. At first i thought it sounded too woofy and muffled, until I put the presence up higher than i could when pull deep was pushed in. Presence on 3.5 -4.5 made it sound more in your face and amazingly good!

Has anyone else come to this revelation since owning their mark iii?

The only way you can really use higher presence, without destroying your ears, is having pull deep utilized as it seems to balance out everything. I couldn't believe it when i did this.. I just used the master of puppet settings, before i couldn't understand how hetfield had such high presence, but i do now with mast vol pulled. :idea:
I have never not used my Pull Deep. I find the amp sounds much too thin without it. It introduces a different band of frequencies in the low (that I hear) than the GEQ or bass knob. I find jacking the bass knob gets boxy and muddy, but leaving it around 2 or 3 and having the Pull Deep engaged and then adjusting the GEQ to taste... Sweetness.

My level of presence depends on what I am playing. It usually sits around 3 but if I'm doing any type of metal, it gets up to around the 7 mark.
Interesting, I never the pull deep because it sounds too woofy; I prefer the tightness with it off. Never tried turning up the presence with it though, I usually have mine at 0 or 1. I also use EVM-12's which seem to have more sub bass than most speakers. What kind of speakers do you guys use?
It depends for me. When I first bought my III, i never pushed in the Deep switch, because the amp sounded boxy and thin without it. I was convinced that it added a great depth, or a loudness to the amp at lower volume, which is why I, and many others have given it the nickname "Pull Balls" :lol:. Later on, I found that when the volume is set higher, the low end starts to fall apart, and get flubby with it on, so I turned it off, and boosted the subs with the GEQ. I guess, like all the settings on my Mark, I'll switch stuff around depending on my mood. The Pull Deep is no exception.
Pull Deep sometimes, often with single-coils, like a Tele. Almost never when using a Thiele. I wish it was assignable (or the EQ Auto) to R2.
I use the Bass Shift a lot, usually with Bass knob at zero. It works mostly in the Rhythm Modes, not so much in Lead, so it doesn't get as "woofy". :D
edge, try it! Try increasing th epresence with pull deep out. I used to have pres at 1.5-2 with it pushed.. there is "something" about when pull deep is out that makes it sound incredible. I think i understand why most peoples settings use it :wink: Now if you pushed it in and increased the 80hz slider it helps but is still diff and would sound too harsh with pres high like in the 'tallica settings im going by.. there is a reason they had such high pres and im thinking the pull deep balanced it out. Without high presence it DOES sound muffled but if you increase the presence it fills in the necessary highs to balance the tone. I've been comparing the mark iv back and forth with the iii redstripe and getting similar tones with the mark iv 80hz slider higher to mimick the bigger bass.
I'll add this notion or idea :idea: to this thread, if enough people are interested i could look into posting a comparison vid between the iv lead ch and the mark iii red stripe lead ch. Ofcourse i will use pull deep on the III to stay along lines of the thread. :wink:
What do you guys think? Yay or Nay :?:
Pull Deep sounds different with each cab. I use 'pull deep' on my III with an early 80's Marshall 1960 cab loaded with the older G12T-75's (broken in real nice). It's very warm and smooth sounding and sings **** nice. They don't have anywheres near the bassiness that newer Mesa cabs have so I have to fill it in with pull deep to get that nice big sound. Some of the newer Mesa cabs are pretty bassy sounding so you could get away without the pull deep. The tone will fill it up nicely as you crank the volume. A straight or slant cab will give some difference as well. I only use a small pinch of presence (1 ) and drop the 2200hz just below the middle line keeping the rest of the GEQ in *almost* classic V, just not too low on the 750hz either. Threw them NOS tubes in and sweetened that tone right up!

Is the pull deep on the III similar to the presence shift on the IV? I keep going back and forth on that one as well.
yes good point, the cab makes a huge difference. Just for saying's sake, im using a 4x12 bogner cab with 2 v30s in the bottom and 2 h30s in the top. So the bottom speakers are tight while the h30s are a bit more greenbackish in terms of bass response. I have the 80z slider close to the mid line and even under when using deep pull and it sounds awesome. with the mark iv i can have the same slider at the top line.. different bass response in the mark iv. The pull pres on the mark iv is not the same as the pull deep on the iii as far as i can recall.
Awesome thread guys!.........I find that when im in rhy.2 mode, I use the bass shift/no pull deep...then with lead mode, I push in bass shift, and pull deep out....I also have a mk IV b and find the III is more "rawer" and in your face in terms of tone....subjective of course..My Mk III is a red str.coli, so theres a ton of power on tap compared to my iv...I havent found a bad sound in either boogie------its all good!!!!
i pull everything. sounds good but lacks some ballz and feel with the deep pulled.

EDIT: meant to say WITHOUT the deep pulled :oops:
>Photi G< said:
droptrd said:
i pull everything.

This guy knows how to dial his 3!!! :twisted: I do too. It sounds great!

Yessir! Just now rediscovered the awesomeness of my R2 channel. Very early Al di Meola tones with certain guitars and tubes. My producer hates the Pull Deep because it "cuts in on the bass guitar frequencies" on recordings. I say he can suck it, because our bass player needs to learn to buck up his skillz.

Pull deep brings the heavy home!
SonicProvocateur said:
>Photi G< said:
droptrd said:
i pull everything.

This guy knows how to dial his 3!!! :twisted: I do too. It sounds great!

Yessir! Just now rediscovered the awesomeness of my R2 channel. Very early Al di Meola tones with certain guitars and tubes. My producer hates the Pull Deep because it "cuts in on the bass guitar frequencies" on recordings. I say he can suck it, because our bass player needs to learn to buck up his skillz.

Pull deep brings the heavy home!

+1,000 on pulling everything. The **** sings like that!

+2,000 on the mentioning of Al Di Meola.


Minor update, i did make a video of the Mark iii and mark iv it is about 5minutes long with the mark iii red stripe first and then the mark iv. both are lead channel comparisons.. im going to upload the link anyways but for future sake does anyone know of any place i can get a .mod to .mov converter file program for free? I mean completely free, no trial period because that wont be good if i cannot constantly use it.