Mark III 1700

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Well-known member
Jan 24, 2009
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1700.00 such a deal. Someone buy this before I do.
$1,700??? :shock:

That's crazy high for a Mark III.

All the Best,
That one's been around for months and months. Believe it or not, it has actually gone up in price. :shock:
The aged look of the chassis must command a higher price like the C+ of similar vintage appeal that's been up for about the
same duration :D
I feel even better about the $750 I spent on my green stripe :!: It even came with the aged chassis look as well :lol:
...and it's "pickup only" in so cal. i could see some desperate UK rocker *maybe* paying that much, but not if he/she has to fly here to get it.

would rather something like this, with a little history..
I'm told it was used on the early 'Oils albums - Bird Noises, Midnight Oil, Head Injuries, but only heresay..
And hey, it's THIS side of the pond...
Wow... $1700!? I bought my Blue Stripe for $550 last summer. Whoever buys this is totally getting raped.
And I thought my Blue was expensive for $850!

Mine also has the "aged chassis."
And as an added bonus, I also got "aged tolex," and "road worn grillcloth" :mrgreen:

Mine came with both original channel footswitches as well, this one doesn't even have one.
>Photi G< said:
And I thought my Blue was expensive for $850!

Mine also has the "aged chassis."
And as an added bonus, I also got "aged tolex," and "road worn grillcloth" :mrgreen:

Mine came with both original channel footswitches as well, this one doesn't even have one.

That was a bargain, aged tolex and grillcloth?. Those sell for 2200+ easily. :lol:
MrMarkIII said:
It must be some poor guy who "promised" the little woman he would sell it. :lol:

haha i like that..doesn't wanna sell it, so throws it on the bay for a retarded price
My offer was turned down as well. I contacted the person with this and they are claiming it was owned by a professional musician. I dont know about you guys but I dont know of ANY popular professional touring musicians that use a mark III combo amp to tour with. Im sure there are some but unless they are "big guns" in the business, this claims means nothing to me. Im waiting on her response on who owned it and if there is paperwork confirming it. I mean, unless Metallica used this amp in the studio or some other big band, this amp is just another amp with a high pricetag. She also stated that if it doesnt sell, shes going to hand it down to her grandkids. She obviously thinks very highly of whoever owned it. One more thing. The condition of it is too great to have been toured with by someone who is "professional". Its not like it comes ina rack case or anything and doesnt look like your typically toured with amp.

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