Mark IIC+ - Guide for Dummies

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Speaking of dummies, I had thought for a long time that the Simul-class Series 300 C+ would be the ultimate amp. 150 watts full power, and with a flick of a switch, knock it down to a pair of EL-34 power tubes for a docile low wattage amp. WRONG! I was told by Mike B. when inquiring about a Coliseum Simul upgrade that ALL six power tubes would be operating in "half power" mode. I knew from the "Boogie Files" website that on the 180 watt non-simul models, that this switch was for selecting pentode or triode for all six tubes. By the wattage of 150 watts, I would say that the inner sockets are in permanent triode and the "half power" switch controls pentode or triode on the outer four sockets (correct me if I'm wrong). There is not much info that I can find on these monsters, and I figure that I would share this with any others who had incorrectly assumed the same thing as I did. :D

This is not to say that I will not snatch up the first one that I can, but it will be an informed purchase now.
JOEY B. said:
Speaking of dummies, I had thought for a long time that the Simul-class Series 300 C+ would be the ultimate amp. 150 watts full power, and with a flick of a switch, knock it down to a pair of EL-34 power tubes for a docile low wattage amp. WRONG! I was told by Mike B. when inquiring about a Coliseum Simul upgrade that ALL six power tubes would be operating in "half power" mode. I knew from the "Boogie Files" website that on the 180 watt non-simul models, that this switch was for selecting pentode or triode for all six tubes. By the wattage of 150 watts, I would say that the inner sockets are in permanent triode and the "half power" switch controls pentode or triode on the outer four sockets (correct me if I'm wrong). There is not much info that I can find on these monsters, and I figure that I would share this with any others who had incorrectly assumed the same thing as I did. :D

This is not to say that I will not snatch up the first one that I can, but it will be an informed purchase now.

A good shot of a K Simul is pretty tough to come by. I may have one on one of the Mac's somewhere...

The best shot I have of a K 180W is that the inner two sockets are shorted with the half power switch. Othere than that, the primaries are connected to the inner two and buss wire gets ran all the the way between tube 1 and 6 via the tube sockets and terminal strips. Then their is the mysterious limiter circuit. I have shots of that biotch somewhere too, but as you can imagine when using four computers to gather data I sometimes forget where I put stuff. Also, it's such a small niche that I concentrated on the more garden variety C+'s. You would be a better judge of the K 180 as there is one in the North Alabama Mesa Mafia.
I'll see if I can add to the Simul K info.
What is really funny is that just as this fantastic C+ post went up I saw a listing on Craigslist for a 60W Boogie $500 no more info than that. The pictures were blurry so I couldn't get any real detail. I asked for the serial number and waited. While waiting I started reading through the post. The more I read the more nervous and excited I got. I had butterflys in my stomach like a little school girl hoping the email response would nail the serial number and I would have found the C+! (for an embarrassing price)

Wrong. Serial number 17544 an early Mark III most likely.(':cry:')
So while this post offers great insight into what we are looking for it also has the ability to break your heart. It is a boogie so I might by it anyway. I just have to figure out a good story to tell the wife. I was walking along when this amp fell off a truck and......
As usual, great job BB !

Thanks for compiling this info. Good info to have.

Will someone please "sticky" this post?

Boogiebabies said:
It sould be up in three years. :D

Good call, BB, putting off plans on the web site and do the IIC+ book first. :lol:

Seriously, thanks for the post. This one should be have a sticky on.
Really a great post with a lot of information, thanks!!

I have one CII (no plus no eq) colliseum, that is a powerfull amp, the guy I bought it from, had 2 speakers cabs 4x12 (I got the top) with a 150 watts black shadows, the enclosure is a carvin copy of that era boogies, and that thing weight as ton...
miqueas92 said:

For Sticky

Great info BB.

Sorry about the Panthers.

"How bout them Cowboy´s"


Yes, the Cowboy's are a superb team and getting better with every game.
I could not help but laugh while watching them score at will and steamroll the Eagles, and just about every other team they have played. I think in the New England game they were out coached and got a little tired in the 4th. If they keep going at their current pace, they are a serious contender for the NFC champs.
Count me as another edified by BB. How often do you find a tech guru who can write for the masses?



dodger916 said:
Sticky....or Wikipedia:

1/3 of the way down is Ed's "Mark IIC+ for Dummies", signed by him.

Discretion is the better part of valor, huh Ed?

I was not worrying about being discreet, but being accountable. Wiki is not known for being the most exact source for correct information.

So far I have only had one person contact me about some spelling errors.
Boogiebabies said:
dodger916 said:
Sticky....or Wikipedia:

1/3 of the way down is Ed's "Mark IIC+ for Dummies", signed by him.

Discretion is the better part of valor, huh Ed?

I was not worrying about being discreet, but being accountable. Wiki is not known for being the most exact source for correct information.

So far I have only had one person contact me about some spelling errors.

I'm surprised you didn't inform us that your opus was used on Wikipedia; thus the discretion comment. I think it certainly deserves to be there!

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