Channel 2 DEAD With Wrong Pot Value

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Nov 8, 2022
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Hey all,

Here I am posting my stupid mistake of swapping the BASS pot on CH2 with a 100k pot thinking that the original was a 250k based off a schematic I found on here. The original was really a 1Meg pot. Now I get a literal whisper-level volume out of the 2nd channel. Channel 1 and 3 are fine.

Would anyone have a good schematic of the Mark V 90W?
Would anyone know what I could've fried by changing the value of the pot to a 100k?
My guess is I burnt out a transistor. The transistor closest to the bass pot, though not directly connected to it is reading approx 90ohms across legs 1 and 3. Odd, but then again, what do I know at this point?

I appreciate any help directly related to troubleshooting which component I may have damaged.

Note that I've got a handful of switching transistors, J175's. Going to try to get a night's rest before testing again.

Thanks all,
