Mark IIC+ = Greatest AMP EVER!

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igfraso said:
Boogiebabies said:
It the product lifecycle of most Mesa's, the A was a blip. Even shorter than the C.

Hi Boogiebabies!
The IVA has been produced for a longer time than the IIC (considering C and C+ together). But maybe you were thinking on how many amps were produced.

Mark IVA was produced during 4 years and around 4,000 amps were made (I don't know the serial number cutoff).
IIC/C+ were produced during 2 years and also around 4,000 amps were made.
Best regards

Your totally correct, but the C+ production was truly between 12500 and 14500. I have never seen a C+ over 14,500 and I have obviosly paid strict attention. I have been trakcing serial numbers for years and can basically get you the month made by the serial number. With the exception that an amp sat for final payment before final teching. The earliest I have seen in person is a week 6. The supposed 2500 C+'s in existence has so far been impssible to prove. They pop up in May 84 and dissapear around June of 85. My long time Boogie comfidant Ian at The Boogie Files has seen the actual 15000 IIC+, but it's a blur between 14500 and up. IMO, there are 2000 of which 750 or so are Simuls, not including non graphic models. Mike B. is very interested in my findings, and of course he will be the first to know. He's an inpsiration to me and his knowlede is vast, but what most of you do not know is that in October 84' Randall Smith had to assume final teching. I have and extremely rare IIC+ with the tech initals RCS, not MB like the other two. Mike had been called off to tech out some amp issues in a Artist Rep role for a guy names Prince on the Purple Rain tour. I have been accused of picking his brain, but if you don't know what your talking about, how could you get the answers you hope to get answered. We have been on the same page every time when we speak and he has an enormous memory for most of the C+ production. He's even jokingly told me to " Write this **** down". When asked why he said, " So someone else can remember all this crap".

Do you guy's even know when and why the C+ modification came about?

I have been on the lookout long enough to observe some variations on the 12300 to 12400 IIC models, getting a recent e-mail from a forum member that showed me a IIC I. It is by far a serialed IIC with a totally different circuit layout and a " Pull Deep" face plate. The serial number was well below the official +. I could have spend my time researching archological data on ealry humanoids found in Kenya, but I have a passion not only to learn about the IIC+ and it's entire history. i am without a doubt a self made IIC+ historian and alternate keeper of the archives. In the process, I have tried and helped over 50 people verify their amps via photos. The reason all goes back to the first encounter in 85'. The quest for knowledge on Mesa's Holy Grail has not stopped since.
My conviction will not change about the IIC+. In retrospect, I have never diminished the MK III or IV in any way other than the MK III black dot for being Henry Winkler covered in Bees. The simple fact is that the progression of the MK III and MK IV have all led to amps with a refined charachter. They are awesome in their own right, but do not have the feeling that they are loud, brown and on the edge of out of contol. Up to the MK III Red and Green Stripe, as with the MK IV, you have alterations in the amps that basically make them extremely sweet sounding amps.
I think it's time to let each amp be what it is opposed to the unrivaled original. Have we ever thought that the MK IV is the culmination of what Mesa had always envisioned the IIC+ to sound like? Were the MK III Stripes and IV A the road to the ultimate MK series?

Sitting here with 5 MK series amps and 9 different cabinets I can happily say they I am totally satisfied with each MK series amp. With 23 years of looking, I am totally amazed at what each MK series gives me, but to say one is better than the other is misinformation. I simply appreciate the subtle nuances that they seperately bring.

There are a few things in life I learned that will always be values that I will bear until my departing.

1. Don't bullshit a bullshitter. I was born with inate sense.
2. If you do something, do it the best you can and do it right.
3. It's my way or the highway. Learned from my mentor.
4. Don't piss into the wind.
5. Be honest and helpful to others.
6. God is all around us and is our salvation and inspiration.
7. My family is everything, including some of you guys.

That's who I am. If you want to make a biased opinion because you have no other experience or product use, I will have no problem opening my mouth. If I am wrong, I apologize, but with most forums and people in general, they just do not seem to have the maturity to suck it up.

This board is awesome. I have great respect for Antoine, Russ, Joey, Shep, Restless Rocks, Boogie Wan, Marco and Reeko81. As always, if anyone needs help, I am here. In reality, you guys keep feeding my fire and I learn something new from all of you.

Miguel is like a penpal. A bright guy with a good attitude and intelligence.

Now if we could just get Bionuker out of hiding, we would be set. Nicko, Riccardo and Ken Dove have been a blast to work with. IIC+ simul OT upgrades, MK IIIC+ mods and converting a Fetron MK I to a stock circuit have been a blast.

Don't mess with Marco ( Dark Irish ) were distant cousins. :D

How's that for some Sunday night reading.

I would like to dedicate this post to Dennis Miller. 8)
thanks BB...this forum wouldn't be the Boogie Board with out BB would be oogie oard...and then it would be in a real mess...

but seriously Ed, i don't think you get enough prasie for your work with our questions on our boogie....and of course everyone else.. Russ,joey,stokes,restless rock's,reeko81,Antonie,nick cor,AART,rabies and i know i forgot plp..sorry...

yes this forum is awsome...
Hey Boogiebabies, the way you talk about the IIC+ make it seems like it's some secret tool created by the illumaniti. It's really funny! I really enjoy this forum. It's my homepage! Not to stray much from the meaning of this thread, How much did it cost mike to fix the amp up? theres a mesa tech close to me, maybe an hour or so, so i might want to send it to a tech while i'm busy making a cabinet for it. Maybe get it cleaned up and serviced so it'll be at 100% working order. Great read for sunday night guys!
thanks for the kind words dude. i can only hope to learn half as much as you someday! you obviously know we love you on this forum, despite what may have happened/can happen. keep ripping it!
I've said it before and I will say it again...

Boogiebabies is the man...

Enough said. You gotta know that by now Ed.

With that in mind, I too value the knowledge of everyone here. I think that of the boards I have read this has got to be my favorite. No wait... it is. Without each and every one here this place wouldn't be the same. I even value complete newbies because it gives you an opportunity to learn without asking and just observe those that know the answers. I love how everyone helps everyone else and is really positive here. Let's continue to make this place somewhere that all can learn and have fun at the same time.
Wow! Is the moon still full? This must be the start of the international "Boogie Brotherhood". I'm still a little veclempt but must say also how rewarding it has been to have stumbled across this forum of Mesa Lovers both new and old in my continuing journey of music and electronics. Every day I check this before my email and learn something new about boogies and just as importantly about the people who love them as I do. Ed you da man and gravy biscuit buffet is on me!
Boogiebabies said:
I could have spend my time researching archological data on ealry humanoids found in Kenya, but I have a passion not only to learn about the IIC+ and it's entire history.

Hi Boogiebabies!
Be sure that everyone that logs in into this BB, is totally grateful that you chose the IIC+ :)
In the same way we were eagerly reading each posting Ian did in the old Boogie forum about the Mark series, we are also eagerly reading each of your postings about the IIC+.
And we are also grateful that both of you have that passion for the transmission of this "know how" and especially this "know why" knowledge.
I am not a native speaker so please bear with me whenever my English is not totally clear. I can help you with Spanish and Italian, though.
Best regards
I am from Argentina, of Spanish and Italian origins, so I speak both languages. Besides Argentina, I've been living for some years in Italy and in China... and now in the US.

And what I learnt in all these places is that, no matter how good you think you manage a language, there are always booby-traps ahead. Some words that look familiar and, yet, have an unexpected different meaning or some poor phrases that you inadvertedly build and make people confused about what you really meant.

Nick_cor said:
Hey Boogiebabies, the way you talk about the IIC+ make it seems like it's some secret tool created by the illumaniti. It's really funny! I really enjoy this forum. It's my homepage! Not to stray much from the meaning of this thread, How much did it cost mike to fix the amp up? theres a mesa tech close to me, maybe an hour or so, so i might want to send it to a tech while i'm busy making a cabinet for it. Maybe get it cleaned up and serviced so it'll be at 100% working order. Great read for sunday night guys!

It was a joint creation by the Illuminati, Opus Dei, Skull and Bones and the Mafia. Co-Credit is also given to E.T., The Roswell Crash Victims and the builders of the Pyramids. :D

After the amps creation, it was kept secret by the Priory of Scion.
Boogiebabies said:
Nick_cor said:
Hey Boogiebabies, the way you talk about the IIC+ make it seems like it's some secret tool created by the illumaniti. It's really funny! I really enjoy this forum. It's my homepage! Not to stray much from the meaning of this thread, How much did it cost mike to fix the amp up? theres a mesa tech close to me, maybe an hour or so, so i might want to send it to a tech while i'm busy making a cabinet for it. Maybe get it cleaned up and serviced so it'll be at 100% working order. Great read for sunday night guys!

It was a joint creation by the Illuminati, Opus Dei, Skull and Bones and the Mafia. Co-Credit is also given to E.T., The Roswell Crash Victims and the builders of the Pyramids. :D

After the amps creation, it was kept secret by the Priory of Scion.

Don't forget Merlin and the knights of the round table!
And ofcourse the Queen herself!
igfraso said:
I am from Argentina, of Spanish and Italian origins, so I speak both languages. Besides Argentina, I've been living for some years in Italy and in China... and now in the US.

And what I learnt in all these places is that, no matter how good you think you manage a language, there are always booby-traps ahead. Some words that look familiar and, yet, have an unexpected different meaning or some poor phrases that you inadvertedly build and make people confused about what you really meant.


since i only know 2 languages, I don't have that problem as much, but I definitely see what you mean. I've been born and raised in Miami and now am in Gainesville for college (GO GATORS!!)
Aart said:
Boogiebabies said:
Nick_cor said:
Hey Boogiebabies, the way you talk about the IIC+ make it seems like it's some secret tool created by the illumaniti. It's really funny! I really enjoy this forum. It's my homepage! Not to stray much from the meaning of this thread, How much did it cost mike to fix the amp up? theres a mesa tech close to me, maybe an hour or so, so i might want to send it to a tech while i'm busy making a cabinet for it. Maybe get it cleaned up and serviced so it'll be at 100% working order. Great read for sunday night guys!

It was a joint creation by the Illuminati, Opus Dei, Skull and Bones and the Mafia. Co-Credit is also given to E.T., The Roswell Crash Victims and the builders of the Pyramids. :D

After the amps creation, it was kept secret by the Priory of Scion.

Don't forget Merlin and the knights of the round table!
And ofcourse the Queen herself!

We eat ham and jam and spam a lot !!!

I have to push the pram a lot !!!
Now if I went 'round saying I was emperor because some moistened bint lobbed a scimitar at me ...
I'll never get tired of that movie .
Buddy said:
Now if I went 'round saying I was emperor because some moistened bint lobbed a scimitar at me ...
I'll never get tired of that movie .

Ah, now we see the violence inherent in the system.

Pretty nice castle, Camelot. Uh, pretty good pig country.

Right !!!
Nick_cor said:
Axel! I I just called mes boogie and heard it'll cost 100$ an hour to work on the amp. that's hurting.

And that's why I wont do two shows a night anymore.

In contast, your doctor gets $ 15.00 a minute or $ 75.00 for the 5 minutes you spend with him.

Mike B. is cheap and fast. If he were an amp doctor it would cost you
$ 900.00 an hour.
I'm glad my insurence pays for my doctor.

$100 an hour isn't very expensive.

A normal consultant costs more an hour(400-500).

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