Mark IIB - Value?

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Feb 3, 2010
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Hi everyone -

I'm brand new here (so go easy on me...). My guitar teacher has offered up his Mark IIb to me for private sale. I can't remember the exact serial number, but I'm pretty sure it's in the 9xxx's. It's got the EQ (you know - the one nobody ever uses... This one has one of the slides knobs missing/broken off), the caning shows its years with a tear here and there and the faceplate is kind of scratched up. I know neither of those two items affects the tone, but thought I'd provide all the info I could. I plugged into it a couple of weeks ago and MAN - All I can say is, "wow," - Sustain into the next week and the TONE! MY GOD!!! If I buy the amp, I'll likely send it off to Mesa for a refurb ('cause I'm a bit anal when it comes to the appearance of my gear), but in the meantime, my teacher and I are discussing price. He bought the amp brand new and has had it in his possession ever since. He has someone telling him that during the not-so-long-ago economic boom, he could have gotten $2200-$2400 for it, but now that things aren't as good as they were, a more realistic value might be $1700-$1800. I've done some periodic checking on Ebay from time to time, and when one of these comes up, even refurbished, they seem to be bringing anywhere from $1300-$1500.

I realize that the value of something can be established by what someone is willing to pay. There's as much as a $500 difference between the numbers I listed above and my question is: What's realistic?

Thanks in advance!
Mark G.
His prices seem high to me. I don't ever remember IIBs going for over $2,000 even in the hay-day. Hell, that's up in the IIC+ stratosphere. I don't remember them going for more than $1,200, which doesn't mean some haven't gone for that price. Reverb and graphic eq are definite plusses, and the broken slider is probably a fairly inexpensive fix...probably. Pictures will also help us value it. Other items that will help determine value:

Is it a head or combo w/speaker? If combo, which speaker?
Does it have a hardwood cabinet or tolex (black, white, cream, other)
Wattage: Simul-class, 100/60 or 60?
Export transformer? You will see a red voltage selector on the rear panel near the power cord.

Pictures will also help us value it.

I would ask him when the amp last had maintenance and a "cap job" (replacing vital capacitors). If never, you should let a noticeable "sigh" and lament that this will cost at least $300 (assuming shipping.) Oh and if you buy it, I strongly recommend you send it to board member Boogiebabies for maintenance - he did an amazing job blueprinting my C+. Mark IIs are his specialty. PM him for details.

Absent the information requested above, a IIB in the condition you describe might go for $800. Here's a couple of recent eBay sales. Now they might not be strictly apples to apples (no graphic eq's), but it will give you a sense of the price points:

Here's a little history of Mark IIs:

I own two Mark IIs, so I can relate to the love you feel for this amp! But be patient, and don't seem over-anxious. These amps are out there, although there is DEFINITELY a premium worth paying for having played it before buying.
Wow - a lot of really great questions, and thanks! I've got a call in to my teacher, so I can supplement this post when I hear back from him. What I DO know is that it's a combo (can't believe I didn't mention that...) with a hardwood cabinet. I don't know the type of speaker, but he will. He'll know the answer to the rest of the questions as well and I'll post them after I speak with him.

The maintenance and cap job - if I had to venture a guess I'd say that neither has ever been done. He leads a pretty solitary lifestyle and doesn't play out anymore. He teaches out of his house, 6 days a week and earns a pretty good living from it. Equipment, guitars, keyboards, etc. come and go through his house (students selling to one another, him updating or changing his inventory, etc.), but the Mesa was what he used when he played out years ago. He's got a personal attachment to it, but would be willing to sell it to the "right" buyer, which he indicated would be me (I'm a HUGE fan of Carlos Santana's and play a number of his songs - getting deep into his music is how I've come to love the Boogie tone).

Unfortunately, I don't have any photos of the amp, but it probably wouldn't be tough to get them - it just may take a few days. Hopefully I'll be able to answer the rest of your questions soon. Thanks again so much for your time and help!
For reference, I just got hardwood combo super sixty without Eq but with reverb, speaker changed to a celestion(personally I like it how it sound) and tha back cover changed to another piece of wood for 700 and this is from GC, they just got it in, played, loved it, snagg it.

I have seen some crazy prices but I don't think I have seen sell for ~1,700. The other prices above 2K are for the IIC+

So I would say that one like you describes if it is in very good condition should be around the 1000.
I spoke with my teacher this morning and was able to acquire some additional information:

Speaker: EVM12
Tubes: Only two (2) and they've been reoplaced four or five times since he's owned it.
Serial Number: 5684
Date: 8.25.80
Reverb: Yes
Don't know the wood, but it's more of a cherry color than a maple color.

Does this help???
markgett said:
I spoke with my teacher this morning and was able to acquire some additional information:

Speaker: EVM12
Tubes: Only two (2) and they've been reoplaced four or five times since he's owned it.
Serial Number: 5684
Date: 8.25.80
Reverb: Yes
Don't know the wood, but it's more of a cherry color than a maple color.

Does this help???
Yes. So it's a 60 watt with Reverb and Graphic, or an "SRG". The output options for a IIB are 60 watt, 100/60, or Simul-class. Simuls generally command more money, with 60s at the bottom. Neither is "better" than the's really a matter of personal preference. I love both my 60 watt IIC and Simul C+

If tube changes are the only "maintenance" he's performed, it needs a cap job and a good going-over. If you like the sound now, wait until you hear it after someone who really knows what they're doing blueprints it! (PM Boogiebabies)

The 12-L speaker was an upgrade. Again, this is a matter of personal preference, but you can't go wrong with a 12-L.

So now the price. You've received some opinions here. It seems the seller is pretty attached to it, so it's hard to tell how motivated he is to sell or negotiate. I think the $1000 price point is about right given that it's loaded (rev + graphic), has the 12-L upgrade, and has a hardwood cabinet (ask him if it's the original cabinet). Assuming there's nothing seriously wrong with the amp, figure $300 to $400 to blueprint (assuming two-way shipping). His range of $1,700+ is high, especially since it needs maintenance and the cabinet/wicker shows some wear and tear.

Bottom line: these amps have legendary sound, and are very robust too. He's not offering a bargain, but if you like the sound, the money becomes secondary. Let us know what happens, and keep asking questions!
I bought a IIB...100/60, Rev, EQ, hardwood/wicker with a JBL K120 w/original footswitch and original owner's paperwork 16 months ago for $1250 shipped. Me thinks your teacher asketh too much. My $0.02.
The IIB is a very special amp. Mine's a '79 head with Reverb, EQ, 60/100 power section. It is one of the greatest sounding amps I've ever had the privilege to touch.

It is absolutely worth going after. Consider it one of your vintage relic amps that you will keep forever.
markgett said:
Hi everyone -

I'm brand new here (so go easy on me...). My guitar teacher has offered up his Mark IIb to me for private sale. I can't remember the exact serial number, but I'm pretty sure it's in the 9xxx's. It's got the EQ (you know - the one nobody ever uses... This one has one of the slides knobs missing/broken off), the caning shows its years with a tear here and there and the faceplate is kind of scratched up. I know neither of those two items affects the tone, but thought I'd provide all the info I could. I plugged into it a couple of weeks ago and MAN - All I can say is, "wow," - Sustain into the next week and the TONE! MY GOD!!! If I buy the amp, I'll likely send it off to Mesa for a refurb ('cause I'm a bit anal when it comes to the appearance of my gear), but in the meantime, my teacher and I are discussing price. He bought the amp brand new and has had it in his possession ever since. He has someone telling him that during the not-so-long-ago economic boom, he could have gotten $2200-$2400 for it, but now that things aren't as good as they were, a more realistic value might be $1700-$1800. I've done some periodic checking on Ebay from time to time, and when one of these comes up, even refurbished, they seem to be bringing anywhere from $1300-$1500.

I realize that the value of something can be established by what someone is willing to pay. There's as much as a $500 difference between the numbers I listed above and my question is: What's realistic?

Thanks in advance!
Mark G.
I bought mine new. Reverb, eq, 60/100 watt.
Wondering how this turned out for you?
BTW: I use the EQ a LOT. I either scoop it for funk rhythm and very light OD or boost the highs and mids for more focus on the leads. A lot of metal players like to scoop it for the heavy distortion (though the one they love, rightfully so, is the C+). It's a very, very (VERY) good EQ. Especially for a 5 band.

here is one worth looking at... if you can live without the onboard EQ and reverb.

or this: with GEQ but no reverb

Sounds like you need to look around a bit to see what's out there, inform yourself, rather than jump on the first one you see... but don't miss a good deal by acting too slow...

zodiac272 said:

here is one worth looking at... if you can live without the onboard EQ and reverb.

or this: with GEQ but no reverb

Sounds like you need to look around a bit to see what's out there, inform yourself, rather than jump on the first one you see... but don't miss a good deal by acting too slow...

They both look like they're in great condition. Big price difference. Paying the extra for 60/100 vs 60 Watt, EQ/no reverb vs neither. I like the extra headroom of the 100 watts...especially through a thiele. I like the EQ, too. But is it worth the extra $450? Especially if you're not into the EQ, anyway?

Mark IIB's a really fine still thinking about one, markgett?

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