Mark 5 Review

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Well-known member
Dec 2, 2007
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This is from another website thought you might be interested.
Here's a new pic of it on top of Petrucci's rig:

Whoa whoa whoa yeah where DID that pic surface from?! Crazy stuff...I had this amp in the backburner for awhile and am not employed so it's out of my league for now, but I'm thinking seriously about it now to put into stereo with my RKII. It looks like Nomad style knobs, anyone else see that?
The Boogie logo on the "Mark V" is too brightly lit compared to the other amps and is not in the same plane (it's pointed towards us more).
That MXR EVH Phaser and other pedals on the rack tray are way too big.
Look at the four knobs on the right side of the EQ. I think It may be real ?
This is the amp people have been talking about since the IV came out 20 years ago. Well I live to see a Mark IX.
stephen sawall said:
Look at the four knobs on the right side of the EQ. I think It may be real ?
This is the amp people have been talking about since the IV came out 20 years ago. Well I live to see a Mark IX.

The pic is definitely real. It came from JP's guitar tech himself. Who knows if the Mark V will look like that though, since thats just a prototype. Still looks kickass though.
"The Boogie logo on the "Mark V" is too brightly lit compared to the other amps and is not in the same plane (it's pointed towards us more).
That MXR EVH Phaser and other pedals on the rack tray are way too big."

the logo is bright because of the flash.. its right in the middle of the rack.. you can see the metal underneath is lit from that flash too... and it creates an overcast on the amps in the rack as well.

I want to believe (any x files fans? ahahahah)
That picture is of a Nomad. Petrucci has used Nomads in the past (with talkboxes) so I don't see any reason to call it anything other than a Nomad.

Everything about it is the same as a Nomad, knob layout, channel lights etc. The only small discrepancy is the 'Nomad' logo in the bottom right which looks a little weird. But the **** picture is 600x450 taken by an iPhone, so anyone trying to pretend there is actual detail there is an idiot.

It looks like a Nomad, so until someone proves otherwise, it IS a Nomad. You can come out with the usual BS...'oh, its a MK5 disguised in a Nomad shell' etc, but if you're going to take that route, you might as well throw all logic out the window because then ANY of his amps could be a MK5.
voodoo_child said:
That picture is of a Nomad. Petrucci has used Nomads in the past (with talkboxes) so I don't see any reason to call it anything other than a Nomad.

Everything about it is the same as a Nomad, knob layout, channel lights etc. The only small discrepancy is the 'Nomad' logo in the bottom right which looks a little weird. But the **** picture is 600x450 taken by an iPhone, so anyone trying to pretend there is actual detail there is an idiot.

It looks like a Nomad, so until someone proves otherwise, it IS a Nomad. You can come out with the usual BS...'oh, its a MK5 disguised in a Nomad shell' etc, but if you're going to take that route, you might as well throw all logic out the window because then ANY of his amps could be a MK5.

Maybe that is a Nomad, but overall, I'm just curious why so many folks are unwilling to believe that there is a Mark V coming out. The evidence seems pretty overwhelming that there will be one--I just don't see where all the denial is coming from.
voodoo_child said:
That picture is of a Nomad. Petrucci has used Nomads in the past (with talkboxes) so I don't see any reason to call it anything other than a Nomad.

Everything about it is the same as a Nomad, knob layout, channel lights etc. The only small discrepancy is the 'Nomad' logo in the bottom right which looks a little weird. But the **** picture is 600x450 taken by an iPhone, so anyone trying to pretend there is actual detail there is an idiot.

It looks like a Nomad, so until someone proves otherwise, it IS a Nomad. You can come out with the usual BS...'oh, its a MK5 disguised in a Nomad shell' etc, but if you're going to take that route, you might as well throw all logic out the window because then ANY of his amps could be a MK5.

If you look next to the power switch and the standby switch, there's a jewel light. The Nomad had a jewel light, not the smaller type lights that were on the Mark IV's. Same goes for the lights that are above the power and standby switches. They look to be the same kind of lights that were above the switches on the Mark IV. The Nomad doesn't have those either. There also looks to be 2 mini toggles for each channel, which the Nomad also didn't have. The only thing JP has used the Nomad for in the past was to power his talkbox, and on the last tour, they didn't do any songs with the talk box. I think its definitely the Mark V. It wouldn't make sense for him to take a Nomad out on the road for only a few shows. If he was using the Nomad again, I'm sure he'd incorporate it into his rig. It would make sense however if he was road testing a new prototype. I don't think its that hard to believe that the picture is legit and thats the Mark V prototype in a Nomad chassis. Mesa's done that in the past with other prototypes. Another thing I notice is that the logo looks like its 2 words separated, which would lead me to believe that it says Mark V or Mark 5.

JP's tech has posted replies on the HRI forum talking about how the amp sounded and that when JP played him a new track from the studio and that his tone was crushing. I don't see that coming from a Nomad.
I frequent HRI a lot, Guitartech72 does tech for Petrucci a lot. I'm sure his pictures are real and so is this one. I see no reason to believe this is not a Mark 5.

I another note, I only hope that the amp sucks so I don't have to spend another 2k on another amp in the next 6 months! lol. **** GAS!!!
mystidream said:
If you look next to the power switch and the standby switch, there looks to be 2 knobs vertically. The Nomad didn't have that.
Yes it did. The Nomad 100 with EQ certainly had those knobs to the right of the EQ.

Extra toggle switches? I dunno, they might be there, but its just a smudge to my old eyes :) jpg compression of a low-res picture taken on a crappy camera doesnt exactly give a 100% accurate picture. still looks like a Nomad to me.

I'm not doubting that a Mark V will come out, but these rumours and spottings and 'insider tips' have been doing the rounds for years. 'I just got off the phone with a friend in Boogie' etc :?

After a while, it all gets tiring. I will get excited when it is on the Mesa/Boogie product page... :wink:
Fixxer6671 said:
So you guys are basically saying his tech is not telling the truth?

Some are basically saying that. I have no reason to believe that his tech would lie. I have two reliable sources from which I both heard that the Mark V was being used by JP and that it will be coming out for sure. I can't wait to see a closeup more detailed shot (hopefully from NAMM).
mystidream said:
Fixxer6671 said:
So you guys are basically saying his tech is not telling the truth?

Some are basically saying that. I have no reason to believe that his tech would lie. I have two reliable sources from which I both heard that the Mark V was being used by JP and that it will be coming out for sure. I can't wait to see a closeup more detailed shot (hopefully from NAMM).

The sources are reliable. That's all I needed to see. I can't wait to see this thing.

It looks like a RoadKing for Mark series amps.... :D
Homeboy (guitartech72) from HRI IS a tech for JP. Bottom line - photo is real. If you don't believe it, you're going to feel like a total choad after NAMM.

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