man, some people got some killer deals lately!

The Boogie Board

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Yes, you DO have to prove 'jack', if you're going to claim 'jack'...POSEUR.

The other account was me, too. Had some problems setting up the email first time. What does that have to do with anything? If you've got another account - as you imply - what is it? Where's that 'since they started' history?

Let me ask you this - if you were at work, in a meeting, and other people were discussing an issue, would you insert yourself into their discussion by opening with "Wrong...on all counts"? Seems like that might be career limiting.

If a couple guys next to you at a bar were having a discussion, would you do the same? Seems like that might get your *** kicked.

But it's OK to do that here, right? Because you have a big pair of internet balls.

However, you don't even have your facts straight. This 'thread' is nominally about value. You claim that Mark III heads regularly sell for $800-$900 based upon your vast experience, but you can only provide two examples of that...where eBay history shows the majority in the mid $700s.

Your vast experience, which you CLAIMED, spans only three years on eBay, and one month ago you were ASKING what Mark IIIs were worth on the Gear Page. So, it would seem that your vast experience with Mark IIIs spans all of one month.

:D I think I'll take a Stout. Looks like I will need a strong buzz to be able to handle this. :lol: :lol: :lol:

It's just a discussion. Somebody posted their opinion and somebody else disagreed. No big fucking deal.

We're all adults here. If you don't like what somebody has said, let them know and then drop it. This is way beyond childish now.

The thread is about prices on ebay dropping slightly (or maybe a lot). It is not about pride.