LSS Chassis Bolt

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Well-known member
May 10, 2005
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Toronto, Canada
Do any of yours have a bolt/screw coming out of the chassis between the last 2 EL84s? Just sort of sitting there for no reason.

Mine has it and I have seen it in about a half of the others Í've looked at. Any ideas?

Maybe to kill any buzzing / vibration between the cab and chassis?

Ha! I thought the smae thing as I was installing the tubes after my amp was delivered.

It seems "the bolt" comes into question every few weeks or so. I've noticed it on all of the smaller chassis amps I've owned from Mesa. I was told it's there to reduce vibration between the head and cabinet. But I think it's main purpose is to prevent it during transport, more than during a gig. I could be wrong.
Do DRs and Road Kings have the bolt on their longer chassis? The biggest Mesa amp I own is an Ace and it's got the bolt as well.

As well as dampening vibrations; the bolt also seems to serve the function of grounding the chassis to the 'foil' undercoating on the top underside of the combo-cab or head-cab .

I say this because I did some work on my DC-5 a while back. When I put the chassis back into the combo cabinet I forgot all about tightening that screw(bolt) back up.

I had some very disturbing hum until I remembered about the screw. After I tightened it up the hum was gone.

So, I think it is evident that the screw(bolt) both dampens vibrations AND grounds the chassis to the foil.

I have the bolt on both my Lone Stars and on my DC-5.

Regards: Charles
I saw "Reeder" as the last reply and figured you were swaping the dampning screw 1 with dampning screw 2! 8)
Lou said:
I saw "Reeder" as the last reply and figured you were swaping the dampning screw 1 with dampning screw 2! 8)

That's not a bad idea! There's got to be a better sounding dampening screw out there somewhere!
I have this on my Stiletto Ace Combo as well. Please explain to me how this can dampen vibration. Vibration from what? What is being dampened?
Has anybody tried the 'screwless' mod? I noticed that this screw was the same thread specs as the screw that holds the chasis to the body (the one to the right). When I took the screw being discussed here out, I finally got the sound I've been wanting from my LSS!

Jk, of course :) With a tip of the hat to the reader mod. Just couldn't help myself.
Greetings Lou, CGM & GeoBull:

After much thought about your postings; I decided that you all might be onto something...

So I went down to the hardware store and found a Black Screw and a Brass Screw that matched the threading of the Chrome Chassis Screws.

I installed the Black Screw and the Brass Screw along with the 2 Chrome Chassis Screws that came with the amp. I ran wires from each of them to the foot-switch jacks on the back of my LSC. Now when I footswitch to the Black Screw I get a convincing 'Recto-Sound' and when I footswitch to the Brass Screw it sounds just like an old 'Tweed-Deluxe'.

This worked out so well that I am now thinking of installing an Aluminum Screw as well. It should give me an Acoustic Guitar sound.

I advise anyone without a sense of humor or a lick of sense; not to try these mods themselves; as they are extremely dangerous to your saniity and self esteem!

Well I was just looking at the inner workings of my amp and apparently the two screws have already been switched.

I really wish I could have known what they sounded like stock.
HMMMM....what do you supoose a blue screw would do?...I am after all a bluesman....I'm looking for the ultimate edge here...I mean, outside talent and hard work......CGM....
So... regarding that screw... And, since we're questioning sanity - you all should get a kick out of my stupidity...

I saw the screw in question in the back of my brand new LSS, and thought (like a complete idiot) that anything sticking out like that should really be screwed in ALL the way. Don't cringe...

So... I got out my electric drive and drove that sucker until it was all the way in! oops... The good news is that it didn't come sticking out the top of my amp. The bad news is that I called MB and found out that it really is just supposed to put tension on the chassis. They sent me a new screw since I stripped it in the process (I TOLD you I was an idiot).

Now, my question is whether or not to remove it, and make the repair to the top underside of the cabinet. I didn't realize there was foil there... I was thinking of taking it apart, using wood filler on the cabinet and reinstalling the new tension screw that they sent me. Or, I could just leave well enough alone. What do you think?

By the way, I do have an amp repair savvy friend who will help me with the repair. Clearly I can't be trusted with this kind of thing! :)

OK, "rib" me for all it's worth...

quiznos-prime-rib-lg.jpg that looks great! I bet I'll have time to eat it after I'm done fucking up my awesome new amp!!! :)

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