LSC vs. Bruno Cowtipper 45

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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2006
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The Cowtipper is the first amp that imo does Fender cleans as good or better than my BF Fenders. In fact I might give it a slight edge against my LSC too But Its very close.

This is the first amp I've played that I could live with in place of my LSC. However with that said the amps tonally are very close. And with the Zendrive on Channel 1 of the LSC I get all the touch Sensitivity I need from gentle crystalline strums to sweet juicy leads. And with the Zen on Channel 2 the GAS I've been having for a Komet Concorde has been somewhat abated.

Bottom line Tony Bruno is making some incredible amps but the nagain so is Randall Smith. Don't let the Cork Sniffers tell you otherwise.
Very interesting. I really like what my OCD has been doing with my LSC, but I'd love to get my hands on a Zendrive. And I'll check out the Cowtipper too, though I'm as happy as a pig in **** with my LSC, especially after having done the Reeder mod to it.

Hey, I think I basically know what you mean when you say GAS, but... what exactly is does this mean? Just curious. :)
Gear Acquisition Syndrome, it's what drives my wife crazy! It comes from always looking for that next great amp, guitar, pedal, whatever. :D
The WIFE and GAS do not mix well...!!!

A highly volatile mixture...

This site does not help either. :)

Gotta tell you... I put a bunch of $$$ in upgrades on my strat and did it piece by piece... that is until she caught on to what I was doing!

I keep an envelop in my car... I throw a few $$$ in there a few times a week and it adds up over time LMAO

Then I hide the sales slips... I'm being as serious as a heart attack here...

Hey... Guys... this GAS is serious stuff and there is no way in hell I'm not getting the gear I want. I guy has got to do whatever is needed to get it. Women do it with clothes and shoes.... I do it with gear ;)
Well, i gotta tell yea, my wife is just the opposite. A couple of years ago I wanted a Shiva with cabs and she was all for it. Last Xmas, I happened to mention that what I "really' needed was a red Strat to go with my others and the next thing I know she's ordered a candy apple red Eric Johnson from Sweetwater. About three weeks age I spotted a short head Lonestar on Gbase. She put that one on her credit card. I really couldn't ask for any more support that that!
cb101 said:
Well, i gotta tell yea, my wife is just the opposite. A couple of years ago I wanted a Shiva with cabs and she was all for it. Last Xmas, I happened to mention that what I "really' needed was a red Strat to go with my others and the next thing I know she's ordered a candy apple red Eric Johnson from Sweetwater. About three weeks age I spotted a short head Lonestar on Gbase. She put that one on her credit card. I really couldn't ask for any more support that that!
Wow. That's, um, over the top. You're a lucky man.

Jimminy Crickets.
Hey guys!

I just had to add my 2-cents here!

Every once in a while my wife laments over all the nice things I buy for myself; because she never has 'anything much' to show for her money.

And it's true (more or less). She spends every spare penny she gets almost as soon as she gets a result she never gets anything as expensive (and permanent) as my 'gear purchases'.

I tell her over and over save up for something nice (like I do)...but she ends up going for the 'instant gratification' of a new blouse here; a new pair of pants there; some earrings...etc...etc... you know the pattern. She then 'resents' my self control and 'suggests' I ought to 'sell' some of my guitars and amps...that I (QUOTE: "don't need") so she can buy something expensive too!

I refuse. I deny myself certain 'little things' in order to get the 'big things'.
I also put money away...and hide receipts...not because I ever actually make my purchases secretly...but merely to avoid having to go into the whole explanation over and over again...such as... "remember when I saved my Tax Refund money and you bought a bunch of useless junk and clothes you don't even wear anymore"?!

Men and women both act on emotions and buy impulsively from time to time; but men seem much more likely to take into account 'the big picture' and 'plan' their purchases.Even those of us who (seem to) succumb to GAS usually have a 'long-range plan'...whereas my wife just buys whatever she can afford at the moment...and does this continually. None of my amps or guitars were bought without a 'saving plan' being implemented ahead of time. I might not have even known which guitar or amp I was going to buy; but I did know that I was planning on buying one and I began saving to get it. I didn't get the money saved by buying every little gimmick that I ran across! Again:I deny myself some 'little things' in order to get the 'big things'.

It would seem that women can neither understand this 'self-control'; or they just can't implement it; and so they resent it!

Cheers: Charles
That was a nice post Charles. I guess my wife's just the opposite. She saves for the big items she wants and doesn't really buy small things. Case in point, she's the little old lady from Pasadena, and really wanted to get a 2000 Z28 Camaro. (She previously had a 1994 and 1996 and sold both of them). We found one and drove 400 miles to pick it up. She has since modified the exhaust system and cams and is happy as a lark. By the way Charles, tomorrow I am taking the Lonestar to my amp tech to have your modification done.

Hey cb101; it looks as if your wife is the proverbial 'exception to the rule'!

I really...really think you're gonna love the 'mod'...but I don't know if I'd pay someone to do it (if I were you) it rather sounds as if your wife might be able to do it for you! Chuckle!

BTW: Share your results on the 'mod'...there are a lot of 'fence-sitters' still waiting for more 'proof'.

I can't solder worth a damm. I have trouble putting in new pickups and with something like the Lonestar, I don't want to take a chance of screwing anything up.

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