LSC crunch??

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Well-known member
Jul 22, 2006
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I have had a LSC 112 for awhile now and have found great clean and lead tones with my EJ strat, but I cannot find a crunch tone on the second channel (and lead sounds with the settings) that I like. I am not looking for something modern or heavy, but more 70's. I have been thinking of trying an OD pedal to get more differences. Any suggestions would be cool.

( This may help with my GAS for the Stilleto Ace)
Well, Andy Timmons uses a BB preamp and gets a fantastic sound from his LSC. See it YOUTUBE. He does hoever always seem to have a stilletto close at at hand as well...
I use a Fulldrive 2 with my LSC and I think it's great. I do wanna try a set of yellow jackets though.
If you like EJ's tone, he is supposedly using a Tone Bone Classic in front of his amps. He also uses a BK Butler Tube Driver (aka Chandler). Andy Timmons uses the BB Pre-amp. I use it too. It is the sweetest sounding solid state booster I have ever used. BTW Andy Timmons uses the Stilletto only for the power amp section. He uses a G-Force and sends one of the stereo outs to the loop return of the stilletto and the other back to the LSC. Have fun trying different combinations....
Although I use an OCD into my LSC, before I had the OCD, I never had a problem getting a nice "70".s crunch from Ch2. And I will say that after doing a full JJ re-tube 6l6's and pre-amps, I found that Ch 2 crunched up a lot smoother than with the mesa bottles. I even lost a lot of the low end fartiness that I had with the mesa tubes. Also I found, and I've read on this forum, that keeping the drive lower helps with the 70's type crunch. Or you could use a LP, when I use the LP your into Free territory. IMHO
OK i am lost, is the LS Classic just the regular LS? Or is there actually 3 all together.

I went to a concert the other night, and New Found Glory (no bashing) andy they switched from Rec's to LS's going into 4x12 cabs and they had great tone and cut through great. Sad thing is i could here them better then the headliner
OK as far as I know when the Lones Star came out it was called the Lonestar Classic, then came the Lonestar Special. They are 2 different amps. Now Mesa has dropped the Lonestar Classic name as far as I know, and just call them Lonestar, and Lonestar Special. My too sents!
Thanks, that is what I thought. The classic sounds really good for that punk/rock/hardrock sound. They cut through very well in the mix, better then fall out boy who were using a Rec and I believe the other guy uses a Krank, and his side sounded like big time ****!

Of course the FOB could have just been EQ'd not right, I also think it might be because I was in the balconly and the PA's where angled down, so maybe i wasnt hereing the highs of the rec, I could still hear it, but it was just adding on top of the bass.

Bikedude said:
OK as far as I know when the Lones Star came out it was called the Lonestar Classic, then came the Lonestar Special. They are 2 different amps. Now Mesa has dropped the Lonestar Classic name as far as I know, and just call them Lonestar, and Lonestar Special. My too sents!
Bikedude said:
OK as far as I know when the Lones Star came out it was called the Lonestar Classic, then came the Lonestar Special. They are 2 different amps. Now Mesa has dropped the Lonestar Classic name as far as I know, and just call them Lonestar, and Lonestar Special. My too sents!

First came the Lonestar.

The following year came the Lonestar Special.

Then, Mesa users (us!), to be able to tell the two amps apart when discussing, labeled them "LSS" and "LSC". In other words, we gave the original Lonestar the "Classic" label just to be able to know which amp we were talking about.

-Gary K
I agree with a previous reply. I had just used pedals for overdrive until I retubed with JJ's. Now I get a smoother OD than before that is usable. I still use the pedals plus my 2nd ch also. Backing off the drive helps also. I also am finding that with the band my gain still is to high from what I set it for without the band. And alot of little tweaks while playing to zero it in.
They had to drop the "Classic" name due to a lawsuit by Peavy, (I think). So they now just call it the Lonestar.


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