Looking For a New Amp

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Well-known member
Mar 28, 2007
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OK I'm selling my Mark IV Widebody ( Quilted Maple Cabinet ). It's a great amp but to much for me at the age of 48. I'm looking for a amp with a clean sound and a JCM800 overdrive sound. I don't need a lot of power because I mainly play at home and do a few gigs with the guys 4 or 5 times a year. Does anything come to mind I should look at? I will be playing a PRS Private stock guitar through the amp I get.
Gezzzz how come all these guys are walking right into this one!!! LMAO Sorry but people keep asking the same type of questions here and the answer is simple... Mesa made an amp specifically for this.

You want nice cleans and JCM800 overdrive sounds? Get a Stiletto Duece Stage II and a 2x12 stiletto cabinet. If you want it in a combo get the Ace. Trust me :) The cleans are Black face Fender with an EL34 attitude and the Crunch is JCM800+
PHYX said:
OK I'm selling my Mark IV Widebody ( Quilted Maple Cabinet ). It's a great amp but to much for me at the age of 48. I'm looking for a amp with a clean sound and a JCM800 overdrive sound. I don't need a lot of power because I mainly play at home and do a few gigs with the guys 4 or 5 times a year. Does anything come to mind I should look at? I will be playing a PRS Private stock guitar through the amp I get.

I really badly want to see a picture of that cabinet!
dmroeder said:
PHYX said:
OK I'm selling my Mark IV Widebody ( Quilted Maple Cabinet ). It's a great amp but to much for me at the age of 48. I'm looking for a amp with a clean sound and a JCM800 overdrive sound. I don't need a lot of power because I mainly play at home and do a few gigs with the guys 4 or 5 times a year. Does anything come to mind I should look at? I will be playing a PRS Private stock guitar through the amp I get.

I really badly want to see a picture of that cabinet!

It's for sale on ebay right now.
PHYX said:
dmroeder said:
PHYX said:
OK I'm selling my Mark IV Widebody ( Quilted Maple Cabinet ). It's a great amp but to much for me at the age of 48. I'm looking for a amp with a clean sound and a JCM800 overdrive sound. I don't need a lot of power because I mainly play at home and do a few gigs with the guys 4 or 5 times a year. Does anything come to mind I should look at? I will be playing a PRS Private stock guitar through the amp I get.

I really badly want to see a picture of that cabinet!

It's for sale on ebay right now.

Gorgeous amp!
I recently sold my Mark IV Short Head and bought a Lone Star Special Long Head. I was attracted to the 5 watt power selection and the EL 84 power, even though I’ve only played 6L6 amps in the past. I mostly play bedroom levels is why I wanted the 5 watt power and have grown to like the sounds of EL 84 amps. I play Country, Southern Rock and some Blues. So, my vote in your situation is to try a LSS. The clean channel is to die for-very Voxish with reverb to revel Fender. The crunch channel will handle anything to AC/DC, ZZ Top, etc. Due to the LSS reverb, I also sold my EH DMM, which I used with my Mark IV since its reverb wasn’t much. As you know, the Mark IV is a great amp, when you can bring the volume up. The LSS is a great amp at bedroom levels and is truly “special” at louder volumes.

