LoneStar Owners...How Much Does Your Hum?

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Well-known member
Apr 2, 2005
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Isle of Whidbey
I know that's a pretty hard question to answer....

Both of mine hum a fair amount, especially on the lead channel, or on the clean channel with the gain turned up. It's fairly annoying, not that you can hear it when playing, but during breaks it just hums away!

I suppose it just comes with the territory, since both the Classic and Special do it.

Really noticeable with the strat, not as bad with the PRS.
Mine doesn't hum at all, it's a very quiet amp. I suspect your hum is either a guitar, cable, or source of electricity issue. There is a very soft whir of the fan, but that's it.
I have the Lone Star Special 1x12 Combo and I think it's a very quiet amp. The only time I would consider it noisy is when I'm running effects in front with my Carvin Bolt guitar (kit) with single coils.
I have a Classic and its very quiet.

One exception. Houses are close together where I live. My neighbor on one side put in these outdoor path marker lights. When they are on everything I've got gets noisey. It uses some kind of tranformer and dirties the electricity. He's since moved and the people living there now are renting. Thats good news because I think the lights are broke and the tenant is'nt fixing them. Have'nt had any noise in a long time :).
I have to agree with the interference/shielding theory as my Lonestar Special is very quite on both channels...
I have the Lonestar Classic 2x12 and like previously mentioned, I just hear the fan. I will occasionally pick up some noise from flourescent lights while playing my Strat but if I put the selector in between positions, it goes away.

Maybe yours hums; but mine can sing. My Lonestar Classic is very guiet. On par with the F-50; which is also a fairly quiet amp.
Tubes maybe?

Maybe it was picking up noise from the TV last night, I don't remember if I had it on or not.

The amp is fine tonight, no more hum! :oops:
It was humming pretty good at band practice at my buddy's house last night, but he has some electricity issues, evidently. Half his outlets don't even work. :D
Hey, maybe we could invent a pickup that would "buck" the hum possible have double the poles to cancel each other out and call it...oh I don't know....a Humbucker? :lol:

Brewski said:
Depending on the pickups and switch setting, the single coils on your strat could have added to the hum.
TheRazMeister said:
Hey, maybe we could invent a pickup that would "buck" the hum possible have double the poles to cancel each other out and call it...oh I don't know....a Humbucker? :lol:

Brewski said:
Depending on the pickups and switch setting, the single coils on your strat could have added to the hum.

Hey, I think that you might be on to something! Although, I heard rumors of "noiseless" pickups being out there. We could call 'em Samarium Cobalts. But, isn't the hum part of the endearment of a Strat? :lol:
I have Samarium Cobalts in my Strat! Maybe that's why I don't hear any humming! :wink:
If he's got the problem I think he's got no pickup will help. He's SCHAAAROOOOOD!
My classic has a slight transformer like hum. I should move it to another location in the house and see if it still hums. I get the noise even when nothing is plugged in. Like I said, it is a very slight hum. I had an Aiken that ran very quiet and that spoiled me on what I expect.
LSSMan, have you tried using any power noise filtering or supression of any kind? There are some power strips that are supposed to have noise reduction for computers and such. You may possibly have an open ground, which is causing some of the humming. The single coils will pick it up more. A friend has a Lonestar Special and it's fairly quiet. Also, how much time do you have on your tubes? Just trying to help.
Yesterday I started playing and kicked up the volume and heard buzzing on channel 1. Channel 2 was nice and quiet. Odd that it happened right after I posted to this thread!

I tried a different guitar cable. I tried 50/100/tweed 50/tweed100; Reverb/Noreverb; a power outlet on a different breaker; no guitar; no volume on the guitar, but the noise stayed there.

I happen to have a couple of Mesa 12AX7 spare tubes and a Mesa 12AT7. So I swapped tubes in V1, which seems to be the Channel 1 gain stage and that made no difference.

I started thinking about the power train, since this sounded like a transformer hum, but only on one channel, and decided to change V5, which is the phase inverter. That took care of the problem.

Now I have what I consider a normal hum. It is lower in volume than the noise I get from the fan and it doesn't vary when I turn the master volume on either channel up to max - an area I seldom get to unless I am just testing.

Bottom line, try swapping/frogging this tube and see if the problem changes or goes away.

The one I had in there must not have been