load an LSC w/ greenbacks?

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Feb 5, 2008
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I have an LSC (10/50/100 version) 2x12 combo. I am wondering if I can load the combo with greenbacks.

- They are 25w each. Would I need to limit myself to the 10/50w settings?
- Is an open-back cabinet the best option for the greenback speakers or should I consider a closed 2x12 extension?
- I play at a bit louder than bedroom volume. I will not be pushing any set of speakers too hard. Will the low volume settings buy me some leeway with the lower wattage of the greenbacks?

My main concern is spending the money on these speakers and then blowing them out because I am newb when it comes to gearhead aspects of electric guitar. Any thoughts on this topic will be greatly appreciated.
yes, definitely stick to the 10/50 watt modes. when fully cranked, a tube amp is going to put out more than the rated wattage. it has to do with HOW they rate it: it's a measure of how many clean watts an amp puts out. power section distortion is a great sound and an integral part of rock tones (lots of the classic guitar sounds of yesteryear were non-master volume amps and the distortion/warmth comes from the power section being pushed). some people say to be absolutely safe, double the wattage of your amp when it comes to speaker selection (but that's if you're really turning up the volume).......if you're getting power section break up you're definitely putting out more watts than your amp is rated for. of course, some speakers are rated conservatively but i'm not sure about greenbacks being one of them......

since you say you mostly play around 'bedroom' volume, you'd be fine in 10w and probably ok in 50. but if you're turning up louder, stay in 10.
I agree with lyman, stay with that 10/50 setting and unless you're dead set on greenbacks, I would even look for another solution. If you already had them laying around, using them would be fine. But as a new purchase specifically for this amp, you're not going to get a good value for your money. A lot of that sensitivity and touchiness you'll like will come from the tension between amp and speaker(s) at volume. By not matching the speaker to the amp you lose some of that potential even before you get started.

... an un-ported closed back cab will usually stiffen up the speaker a little, so if you decide to go with the 25watters that will help. Going with a 4x12 setup w/greenbacks would help even more! ... in fact I think that's where you really want to be :D

Oh... and don't forget about mixing and matching speakers. That works for 2x12's as well as it does for 4x12's ... if you like that sort of thing.

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