Live rigs and home studio set ups. . .show us

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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
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I'd love to see what every one is working with. from live rigs to practice rigs to personal home studio set ups. Guitars, amps, pedals, racks, cup holders. This is the place to show off. I'd post something if I had anything to show off lol. I'm working on it and would love some ideas from ya'll. Thanks!
after 35 years of playing and gigging my home rig and gig rig is the same now.

Me ------>1973 Les Paul Deluxe w/PAF's----->Mesa Boogie Mark IV Combo------>world.

Thats it.

I have piles of pedals, processors, and amps I feel I no longer need and don't use anymore (and dont miss).

I have never played better, sounded better, or been happier.

can you live without a picture????

cheers to all and remember the kiss method.
I suppose I can live without pictures haha. I can totally dig and respect your set up. Less is very often more. Thanks dude!
Alright, I'll bite. Here's my setup:


MK IV running into a 2x12 Soldano, RK II running into a Mesa 4x12 and Mesa 2x12. Up front are my two favourite guitars, LP and Explorer. My buddy's bass guitar is there as well as my old LTD KH-602. In the corner is my computer & recording equipment. Mackie 20-channel, M-Audio rack-mounted cards, some pre-amps, etc. Fun setup!

As for my guitars & amps, I run straight in as well. I used to **** around with EQ pedals and all that jazz but I've learned that there isn't much that sounds better than a Les Paul straight into a Road King cranked the **** up.

Less is more! :twisted:

Dude, this is one righteous rig! Less is so very much more it seems. Cheers!
My simple rig and 2 of 7 fiddles.


Mark IVb
2x12 Vertical Recto cab loaded with a Celestion GT12-75 and an EV12L (bottom)
Carvin V412B loaded with BR-12 100w speakers (cab is 400watt / 8ohm)

Furman RackRider RR15-NL
DBX 266XL Compressor
Hush Super C
Sabine Tuner

What's not seen in the picture, but going into the front of the amp is a Boss RPQ-10 Preamp / Parametric EQ.

That's really all I need but I also have a pedalboard that I sometimes use when I need FX.


Line 6 M13, Korg Pitch Black tuner, Morley Little Alligator Volume and a Morley Mark tremonti Wah.
Powered by a Voodoo Lab Pedal Power 2+

For home recording/writing I have an HP HPE180t Elite ( Win 7 Ultimate 64bit, i7-950 quad core, 9gb ddr3 and 1tb sata 3.0 drive, GFX260 video)
Sonar 8.5 Producer is my primary tracker.
Input via Line 6 POD X3 for now, until the Win 7 64bit firewire drivers get fixed.
Monitors: 1xpair M-Audio BX8 and 1xpair M-Audio AV-40

dbsens03 said:
how are the rocktron hush's verses isp decimators

I don't know, I've never had the chance to try the ISP.
I've always used Hush (Hush I & Hush II) and found the Rocktron Super C to be perfect for me and high-gain amp setups.
Prior to that, I used to use a Boss NF-1 Noise Gate, then the NS-2 Noise Supressor when it came out.
Awesome rig hazbin!!!

I've noticed a lot of players going to the 4x12 on top of a 2x12.
Question: Is there a tonal combination I'm missing out on or is it just a personal preference kind of thing?
cabba2203 said:
Awesome rig hazbin!!!

I've noticed a lot of players going to the 4x12 on top of a 2x12.
Question: Is there a tonal combination I'm missing out on or is it just a personal preference kind of thing?

I think it's just a personal preference. I also like how a 4x12 on a 2x12 means the amp is at a perfect height for altering the knobs. I'm 6'3" and the knobs on my RK sit almost perfect at eye-level and it's very easy to see where everything is at.
dbsens03 said:
how do you like the dominion? I've been thinking about buying one.

I originally had the Professional Model and liked it so much that I ordered the Custom Shop version. It is a great playing guitar and has lots of tone on tap.
Bro KV said:
dbsens03 said:
how do you like the dominion? I've been thinking about buying one.

I originally had the Professional Model and liked it so much that I ordered the Custom Shop version. It is a great playing guitar and has lots of tone on tap.

where's a pic of that?!?

dbsens03 said:
Those are both freaking awesome! You're not Mark Morton are you?

Haha, no but I have talked to him a lot about the Custom Shop. A friend of mine did a run of 5 black dominions, thing was that Mark has to approve any CS Dominions and he would not let us make any unless they were the exact same specifications as his. But his is a very cool dude.
Bro KV said:
dbsens03 said:
Those are both freaking awesome! You're not Mark Morton are you?

Haha, no but I have talked to him a lot about the Custom Shop. A friend of mine did a run of 5 black dominions, thing was that Mark has to approve any CS Dominions and he would not let us make any unless they were the exact same specifications as his. But his is a very cool dude.

That's rad. From what I've rad about the Dominion, it seems like it is an extremely versatile guitar. Not to mention it has some nice curves. I look forward to picking one up. Got any video's with them through the mesa?

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