Lead sounds on DR!

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Ellero said:
Interesting replies, and thanks to all who have replied!

The thing is, in response to the posts about not using a DR for shred, I don't always shred, I play thrash in a band, and I am just the lead guitarist, so I mainly need my tone for the rhythms because there are a lot more rhythms than solos in the songs of course. So I am looking for something that can alter my sound during the solos that will satisfy me for my solo playing.

Hopefully that can clarify?

I am in the same boat as you are, but I went a different route regarding the boost. I use a Metalzone set up as a clean boost. Set the eq knobs straight up on the pedal. This adds a nice compression that seems to be lacking on the amp itself for lead tones. I also do not use channel 3. I use channel 2 modern, tube rectification, and bold power.
I have owned 2 Mesa Triple recs and a Dual rec and was never satisfied with the lead tones (or cleans), non-stop tweaking. I now have a Roadster with a MXR 10 band EQ in the serial loop and am very happy. I play heavy stuff with solos also.
I too am the only guitarist in an original Metal/Heavy Modern Rock band and for me the Roadster is a great rhythm amp with very good lead tones. There are definatly some tastefull tones in this Rectifier. Ch 3 Vintage w/GZ34 rectifiers is my favorite combination for solos. With a MXR 10 band GEQ and modded TS-9 out front, and fine tuning with the G-Major's 3-band Parametric EQ in the loop I can get a lot of great tones from all 4 channels.

I am more about 'my own sound' rather than try to get a perticular players tone 'spot-on'.

To the OP, Chris McKinley posted some great guidelines on getting good tones from a Rectifier early on in this thread. I suggest trying these approaches in your quest for a good lead tone with your Dual Recto. Also, don't be afraid to try the GEQ out front as well. I use mine for pre-distortion tone shaping, and the amp's EQ is my post-distortion EQ, with the parametric as my overall EQ, and to tweak in a dead or brittle sounding club/room without changing the amp's core tone and character.

Take a peek here http://forum.grailtone.com/viewtopic.php?t=25471 ... a few good examples of Recto lead tones.

Elpelotero said:
or you skip the trouble and get a Mark

*runs away fast*

LOL... Very true! I even did that. I felt so helpless achieving a lead tone out of my Road King that I picked up a Quad Pre... Such a great piece of gear. Truth is, my problem turned out to be user error, and the gear I was using with the RK. Plus I think the trouble IS worth it.

Ellero Be carful of the presence knob. That might be where the "choppy" sound/tone is coming from. It's amazing what an EQ in the loop can do with a recto. :)
That is just what I am talking about. When I bought my 2 channel Triple Rec "Solo Head", I expected just that! What a let down that was. It had a great rhythm tone, but the leads sucked compared to the Mark series that I was used to. I was NOT going to use any pedals to get harmonics and sustain out of a Boogie (THAT IS AN OXY-MORON). I ended up with an Alesis 3630 compressor in the parallel loop, and using the "Red to Vintage" for my lead sound where I could adjust both of the presence controls to dial in the tone :eek: . Once I heard a C+ cranked up, The Recto was FOR SALE! The Roadster and Road King hold some promise for a lead tone, but I'm going to hold out for the MkV :twisted: .
Thanks again for all the replies guys

I trust in my DR haha, I believe it can achieve the leads I want, and I'm determined to find em! Should be getting an OD and EQ soon, and will be testing it right away! I'll keep you guys posted.
I have a Dual Rectifer Tremoverb and I get an amazing lead tone from Channel 1 Vintage High Gain. It is liquidy, smooth warm and has OK sustain. With my analogman modded TS9, I get the sustain that's not there.

Slap a little delay on it and it bleeds milky, creamy lead.
Maybe the guys that have not had luck using a Recto to find their lead tones, but have had luck with the Mark series are trying to use their Mark series settings for the lead tones on the Recto. Much like how Marshall guys try and set a Rectifier up using Marshall settings and then do not like the tones and say the Rectos suck.

Not saying that this is happening, but sounds similar to the Marshall/Mesa argument I hear on the internet all the time. To me, the Mark series lead tone is too smooth and not aggressive enough. But then, I did not get a Dual Rec for a smooth lead tone. I would have stayed in the Marshall camp had I wanted that. I wanted a harsh, aggressive cutting lead tone. The Rectos do this in spades.
Southernhell said:
Maybe the guys that have not had luck using a Recto to find their lead tones, but have had luck with the Mark series are trying to use their Mark series settings for the lead tones on the Recto.

Definately not the case for me. I should have stated it more clearly. I have revised my earlier post. The problem was not the tone, but the lack of sustain and harmonic overtones. If any of you guys have the DR/TR lead sound working for you, good for you. :D I just could not justify buying a new MESA, and then buying more equipment to get a juicy solo sound. :evil:
Ellero, they have a Mark III Simul Class Blue Stripe Head at The Guitar Shop (on Lakeshore in Port Credit). In case you wanna try it out and see what they sound like for both rhythm and lead, in case you were considering a Mark series...

Yeah it would be right up your alley if your playing thrash!

Just thought I'd mention it...
Oh snap dude, where you from?

And I think I need to stay with the DR, I just spent all this money on it and I don't really want to have to spend more haha.....not yet at least. But I might just check it out still, see what the talk is about.

I find it funny how they call it a "solo" head when people have problems with getting a good lead tone hahah.
Port Credit

Yeah, it's a pretty sick amp for sure...if you end up preferring the Mark III then you can always trade your DR in - Your DR would have higher value so you can even get a store credit, or even sell the DR on Craigslist first...

Not sure what cab you have, but they have Marshalls, Bogners & all kinds of Boogies you can plug into, just bring your guitar in and crank her up!

Here's some settings you can bring for reference if you end up checkin it out:


They should suit your style...

If you end up going for it and find you need a footswitch PM me, I have a couple extra, I can sell one at a fair price...(just an FYI)
Thats awesome dude, you should come out to one of our shows if you like thrash. 8)

The DR I have would definately not have a higher value haha, i bought it used, and it looks kinda oldish, but it still sounds great. How much would a Mark III cost me new, so i know for future reference.

And thanks for the help dude, I'll check out those settings if i stop by!
Cool, lemme know when you guys play, I'll see if I can make it out...

The Mark III's are long discontinued, so "used" is all that's around, which is fine. I believe the Mark III at the Guitar Shop is $799, which is a good price, cause a Simul Blue Stripe Head on say eBay would go for at least $700 + shipping (usually from the US so add $100+) then custom fee's another $100+...

You never know, you can also talk the guys there, they're known to make deals, so you may be able to get it for less maybe $750, who knows, I still think your DR would be of higher value tho...

Yeah, lemme know what you think.
Will do bro!

Ah I see, thats not so bad, i wish i heard about that before I went for the DR. Oh well, I'll look into it and see what I can do! I should really give this thing a listen.
Bought this Coliseum head from Ebay. A heavy metal monster. Sold it to BB member "Jay" to pair up with his EVM-12L loaded G-flex 2x12 cab. :D


I too know exactly what your talking about and I too have had good results with a eq in the loop and od up front. I now only keep the 808 od in front of the amp, overdrive between 9 and 10 oclock. Channel two vintage, and the key is keep your gain no higher than 12. I prefer 10-11. With the 808 it's singing just fine. Just get a 808! Don't need the eq.
Dude dont dump your dr They own. Look for a snake charmer compressor, It has a 12ax7 tube in it, set it to a bare minimum setting, And use your maxon that should warm up your tone big time and make it not so choppy, Another thing might be cheaper look for a pickup booster by semour duncan, It has a setting on there for like single coil, That tends to warm it up a bit. Hope this helps.
Rectumfryer: I am going to try it with both the EQ in the loop as well as an OD in front soon and see how I like it, and then I'll go from there and tweak away!

Animus: I don't think I'll be dumping this, if anything I'll just save up and buy a Mark III later on, how much do you think that compressor goes for?
So I just picked up a Boss 7-band Equalizer pedal for 40$. I thought it was a good deal so I grabbed it. Still workin on the tweaking of it, and I've already found a couple good sounds, but I'm gunna keep looking. Any suggestions on settings on the EQ and on the DR?

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