just scored a EV extension cabinet

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Well-known member
Oct 17, 2006
Reaction score
think I just managed to score a matching EV extension cabinet to go with my IIC+- just double checking, do I plug both the ext cab and the internal speaker into the 4 ohm sockets now? Plugging one into 8 and one into 4 just doesn't feel right to me.... :?:

Should be fun to have all the volume and spread! My IIC+ is the only one I have ever seen with a celestion 65 installed (factory i'm pretty sure), so I'm interested to see how that blends with an EV.
hah thanks guys, at least I've got a way to remember it now!

Plugged it in, sounds great (And loud!). It's actually a really nice combo with the Celestion, I thought the greater efficiency would just drown it out.

Bad news... after 20 minutes playing I'm starting to get serious farting on any Bb and A's I play. I think it might finally be time to succumb to the cap job it needs....