Just got my Mark IIC+ in today. A few problems...

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They are on the same jack, but the EQ opens or closes the LDR for the EQ ground to make it work and the Reverb (Tip) just shorts the cable to ground to complete the circuit. What position if the EQ switch in ? It has to be in " Out" position to footswitch.
Soundstorm said:
Yes, I'm doing something similiar to my Mark IV settings. I'm using a '78 LP custom, and the pickups must be really hot because I always have a really low drive setting on whatever I play, but I still manage to get a light palm mute chunk if I want, and plenty of overdrive. This is what I'm working with right now:

Vol 1: 7.5 pulled
Treb: 8.5 pulled
Bass: 3 pulled
Mid: 7
Master 1: 1-2 pulled
Lead Drive: 3
Lead Master: 7.5 pushed
Presence: 7.5

Graphic EQ: W shape, with 240 and 2200 at the center line, 750 half way to the top line, 80 at the top line, 6600 slightly below the top line.

Try those and tell me what you think. Sounds good at the lower volume I'm playing at right now.

I'm using a Mesa vertical 2x12 with a 12GH30 and a Vintage 30.

Not compared to your settings, but as a general rule on the C+.

Higher Volume 1 and lower lead drive = FAT
Higher Master and lower Lead Master = Meaty
7.5 Prescence and an EVM-12L = Pain :lol:

The C+ takes on an entire different tone when cranked. If you have a Simul-class, try class A to get the volume down a bit. 8)

When I use my LP, I will barely crack the neck pickup volume, and switch to it whenever I go to the rhythm channel for a clean sound. Never cared too much for a clean tone with the bridge pickup. The middle position on the guitar toggle in the lead channel with the guitar volume set up this way will provide a nice "chunk".
Well, thanks for the replies everyone. I've arranged to have it sent over to Boogie some time next week. The guy I purchased it from said the reverb was working before he sent it, so he offered to pay the shipping and repair for the reverb. I figure I'll just get Mike B to give it a good look-over once it's there. I'll get some new pre tubes for it, also. I've never tried the Mesa brand, so I guess now's as good a time as any.

Any suggestions while it's in Petaluma?
Anyone have good results with a certain brand/model of tubes in the IIc+?

For hard/classic rock type sounds.
Mike will probably call you to report his findings/suggestions when he gets to check out the amp. He knows these amps like the back of his hand. I have GT-12AX7M's in one of my C+ amps and the Tung-Sol 12AX7 re-issues in another. I like them both. :D

Can Mike put anything in there other than Mesa tubes? I haven't heard the best things about them thus far.

I hear that the Tung-Sol is a very high-gain tube, and that there's a high risk of microphonics with them.
use the GT 6l6 GE (re-issues of the General Electrics) and there's another GT for the el34 position...I want to say it's a Mullard re-issue?? I don't know why I want to say 6ca7?
Soundstorm said:
Well, thanks for the replies everyone. I've arranged to have it sent over to Boogie some time next week. The guy I purchased it from said the reverb was working before he sent it, so he offered to pay the shipping and repair for the reverb. I figure I'll just get Mike B to give it a good look-over once it's there. I'll get some new pre tubes for it, also. I've never tried the Mesa brand, so I guess now's as good a time as any.

Any suggestions while it's in Petaluma?

Did you try any of the simple repair advice?
Yeah, I tried switching the reverb cables. That's about it. Here's my idea, what if I just order the reverb tank from Boogie, and get some tubes.

I can save the guy the price of shipping, and the cost of having Mike B. work on it.

BB- Should I get my amp serviced? Other than the microphonics, it seems to work fine. I can probably repair the reverb tank myself.
It could have popped the springs in shipping, but if you buy a tank and it does not work the window of opportunity to have it serviced on the sellers dime is over. If you have doubts, send it to Mike B.

Rich from Mesa gave me a call yesterday. Diagnosis: Reverb tank was shot. It'll get replaced. The chassis was cracked and needs to be welded. One microphonic 12ax7 (i had checked all of them...apparently not so well.) I hadn't shipped the amp with my power tubes, which I should have. And it'll get a good overall cleaning. I'm going to call and ask them to check the filter caps...I'm hoping that's something they just do, but he didn't mention it so I'll call and bug them about it anyway.

Wish me luck, I should have my baby back in a couple of weeks.

Nothing like being reduced to a 1x12 Peavey SS practice amp to make you truly appreciate the wonders of the C+