Just got back from my Mesa Dealer talking abotu the Mark IV

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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2006
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He said the Mark IV was not good for metal but was better for blues and jazz, he said if I wanted a metal sound the Road King would be better for me. I told him I have the Dual Rect and I dont really dig it's tone and he said the RK doesnt sound like the DR. Is any of this true? He told me to get a Marshall JVM instead (I think hes just biased).

Im interested in getting a Mark IV but it has to be able to do a metal rythym tone as well as lead. I told him he was off his rocker and started naming bands like Metallica and Dream Theater who used the Mark IV. Anyone got any great metal clips I can listen to? Thanks.
With the right guitar/pickup combo you can get some seriously heavy tones out of the mark iv using the lead channel. The geq makes it a very versatile amp. I can melt faces off with the lead channel in my Mark IV A...
Octavarius said:
The RK is technically a Dual Rectifier...

Thats what I thought too.... He said the RK doesnt have as much gain as the DR. Is he stupid?
BigMesa said:
Octavarius said:
The RK is technically a Dual Rectifier...

Thats what I thought too.... He said the RK doesnt have as much gain as the DR. Is he stupid?

Yes he is. He's an idiot. Don't listen to him, just look at the Mesa site, check out a few manuals for description, browse forums like this, etc.
Yeah this guy is below 80 I.Q. type. Mark IV can't get metal tones? Why the hell have they been used by Dream Theater, Metallica, and Lamb of God? The guy obviously has never taken the time to tinker with the Mark IV to get the right sounds, or he just dimes the gain and scoops the mids like a thirteen year old. I primarily play progressive (Dream Theater), thrash (Exodus, Testament, Megadeth), and speed metal (Cacophony, Racer X). The Mark IV is the best amp I have ever used for any of it and I used to own a 5150 FWIW. The guy is just trying to pimp an amp that will put more cash in his wallet. Ignore him and try out a Mark IV for yourself.
HA, the road king doesn't sound like a DR that's good stuff right there :lol:
I would say the Mark IV can do metal easily, but it has it's place. In one of my bands I use my Mark IV and we play progressive metal, jazz, blues, rock, soft rock, whatever we feel like writing and a lot of covers (priest, collective soul, incubus, maiden) it works great. In my other band the Mark IV just doesn't sound right/fit with the style, but my DR sounds amazing in that setting. Both can do pretty much anything with the right settings, fingers, guitars, pups, etc...
Are you freakin serious??!?!! Tell your dealer he needs to get his head out of his ***. I have a set of EMG 81's and I'll tell ya with the settings I got, the Mark IV distortion punches me in the face every time. I can't tell how many times it puts a smile on my face when I'm riffin out. The Mark IV can do any type of music you listen to trust me don't listen to anyone who says "the Mark IV can't do w/e" ****.

Hate to bring them up again and again but Zorran's clips are probably one of the most known to everyone dealing with the Mark IV and Metal tones.


The Bogner Clip, Apathy and maby 1 more clip was not done with the Mark IV. Everything else I'm pretty sure is. Listen to Down Again, Surrounded and Vulvacure and then tell me the Mark IV can't do metal. Enjoy.
BigMesa said:
He said the Mark IV was not good for metal but was better for blues and jazz..

Let's all start the rumor that the Mark series are for ONLY blues and jazz. That way the market price will be driven down by the metalheads. They should only buy the Recto series from now on :roll: . I am joking, of course. :lol: :lol: :lol: No offense intended to the metalhead crew, BTW.
Yeah I had a salesman that tried to talk me out of the MKIV as well. He bad mouthed it... said he knew of no one who liked them and that he would never use one live. I decided to phone Mesa direct! I had a nice conversation with Mike... told him what I was looking for and talked about the MKIV and other Mesas for about 20 minutes! Totally helpful and I ended up getting the MKIV and if the salesman thinks this amp is a dog I can only imagine what a hacker of a player he must be.
Did he really say that with a straight face? You sure he was not joking??
BigMesa said:
He said the Mark IV was not good for metal but was better for blues and jazz
:shock: :shock: :shock:

Wow and he also said this???
BigMesa said:
RK doesnt sound like the DR.
The poor ******* must be tone deaf! :D

As far as
BigMesa said:
He told me to get a Marshall JVM instead (I think hes just biased).
I have tried this amp and unless maybe I tried a clunker you would be better off with a Line6 POD and some kind of tube poweramp like a Mesa 20/20 as you can tell not that impressed with the JVM.
srf399 said:
Yeah I had a salesman that tried to talk me out of the MKIV as well. He bad mouthed it... said he knew of no one who liked them and that he would never use one live.
I have heard this many times and it usually boils down too, they have to order the amp, if the one you want is sitting on the floor then the story is different

BigMesa said:
He said the Mark IV was not good for metal but was better for blues and jazz

By the way has anybody contacted John Petrucci? Sounds like he needs to fire Mark Snyder :D
Anyone who things the Mark IV can't do metal is mistaken. I won't insult their intelligence, but they seriously don't know how to use the amp.

Just listen to this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kk-1TKNnYhc

They use Mark IVs, and they're very metal indeed.

:D 8)

Them boys are bad.....going to see them for the 7th time in a little over a year in august!!!! :D
Hey Hazbin, how do you like the Rocktron Expression? I need an effects unit for my Mark IV and I've been wondering which is better, The Rocktron or the TC Electronics G-Major. Can you give me the pros and cons of the Rocktron Expression because I really don't know which one is the better buy.
I would definately let Mesa know about this. I know back in the day they were very selective as to who they would let represent their products. The markIV is no good for metal???? This guy is either retarded or on crack, but it really just sounds like the same old service (non-service) you get at the guitar world type places. You have to go into these types of stores with the knowledge of what you want before hand, because the salesman will just sell you anything and they don't know squat about their own products.

I remember guitar center in Hollywood was full of these types of idiots.... you cross the street and walk into Hollywood customs (I think that was the name) it was totally different. Those guys new their stuff.

Avoid those big box stores if possible and find that neat little hole in the wall place where the guys know their sh!t!!!

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