just bought a used F-50 and....

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Dec 11, 2006
Reaction score
It sounds like mud!
I don't know how old the tubes are so I'm considering a full re-tube.
Is the A/B circuit THAT much different than the old Class A that I'm used to?
Would you go back with standard Mesa 6L6's and 12AX7's?

help and thanks!!
thats wierd. f series is usually a little brighter than people like. class A is definately warmer but i wouldn't say a/b would be muddier. could be tubes and it could be eq settings. turn everything to noon and use channel 2 contour. should rock out bright and clear. sorry i can't be more of a help. i never really had a tube problem in my life and i always sold my stuff after a few years. bigger and better the american way.

there are a lot of f-50 clips on this site you can hear and compair. hal9000 has some good f-100 stuff. there is also a f series site at harmony central i believe that a lot of guys here are on. they post their settings and tones. check that out.
I was really surprised after reading all the great reviews and owning an old Mark I since the early 80's as to what this thing sounds like.
I'm gonna do some tube swapping this weekend to see if that clears it up.
Personally, whenever I play a Mesa I start with treble at noon and everything else at 9.

My usually settings are around (oclocks):
T = 2
M = 10
B = 10
P = 11
Hey Freddycaster, I had to retube when I bought my F-50 used. That changed it's character a lot and got rid of the mud that mine had. I think that you will rediscover the amp with a fresh set of glass in it.
I went with standard Mesa 6L6's and 12AX7's.
I've tried others in my old Boogie and just keep coming back to the Mesa tubes - might be the pre set bias thing - they just seem to work best.