Just bought a recto 4x12 cab. What a waste of $899... Help?

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you know there are a lot of great cabinets out there that can compliment a Recto, and especially a mesa recto cab..... that being said you should be able to get a great sound out of it..... i've owne three recto cabs and have been thrilled with all of them..... i think the real issue here is using the amp and its settings correctly.... im not implying that there is a right or wrong way to do things.... just simply that in order to achieve a certain tone you should know how to work your amp.....just how different cabs will produce different tonal differences in your sound, you should know how to work with that via your amp settings.... just my two cents though
you need the traditional cab.. I'm not kidding with you.. I initially bought the standard rectifier oversize cab and broke in the speakers so that it could perform optimally.. with a 2 channel dual rectifier the oversize cab created this perfect tone that just filled up the room with bass and overtones.. also when I was doing single note lines the feedback would come in like a violin.. but the problem was that for heavier riffs the speakers had no UMPH.. it didn't hit you on the chest like we like our palm mutes to do.. THIS IS NOT BECAUSE OF THE V30's.. this is because of the physical properties of the speaker cabinet

smaller speaker cabs have a "tighter" response.. while this may decrease the amount of bass response it kind of focuses the energy of the sound waves, allowing the notes to really hit you harder.. I got better palm mutes from a craptastic Marshall MG412A cab than the mesa oversized cabs.. and those marshall MG cabs are about the smallest 4 by 12s on the market (they sound like crap for chords but you can really feel the thumping palm mutes)

I traded my oversize cab for a straight-front mesa traditional (or "stilleto" whichever they're calling it these days) cab.. this is more similar to the marshall 1960B cab (likewise the stilleto amp is more similar to a marshall).. there IS a huge trend of popular artists playing mesas with marshall cabs (and marshall cabs through oversized cabs, giving the typically trebly marshall amps more bass).. why bother with the GT speakers in the marshall cabs when you can get a similarly structured speaker cabinet with the holy v30's

I should have known to get the traditional cab to begin with.. I bought my 2 channel dual recto from one of the guitarists from Soil (the other one plays line6) and he uses 4 straight-front mesa traditional cabs.. him and I both agreed that having maybe a mixture of traditional and oversized cabs would cover all frequencies and "feelings" well (as in you can cover the bass with the oversize and get the thump with the traditional).. btw I got the straight-front traditional because this is a more spacious cab design than the slant-front, which increases bass reponse just as the oversize cabs do.. only downside is that you don't have 2 12's pushing sound to your ears (it sounds a bit less trebly up there.. so I do all my amp EQing on my knees, like a lil B**ch)

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