Just bought a PedalSnake

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Well-known member
May 10, 2005
Reaction score
Birmingham, AL
Hi guys.

I have been on the fence about buying one of these pedalsnake things, and since I didn't buy a Mark IV the other day (personal victory for discipline; personal loss for gas) I went ahead and pulled the trigger. I got an 18' main cable, with one mono "g-line" and two sets of "dual g-lines", along with one "hi current p-line".

I will be able to run the guitar through the mono g-line, FX loop through one dual g-line, both footswitches through the other dual g-line. Should be pretty neat, and I'll be glad to get rid of the cable clutter (even if I am admittedly rocking out the living room more than I rock out at the bars).

Does anybody else use one of these?
I personally don't, but a aquaintance uses one with his Laney head + pedalboard, I didn't get to indepth on it but he had no complaints. i've wondered how they work with Mesa loops. i used a pair of 3ft cables between my 3ch Dual Rec and FX rack and my tone was destroyed. but i used 1ft cables and the problem was solved.

I'd like to hear what you think.
Musiciansfriend is turning into GC now. just because they don't stock them doesn't mean they're discontinued.
Why would you want to give money to the big corporation when you can buy direct from the manufacturer and support the little guy?

I got the snake yesterday, set it up last night, got to play around with it a bit. I am happy. It is coiled conveniently next to my amp, and sunday when I have some breathing room it will conveniently uncoil and travel down my hallway for some higher volume happiness.

I couldn't tell any sound difference, and there is no additional hum. I have shitty power in my apartment so if my neighbor turns a TV or a hairdryer or anything on I can hear it through the amp, but there's nothing additional here.

(On a related note, I guess, I could tell a difference when I put George L's cable in my effects loop just now, over the shitty Hosa cables I had in there.)
I have one... and I'm happy to say it's really works well for me. I currently use 2 channels to power effects (one for the front-of-amp effects, the other for loop effects), one for the loop of the Stiletto Duece, and the other for guitar signal. I don't have my footswitch connected to it, but the plan is to move it there.

My biggest concern going in was noise from the effects as a result of ground loops. (Hence why I'm using separate channels to power the different signal chains). In fact, the good folks at pedal snake told me that this might be necessary, so I went this route. My experiments w/ 1 power line for both channels showed no problems though, so I'll be making the change, since I'm out of channels.

II also like the fact that I don't have to give up real estate on the board for a power brick. In the end, a good purchase all around. Here's a pic I've posted before of the pedalboard w/ the 'snake:


What kind of Paul is that? It almost looks like a Silverburst from here but there's no binding.

I got mine in, and I like it a lot. I haven't gigged with it (and heh no plans for that either) but it cleaned up my living room a lot :D

I use one "high current" P-Line and there's no hum. (Actually I replaced my FX loop patch cables with George L's and there's less noise now than before I had the snake. So There.)

There's not much else to say. It was easy to put together. it comes with velcro to keep it looped up and compact. The ends are color coded so you can set up quick.
Cool... glad it's working out for you.

Ther guitar is a 1981 Gibson Les Paul XR-1. They were somewhat of a predecessor of the current Studios... Only made for a couple of years. I bought this new back in High School, and hadn't played her regularly for a long time. For whatever reason, she's working out great in the context of my current band project, so she's seeing a lot of action now.

BTW- the color is Goldburst...
