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Well-known member
Apr 10, 2005
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Hampton, VA
LOL, that could be it. I'm usually just sitting there with my mouth hanging open and some drool hanging out listening to those three anyway.

Seriously, although I've never heard the JSX, Peavey does make some pretty cool sounding amps. One of the coolest sounding amps I've ever heard was the Ultra Plus (predecessor to the XXX) going into a Peavey 4x12 cab loaded with Sheffield's. Throw in the ability of the player and the fact that a large portion of the tone is in the fingers . . .
Alot has to do with the p/u's. I had to yank the pups from my mm/eb 'Trucci, they were very unresponsive and lifeless. I chose to swap with a Seymour Custom 5 in the bridge and a 'Marzio Norton in the neck...Not the "air" Norton...Just Norton. I actually liked John's Tone much better than Vai's. John had 2 Road King's on stage that night. Joe's new 'marzio "PAF Joe" is a killer pup, Check'em out they might be what you like to hear.
I have the G3 DVD. In the bonus material, Joe was saying that in that particular night his amp sounded bad. Apparently some cables were crossed over the amp, and this resulted in a lot of background noise. :D

So... there may be also some post production involved.
Guitarzan said:
Alot has to do with the p/u's. I had to yank the pups from my mm/eb 'Trucci, they were very unresponsive and lifeless. I chose to swap with a Seymour Custom 5 in the bridge and a 'Marzio Norton in the neck...Not the "air" Norton...Just Norton. I actually liked John's Tone much better than Vai's. John had 2 Road King's on stage that night. Joe's new 'marzio "PAF Joe" is a killer pup, Check'em out they might be what you like to hear.

I thought John had 3 Road Kings on stage? I could mistaken :oops:

I think John and Joe have THE best tone....but thats just me :D Im thinking about throwing in a PAF'Joe into my Kramer now!
MetalMatt said:
I thought John had 3 Road Kings on stage? I could mistaken :oops:

I think John and Joe have THE best tone....but thats just me :D Im thinking about throwing in a PAF'Joe into my Kramer now!

2, 3, whatever it takes. Like you said, the guy has amazing tone! :D
soldano is a jacked up marshall..marshall is a jacked up fender. all roads lead to leo. never heard of the mesa rectifier being a 5150 ripoff...although randall smith gives leo fender credit for the mark series and the stiletto(princeton and bassman respectively).
yea, rectos and 5150s both come from the soldano style of distortion. but everyone builds on something else you know? i think boogiebabies even said that his recto prototype sounds VERY much like the SLO.
A friend has a JSX, Rectoverb, DC-5, TSL 60 Marshall, & more along with a number of speaker cabs. The JSX sounds fantastic through certain cabs. If you play the Rectoverb or DC-5 though the same cab they take on some of the characteristics of the JSX. So as I think of the JSX as a great sounding amp, the speakers and cab design have a lot to do with its or any amps sound. FWIW my friend favors the JSX over the Rectoverb. I haven't spent enough time A-B-ing them.

Instrument manufacturers "borrowing" (stealing) and tweaking ideas to suit other tastes. Nah, never. Doesn't sound like the type of conduct befitting self-repecting musicians or any businessman or that matter.
:D :lol: :D

The same goes for the music made with those fine instruments. Good ideas are always ripped off and changed. It just happens naturally.
Either through subconscious or outright plagiarism.

America works that way. Think of Bill gates stealing ideas from the Steves @ Apple (Wozniak & Jobs).

Thank the stars for Fender, Smith, Soldano (i don't think that's his name, I digress), Peavey. We'll leave the "best" to personal taste, but it is a great thing, for our ears sake, that these guys lived their lives the way they did.

Wow... that was a long one and not quite on topis, but I hope you'll forgive me.
MesaMadness said:
.... i don't think that's his name, I digress), Peavey. ...
Hartley Peavey ...

Not meaning to hi jack this post (yeah, right ...)

talking about Peavey, I was reading about him how he wanted to design products with the best $ ratio. In a Guitar Player Magazine interview he mentioned this popular boutique amp manufacturer (he did not disclose which company) asked him if he was willing to make a deal where he manufacture their boutique amps.

Hartley Peavey refused claiming it would cost his company about $600 - $700 to makes and this boutique amp company will be marking them up $3000 to the consumers. That did not sit well with Hartley Peavey.

Anyone read this article and spectulate who was this boutique amp company?
speaking of this whole other people building boutique stuff...there was a yamaha amp built in the early 90's late 80's called the T-100/T-50 that was basically a SLO100. Yamaha paid Soldano a great deal of money to come up with a design, and then they made same changes for affordability and sold it! You can find them for pretty cheap and apparenlty they sound just dandy.
i've heard about that yamaha. i was actually looking at getting one when my other guitarist (has a soldano avenger) told me they got some pretty mixed opinions on it.. some say it was pretty good while some others said it didn't sound like a soldano at all. (my thought is its somewhere on par with those mitchell amps) and i'd rather take my chances with something like a peavey ultra plus. :roll:
dylan7620 said:
i've heard about that yamaha. i was actually looking at getting one when my other guitarist (has a soldano avenger) told me they got some pretty mixed opinions on it.. some say it was pretty good while some others said it didn't sound like a soldano at all. (my thought is its somewhere on par with those mitchell amps) ...
Yeah, that's what I heard too.

I think I even have an old Guitar Player Magazine Issue that reviewed this amp. And you know GuitarPlayer Magazine editors try to be impartial. They said something like, the gain was similar to Soldano but did not really have the mystic of Soldano's SLO-100. Something was just not there. It was label as a good affordable high gain amp.
I remember having heard the buzz about Peavey possibly starting to make someone else's product via proxy. It was a huge story in Peavey circles and was almost insulting or scary to the supporters of the other amp company. I want to say it was Matchless. Do not quote me on that one. I was into Matchless amps at the time. Matchless amp quality did suffer for a while but I still can't be sure if that was it or not. It may have been the GT amps... ah hell, I can't remember. I was pretty good friends with Jack and Jim at the time with Auggie always tagging along to chase things down. I was playing a lot of blues and getting pretty drunk but really loving the boutique amplifiers for their tone. Before them there were really only a couple choices for tone. They really opened the door for other smaller new companies to have a chance to succeed in the amp business by creating credibility for them and a following of people that will try new unproven boutique designs. I only wish I kept in touch with some of my old friends because we had discussions about this and discussions about this till the cows came home. I had to start finding other topics to discuss with them just to keep sane. I think it might have been the booze causing all the repetitious banter...
I have just read in Guitarist that Satch is working with Peavy on a new four channel amp. My guess is they are coming after the RK.
Regarding Hartley and his company..has anyone in this thread not owned a Peavy at one point or another?...My first amp was a Peavey (a 30 watt ss'er..still have it, though it doesn't work...someday i'll get it fixed just for giggles). My first tube amp was also a Peavey (VTM60...still kicking myself in the *** for trading it in, on a Lee Jackson Ampeg). It was a **** good sounding amp, not a lot of gain, but still sounded good. Gotta hand it to Peavey, having endured decades of being the bat boy of amplification, still continuing to produce decent-to-occasionally-exceptional products. I, for one, am pleased to see Peavey still in business, and am always happy to check in every few years, and see what they've been up to.

As for the Yamaha T-100/T-50: i have heard a few of these...some sound great, and some sound like my *** after a Taco Bell binge..(hmmm, like Marshall's as a matter of fact) I think the issue with mass-produced amps (and even high-end amps, to a lesser degree) is tolerences of components. I think Peavey, as an example, generally shoots for +5/-5%...which results in a 10 percent potential difference from one amp to the next, certainly enough to ensure that 2 identical amps, sitting side by side, will sound very different. The Yamaha T-series amps were, out of economic necessity, likely manufactured under similar tolerances. (A general word of advice, for anyone buying an amp: always take home the actual unit you demo'd, if you like it. Playing a store demo, then taking home a new-in-box unit may result in heartbreak.)
John Orange said:
I have just read in Guitarist that Satch is working with Peavy on a new four channel amp. My guess is they are coming after the RK.

Probably Joe got jealous with Johns 4 channel monster of a amp Road King! on the G3 tour.
I know this is a Mesa Boogie forum, and don't mean to start **** or anything, But the the other day l had a JSX and my Mesa Dual Rec., side by side and a couple of different cabs.

And the JSX absolutely slaughtered the Mesa in every way, but l should note that l never liked my Mesa from the start.

But that was just my opition, l'm sure if there was a couple of guitarists around they might of said something different.

Just my opition,


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