Jackson Fans?

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Hi bros!! I am new here, but I am a member of many forums including the JCF. I am also Slayer on there to :D I love Jacksons and currently have an SL2H in Natural and love it. I sold a 1993 CS Archtop Soloist because the neck was too thin for me as I prefer the current thicker necks now. I have a CS Soloist odered with just 1 EMG 81 and all natural mahogany and Iron Cross inlays, can`t wait!! I have owned many USA and Japanese Jacksons, but have narrowed it way down to my favorites as well as have owned many USA Hamers and am down to 1 of those also. I don`t own a Boogie yet, but want to try a Dual or Triple Rectifer to see if I like them. Jack.
Jackson Fan?

naw, Michael is a questionable pedophile, he can't pay his employees maintenace his Neverland Ranch ...

But his sister Janet is awesome, six pack stomach and flashing a boob during the Super Bowl ...
Pic of my 2005 SL2H
jackson is best f....

my jacksons:

- KV 2 , black
- KV 2 , snakeskin
Atomic.Sheep said:
How did you not become skinny?... coz i'm skinny and I sorta hate it. lol

I suggest you try eating nothing but cake and fried chicken and drink gravey.
I own a 1991 RR custom shop in white with black pin stripes and EMG's I bought new and also have the only chrome hardware tribute RR which they made a run of 200 guitars in 1992. I bought that guitar new as well and its only been played about a dozen times. I do however change the strings and do neck adjustments every few months,etc..So she plays just as good as the day I had it setup when I got it from the factory. :)
I'm the owner of RR2772.
Original rhoads US made copy of the very first RR.

Brass/gold hardware and non tremelo.

I have had it since new. Arrived in Denmark December 1996 and I picked it up in January of 1997.
I stlll remember the day. Opening the case for the first time: It's the right one. Also reading the serial:RR2772
This kind of Jackson should have a Pcs serial for players choise.

Produktion stopped later on so I'm very happy that I got it in time. It took 5 months to get it. Off course no really no Jackson RR guitars in Denmark so quite a thing to go for in the first place.

It was a bit ower 4600$ as i can recall. Anyway it still stays with me and it's feels like yesterday I got it. It holds up really good and off course sounds good.

How do I post pictures in this forum?[/code]
I GAS so much for a King V w/Black Ghost Flames (i.e. Corey from Trivium's geetar) Those things just look so wicked, and i bet they play even better.......Just wish it had EMG's on it.....oh well haha.

Off Topic: Hey Boogie4life, could you/have you post(ed) pics of your cabinets somewhere on this forum? I'd especially like to see that prototype! and maybe the Dual recto #33?!? Thanks bud

Atomic.Sheep said:
Does anyone have active pickups in their Jackson(s)? I want to install EMG81s or 81/85 combo (donno yet) into my SL2H (haven't go it yet but planning to) and I was just wondering wether anyone has converted their axe from the passive to active state? So inconveniet not having a factory standard option of a battery cavity especially in something that costs as much as these things do :(

OK Here we go. I have a Jackson RR1T (White with black pinstripes, I think someone posted their's already). A note about these guitars.

1. They are string through, neck through, and the neck is PAINTED. These guitars have a lot of bass and mids. Which is great for lead; the tone is really thick and 'woody'. With the neck pickup on, I got a really colorful sounding compressed tone for single note lead lines. BUT, for low power chords all I was getting was MUD. SO, I replaced the neck\bridge pickups with an EMG 85 and 81 respectively. I'm not good with a soldering gun so I think this installation cost me around $100 at the local Guitar Center, with no modification\cuts to the body. This cleared up the mud problem. Just be aware of this.

2. These guitars feel STERILE. If you're used to a spongy-stringed Fender or have a lot of nuance and personality in your playing (think Steve Vai) you may want to reconsider. For tight metal rhythm playing, though, these things are a MACHINE. Fast and steady triplet or 16th note lead runs work great on these guitars but if you have more nuance in your playing, watch out.

All in all I still love this guitar. Through the thick-bottomed 3 Channel Triple Recto, this guitar sounds huge. A great mix of vintage\modern metal tone.

You guys have some fucking sweet Jackson collections by the way. Nice to see some good metalheads here.
I have a Dave Mustaine Y2KV that kicks butt. It is so nice to play and I have just recently learned that they are scooting up in value. Its charcoal grey metallic.
Too bad about the $100 installation fee. You can buy yourself a soldering iron for $20 (if you don't have one already) and learn how to do it in 5 minutes. There are plenty of tutorials on the 'net. If you don't have any toggles or push-pulls to install, you can drop in a set of EMGs in less than half an hour.
For the price and quality of the guitar, I didn't mind paying $100 for a professional install, since I didn't have any flux resin and my gun's tip is way too big.
I love Jacksons! Got 3 myself and they are killer guitars...
1 handmade RHodes (Serial 0017) and
2 Custom Shop SL2H Soloists... Brilliant Guitars.

Nice SL2H's, Dreads! I really dig that natural finish one on the right...what kind of wood is that? I love the SL2H-MAH in transparent black and in natural... Those things are sooooo sweet!
I have 2 Mustaine Y2KV's...one is charcoal and the other is American flag. Has anyone tried the Mark Morton model yet? I hear that they are nice, they are chambered guitars.

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