I've got a simple question for the Mark IV users...

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Active member
Oct 20, 2006
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Tucson, AZ
If I wanted a Mark IV for my lead amp so it can pair perfectly with my IIC+ as my rythm amp...

which version would be "THE" best lead amp for me?

the IVa or the IVb

so my rig would be simply like this:

IIC+ - best rythm amp

IV(?) - best lead amp

and please tell me why... your answers will affect my rig :shock:...

thanks guys
It depends upon the voicing you like better.

I have an A and love it. The A's preamp lead circuit is closer to the IIC+ in design than the B is. I do love using the Lead channel of my Mark IV as a Rhythm channel and then using a clean boost to get out in front of it.

I have played Bs and can't say I didn't like them but I like my A more. I am not sure if it is because the A is the amp I am playing or because I just haven't played the B enough. The difference is very subtle but after playing one a lot you can tell. It would be hard to tell if someone else was playing because the settings could be different besides the fact that noone plays the same. Tone comes from your hands. So with that in mind, go play both. Determine what you like better. The best amp for you is the amp that makes you sound better. Just remember that the Mark IV is a sensitive little beast and that it takes a while to dial the little dude in because every littlest knob tweak or twist takes you somewhere else and that doesn't even get into the eq sliders' ability to really shape your sound.

I know people that like their Rectos for lead better but then again they play Rectos.

I heard the clips of Platypus' Stiletto and kind of like that lead tone as well. I think that is because it is more Marshally and I grew up with Marshalls.
Well i am doing this...
mk iv A clean and rhy2 heavy,tight and the lead as lead ( so little louder )


mesa dual recto 2 channel as modern heavy rhy and 1 channel is dirty clean

basicly very Jp..which i don't think is to much of a bad thing..it all my tone's i just got the idea of Jp..

it's not the gear that makes the tone it's the player..

but i would think in your case using the IIc+ as lead and mk iv as rhy... and as for A or B...

i LOVE MY A..lol