Is this normal...?

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Dec 31, 2007
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Is it normal for -
A - The vintage high channel to be much quieter than the clean channel
B - The modern high gain channel to be much quieter than the blues channel

Not just a little difference in volume, but a ridiculous, massive difference.
Amp is a Tremoverb.

Also, does anybody know how to date (not buy flowers, take to dinner and eventually get to put hand up jumper) Mesa amps?
Serial number R-008652


For the date you should ask directly to them, Mesa's customer support is a good one, just call and I'm sure they will help you out.

+1, I have called Mesa a couple of times to date different amps and they are always very helpful and cool.

As to your vol differences, I don't recall ever having that big of a difference between channels on any of my Mesa amps. Mention it when you call them, maybe they will have some insight into the dilemma.
Yeah it's a pretty big difference.

It says so in the manual, but doesn't say why.

My guess is because when you flip it to "vintage", it drops voltage going to the power tubes so you have to crank the amp more to get a more vintage-y vibe, as the mode's name suggests.