Is it possible to put 6v6 in the Roadster safely?

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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
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Has anyone tried this? I am tempted to try it, but I don't know how safe it is for my amp? Any suggestions or comments to share?
Check out or call the guys at EuroTubes. I just dropped a full set of JJ's in my Single Rec and I love it. I got the High Gain Pre's for V1,V2,V3 a normal JJ12AX7 for V4 and balance JJ12AX7 for V5 and 2-6V6 for power. It is AWESOME. It drops it down between 25-30watts and the you can get better break up quicker. I am waiting for 100watt TUBE JUICE to come in and see what they sound like when they get an Attenuator.

I would assume that they would work great also in the Roadster here is what is posted on the EuroTubes site..

Mesa Roadster & Trem-O-verb Personal Fave Power Section
Price: 96.00
Description: This is the power section kit for the Personal Fave consisting of two GZ34 rectifier tubes, a matched pair of KT77’s and a matched pair of 6V6’s in the proper grade to run in these amps. The 6V6's can be run in either the outside two sockets or the inside two sockets which is nice for you Roadster owners for getting different sounds when assigning channels. These need to be run in the tube rectifier mode and EL34 bias setting. You can run in the Bold or Spongy mode.

I'll post back later...