Is a Triple Rec too powerful for some people? Or.....

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Rectified in 95

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Feb 13, 2007
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...Or should I go for a Triple Rec for the extra HP? I've decided that I'm definitely going for a 3 channel rectifier. But I'm still not sure about going for the dual or triple. Here's my concerns. I'm hoping some guys that have used a double AND a triple can chime in with their thoughts....

-I like the idea of having extra HP, Authority, Headroom, etc. that the Triple will have over the Dual Rec. I'm just wondering if the extra power of the Triple will be overwhelming in a basement/garage type practice area. I'm pretty sure I can pull a pair of tubes to make it the equivalent of the Dual Rectifier if it's too much. But then I start to think what's the advantage of a Triple's HP, if I can't make use of it? Do any of you guys experience that?

Another thing that I've heard about (but not familiar with) is a hotplate. Is that something that I can get to solve a problem with a triple being too much?

Does a hotplate effect sound quality or does it essentially allow me to turn the output "down a couple notches" without sacrificing a change in tone/gain, etc.? Thanks in advance! :D
One of my good friends has a Triple Recto and he uses it at home in addition to his band.

Honestly, the only way you would know is to play and compare both. The triple wouldn't be louder than the dual, however the extra 2 glass bottles would affect the feel of the amp. It's entirely your preference.

My Dual Recto is enough for me. Seriously. It has that extra 'ommph' or headroom or 'spacey' feel over a 50W Single Recto, yet its a bit more manageable than the a Triple. Also Retubing the Dual is less than retubing a Triple, especially if you want to experiment with tone changes. lol

I might be getting a power attentuator like a hotplate or a Koch Loadbox, soon - so that I may use the head at home without a cab and just use headphones. But I have heard attentuators like the hotplate do sacrifice the tone a little bit.
Right now I'm currently renting a Single Rectifier combo which I put through my 4x12. It sounds pretty good but I can definitely see how I wish it had a little more "punch" to it. So there starts the battle of.... well, if the single is lacking a little punch and then the dual will have more, then why not go straight up to the triple!? Funny, but that's instinctively what I first thought of.

You mention the Dual is easier to manage. Do you mean that from a stand point where the triple could be viewed as a caged wild animal and soon as you start to open the cage it becomes aggressive and hard to handle?

I guess tube changes will definitely be a little less on a dual vs triple. That's something to keep in the back of my head I suppose. It almost makes me wish someone had the dedication to record sound clips of their set-up(s) so you could hear what each mod achieved....whether that's tubes, pick-ups, speakers, effects, etc. That's probably a little unrealistic but it would sure make for a handy reference item when researching.

Thanks! I appreciate it!
What I mean is, I feel the Dual is a better balance between the raucous, saturated sound of a single recto and the complete 'openness' or 'space' of a triple recto.

I prefer the dual, simply 'cuz while I have some of the headroom of a high-wattage amp, I still have some saturation coming from the lower wattage vs. the larger wattage.
I got a triple, I figured I could always remove a couple of tubes if I wanted a dual :D

I cant see you regreting either choice if your sure thats the head you want, both will be plenty loud. Some people just feel the triple has an added layer of depth to it.
I like my Triple, sounds a little "darker" than a dual, and the sound I get from it is awesome, even at low volumes. It's got a lot of headroom, and can hold it's weight at any venue, from a small place to an arena. I wouldn't trade it for a single or dual.

Good points. In fact, I guess subconciously I was experiencing that with the single rec I'm renting now. I'm going to rent a dual rec next week I think and compare it to the single. I just wish I could get my hands on a triple for rent, but they're not offered for rent. I just cant wait til I finish all my research into which rectifier I'm going to buy.... Then I'll be busy tweaking it til I can get the sound I'm looking for. I think I'll enjoy that time spent a little more than doing all this time in front of the computer! Ha! Thanks man!
The Triple was just too much for me..... The single was probably enough, but a Dual is a good meeting ground of power and head-room.

The older I get (I'm 35), the more I find myself leaning more towards more "natural" tones and I find myself liking the sound of a 30 wt amp being pushed to almost blowing up, but I still like to be able to "chugga-chugga" too..... That's why I have my AC30 and my Roadster.

Another thing to consider is the Triple has 3 more tubes than a Dual and 7 more tubes than a single, so it'll cost a little more to re-tube. For tone, most people don't mind that but for some people it is actually a selling point.

As far as volume, the volume difference between 50 wts and 150 wts is probably only about 6-10 db, but you do get more head room from 150 wts.

Ok.. Stick a fork in me...
Rectified in 95 said:
...Or should I go for a Triple Rec for the extra HP? I've decided that I'm definitely going for a 3 channel rectifier. But I'm still not sure about going for the dual or triple. Here's my concerns. I'm hoping some guys that have used a double AND a triple can chime in with their thoughts....

-I like the idea of having extra HP, Authority, Headroom, etc. that the Triple will have over the Dual Rec. I'm just wondering if the extra power of the Triple will be overwhelming in a basement/garage type practice area. I'm pretty sure I can pull a pair of tubes to make it the equivalent of the Dual Rectifier if it's too much. But then I start to think what's the advantage of a Triple's HP, if I can't make use of it? Do any of you guys experience that?

Another thing that I've heard about (but not familiar with) is a hotplate. Is that something that I can get to solve a problem with a triple being too much?

Does a hotplate effect sound quality or does it essentially allow me to turn the output "down a couple notches" without sacrificing a change in tone/gain, etc.? Thanks in advance! :D

Go for the Triple, Rectifier's are based on preamp gain not power tube clipping anyway. I think Triple Rec's sound tighter even at lower volumes.

Since there's no need to drive the power tubes into clipping there's really no penalty for getting a Triple if you want the extra headroom.
Hmm... the more I read the more I'm thinking I'm heading towards the triple. Even though having to buy a few extra tubes when it come time to re-tube it will cost more, I think the extra tightness will be worth it in the end for me.

How long do some of you guys wait between re-tubes? I'm guessing unless a tube flat out breaks or making weird noises suddenly, the tone changes will be very subtle over a long period of time? I kind of picture a situation where you don't necessarily notice the tubes are "wearing out", but once you put the new ones in you experience a..... "Wow, that really made a difference!...Didn't know they needed replaced that bad!?"

Am I far off there or is it a subtle slow change over time like I suspect? Thanks again!
just get a triple, you wont be disapointed.

the cost between retubing a dual and a triple would only be 80 bucks or so. I just redid all my power tubes and a couple pre amps for about $200 if I remember correctly. Took me about 4 years to change mine. Never really understood why you had to change tubes until I put the new ones in!!
Triple rectumfier..... Nice name! My buddy who was the drummer for a band where I heard my first Dual Rectifier used to refer to the Mesa's as "Rectum-fryers". I always had to laugh every time he said that.

I think my mind is about 95% made up at this point and a Triple Rec will be the one I get. Now the hard part is finding the extra cash to buy it! Ha! Thanks!
Uh.... sorry triple rectumfrier.... I didn't realize you had the "r" in your name! Oops! I guess my buddy wasn't the only one who figured that neat name up! Ha! It's still funny every time I see it though. Later!
Rectified in 95 said:
Uh.... sorry triple rectumfrier.... I didn't realize you had the "r" in your name! Oops! I guess my buddy wasn't the only one who figured that neat name up! Ha! It's still funny every time I see it though. Later!

haha no worries! hope you are able to make your purchase soon, I know you wont be dissapointed. I will never forget the day I brought my Triple home. Went from a Line 6 Flextone II half stack to a THAT'S a huge difference!!

haha Triple Rectumfrier makes me laugh everytime too, I will admit these things deserve that name, cuz when you turn one of these up, watch out... :shock:
I mean, either way, you'll be happy. Really.

I personally prefer my Dual Recto. I've played my friend's triple plenty of times and to me the Dual recto just had that common ground between sag/saturation/power clipping and headroom/space/feel of a high wattage head.

The triple is a great amp though. You wont be dissappointed. Remember, the Triple Rectifier - when excess isn't enough. :)

I have a dual roadster and it has way more headroom than I need!
How many times have you guys experienced this...

Tonight my girlfriend and I went to dinner with some friends then followed with seeing a band at a local bar. The band wasn't anything too special, just a cover band playing general rock type music. But the thing that stood out to me was how terrible the guitar sounded. Don't get me wrong, the player was good, but the sound was NOT. I was kind of getting irritated and kept using phrases like "not cutting through the mix".... "overly processed sound" "sounds ok when the rest of the band wasn't playing" "he's playing awesome but you can't hear it"

It prompted me to tell my girlfriend about the time I rented a terrible Crate combo amp to try out back in 1995. -"Boy that guy's amp sure sounds like a cheapie Crate to me" Was heard numerous times this evening.

....On the way out I walked past the stage to see what it was so I could make a mental note of what it was. .....Yep.... It was a cheapie Crate just as I suspected. Although the backlit knobs looked sort of neat from a distance. That's the only thing I liked about that amp.

Even though I hate the idea of spending the money on a Triple or Dual Rec, I'm glad to know I wont have to worry about sounding bad. Whew! Crisis averted! Ha!

-A buddy's band is playing tomorrow night.... He plays a Mark IV through a 4x12 with 200W EV's. It will be like music to my ears after tonight! -Can't wait! :D