inside of a roadster combo... cleaning time

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Well-known member
Jun 17, 2009
Reaction score
Guatemala. Central America
well... today I took apart my roadster combo for an inside cleaning... just air compressed and contact cleaner, nothing fancy...
but i saw there is a screw which doesnt do nothing... right in the middle of the board... does anybody knows what does it do there?
here are some pics...


That screw is there to prevent vibrations when on top of a LOUD cab (and BOY DO THEY rattle on top of a loud cab). Once the chassis is installed in the cab, just make sure that screw is good and finger tight against the top of the cab.

Some people say is a grounding screw, but that makes zero sense. There are 4 other screws on the chassis that finish that job.
bendo said:
That screw is there to prevent vibrations when on top of a LOUD cab (and BOY DO THEY rattle on top of a loud cab). Once the chassis is installed in the cab, just make sure that screw is good and finger tight against the top of the cab.

Some people say is a grounding screw, but that makes zero sense. There are 4 other screws on the chassis that finish that job.

There is a stickied thread on the main "modern amps" subforum that can go into more detail. If you didn't loosen it some it to pull the chassis, you may want to check if your cabinet got scraped up, or maybe the screw loosened itself.

link to that thread: