Important information for anyone looking to buy a Lone Star

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Well-known member
Dec 30, 2006
Reaction score
Bay Area, CA
I went to GC today and they had some very large discounts on Lone Star combos. I assume these were 2006 models, but the prices were simply amazing. They had a 2x12 combo (the pro net price of $1,799.00 was crossed off) priced at $1200 clearance. And they had the 1x12 (pro net $1,699.00) priced at $1000! This was the wider 1x12 combo, same width as the 2x12. (you had to look at the speakers in back to see which was which). Both were the blue tolex.

(as an aside, they also had a new Sunburst Les Paul Standard Faded marked down to 1349!)

Hope this helps someone here who's getting ready to buy! Enjoy!

Thanks for the info. I'm getting a Lone Star 1x12" for $999. It previously had a price tag of $1900 on it.
Did you just go in and ask for the blowout price? Or was it advertised?
gwarne said:
Did you just go in and ask for the blowout price? Or was it advertised?

No, you just have to tell them that other Guitar Centers are giving those blowout prices on discontinued models, and then they will probably offer to look into it.
Yup, brand new. I don't think it will kill the used LSC market, if so only for a short time. Once they're gone, they're gone. If any of y'all are interested they had three left at the San Bernardino CA GC priced at $900, one with a tear in the piping fabric at $880. Whether or not you can talk your local GC into having one shipped at those prices remains to be seen.
I looked into this at with my local dealers (5 in a 200 mile radius).

The dealerships in Santa Rosa (like 20 mins from the MESA factory) still had their LSC at PRONET prices.

I just bought one a month or so back 1 x 12 for 1299 in Sacramento, but my buddy would buy one if we could find it sub-1000$.

The dealerships I talked to would not budge on the pricing, no matter what GC was blowing out, said they could not per MESA.
Call the San Bernardino GC and ask for Lester or Randy. They will drop ship, DON'T WAIT!!

909 383-3700
Just got an email from a guy in Houston whose GC wouldn't match the price, he called Randy in San Bernardino who made a couple of phone calls. Bottom line is he picked up an LSC in Houston for $900 + tax. Ya gotta be a bulldog on deals like this and make it happen.