I'm trying to sell a T/A, but...

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Jul 8, 2007
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I am trying to sell my triaxis, and I really don't want to Ebay it. So it looks like I may have to trade it in at the evil Guitar Center. How much would they give me do you think, for a Triaxis 2.0 with all the mods, and a 2:90? If anyone else is interested (I posted awhile in Classifieds) please let me know, but I am looking for help mainly. Thanks!
Don't even bother with GC, they will give you half of what they are going for on ebay. Put adds up on your local craigslist. Out of curiousity, what are you looking for and where are you at? I've been thinking of ditching my mark IV for a triaxis setup.
ToneAddictJon said:
I've been thinking of ditching my mark IV for a triaxis setup.

Whoa! :shock:

I was going to comment, but I know you've been here long enough to know what you're doing.
triaxis and 2.90 is much better than a mark IV.
Hundreds of tones,programable etc.
Go for it you will never back to a combo. :wink:
Lopp said:
ToneAddictJon said:
I've been thinking of ditching my mark IV for a triaxis setup.

Whoa! :shock:

I was going to comment, but I know you've been here long enough to know what you're doing.

I will. I made that trade and wished I hadn't not long afterwards. YMMV.
lockbody said:
Lopp said:
ToneAddictJon said:
I've been thinking of ditching my mark IV for a triaxis setup.

Whoa! :shock:

I was going to comment, but I know you've been here long enough to know what you're doing.

I will. I made that trade and wished I hadn't not long afterwards. YMMV.

Yeah I own both and you can't get the same tone with the TA that you can with the Mark IV and vice versa. You should consider the TA in it's own category when comparing the two. Maybe say the TA is like a stripped down Mark IV since you don't have the dynamics, pull pots, and limited settings on the controls. I enjoy what the TA does but it DOES NOT replace a Mark IV in terms of feel and tonal variation.

With that being said, own both, like me, and you'll be sound as a pound. Well I don't have the 290 anymore (who would want that beast anyway?) and have opted for the more roadie friendly 20/20 instead and a couple of 112 thieles. There are somethings the TA does better (like complete isolation of for controls of every channel) and sometimes it's compressed tone is inspiring to play (especially on the LD2Yel).

ToneAddictJon said:
Don't even bother with GC, they will give you half of what they are going for on ebay. Put adds up on your local craigslist. Out of curiousity, what are you looking for and where are you at? I've been thinking of ditching my mark IV for a triaxis setup.

DON'T DO IT. Just... DON'T.

18&Life said:
triaxis and 2.90 is much better than a mark IV.
Hundreds of tones,programable etc.
Go for it you will never back to a combo. :wink:

Yeahhhh, lets all take the clip thief's advice.

MetalMatt said:
...Plus a used Mark IV is hard to find these days.

It is? They're on eBay all the time it seems :?
grow up emobaby with gay hair.
At least thieves have cure,emobabies kill themselves :lol:
Thank god for that !

I think you are thinking to much about me.Are you in love ?
Emobaby I like chicks !
at least I'm trying to learn other languages and you ????
You don't have brains for it,you only cry .
I'm not trying to insult you,I think you are a sad dude wich thinks a lot about me !
Really. :roll:
Other than English, I'm fluent in Russian. I studied French during my school years and now I'm taking both Japanese and German simultaneously.

Congratulations on "trying" to learn other languages (trying being the operative word...) I'd say keep practicing and you'll improve, but well... can't ask for miracles, now can we?
well for a dude who talks several languages and likes to learning,you should learn about letting go.
Dude it was about 4 years and you are still stucked at that.
Only you . :shock:
Even the owner already forgave me.
You have nothing to do about it ,after 4 years are still complaining !!!
Well it's your choice ,your time. :(
It doesn't matter how long ago it was - that's still the kind of person you are. And you rarely (if ever) have anything useful to contribute. Mostly you just talk **** and insult people. And the entire time, you take this condescending attitude that makes it sound like you think your opinion is the word of God. Just who the hell do you think you are?
I'm here only for having fun.I'm playing and talking about guitars since 1982 so I have nothing more to tell about it,only making fun.
You are a kid,I have a lot more experience than you,that's why you need to talk in a stupid internet forum and acts like it is real life.
I don't I'm here only for fun.Sometimes I made good threads,but not anymore.All the same subjects and people like you,full of anger.
You hate me but you even know me IN REAL LIFE.
That is nonsense.
I don't hate you,I like you,you play guitar,have a triaxis so like mesa.
Relax dude let politicians fight ,not us .
Lopp said:
ToneAddictJon said:
I've been thinking of ditching my mark IV for a triaxis setup.

Whoa! :shock:

I was going to comment, but I know you've been here long enough to know what you're doing.
I sold my MkIV and got a triaxis a year ago. Still happy as day 1.
Yeah, I wouldn't be getting a triaxis to sound like my Mark IV, i'd be getting it to sound like a triaxis. Whatever I play through, whether it's a cheap crate or mesa, my style still sounds like me. I go back and forth between racks and heads, both have advantages and disadvantages, but I'll probably keep what I have for now, it gets the tones I want currently, so can't complain, but constantly on the look for the "1" that only exists in fairy tales.