I traded my Mark V for a ...

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Well-known member
Feb 22, 2009
Reaction score
New Brunswick, Canada
Peavey Vypyr :lol:

No I'm not kidding. I bought a Vypyr Tube 60 watter. What a fun amp to play. It has 11 stompboxes, 12 amps (one high gain, one low game per model), and 11 "rack effects" built in.


I also got the Sanpera II pedal which is blast. It seems built pretty cheap, but it's a great little unit. You can store up to 400 presets:


I'm mostly a basement player and it's a great little amp. I say little, but it's LOUD as all hell. To my ears, it sounds great at loud and very low volumes. I got to looking at them to see what the fuss was all about. Once I got to know it, I got hooked and bye bye Mark V.

I hated the look of the combo, so I built my own custom white crocodile leather (cow hide) enclosure:


Anyhoo, I just thought I'd share my little story.

Thanks for all your help and insight while I was a Mark V owner.
Luckily this isn't the ultimate guitar forums so you have a much lower chance of being flamed lol.

Tone is subjective, whatever makes the user happy. I like my vypyr 15w. It's a great little practice amp.
Jacko123 said:
Peavey Vypyr :lol:

No I'm not kidding. I bought a Vypyr Tube 60 watter. What a fun amp to play. It has 11 stompboxes, 12 amps (one high gain, one low game per model), and 11 "rack effects" built in.


I also got the Sanpera II pedal which is blast. It seems built pretty cheap, but it's a great little unit. You can store up to 400 presets:


I'm mostly a basement player and it's a great little amp. I say little, but it's LOUD as all hell. To my ears, it sounds great at loud and very low volumes. I got to looking at them to see what the fuss was all about. Once I got to know it, I got hooked and bye bye Mark V.

I hated the look of the combo, so I built my own custom white crocodile leather (cow hide) enclosure:


Anyhoo, I just thought I'd share my little story.

Thanks for all your help and insight while I was a Mark V owner.

First off... what a beautiful job!!! Just amazing. You are an excellent craftsman.

My only fear would be such a commitment to a Peavey Vyper.

Now onto what everyone on the Boogie Board that hangs in the Mark V section is thinking... "you sold your Mark V for a Peavey Vyper and made it sexy???"

I looks like he did, believe it or not. I can certainly understand where he is coming from tone wise. A Vyper (or Valvetronix or Cube or...) sounds great at super low volumes for home use. I have owned a TON of hybrid and non hybrid modeling combos and they are a wonderful tool for solo, low volume playing.

All in all, it may seem silly to me to do all that with a Peavey Vyper but you sure did a great job and you seem to "get it". So why not!
I don't understand this, really. The Mark V can sound good at barely audible levels.

But, hey, I hope you enjoy it. De gustibus non est disputandum.
Right on Jacko123 glad you got an amp that sounds good to you :D Last year I had a Roadster and I tried in vain to like it for 8 months. I kept telling myself that it is a Mesa Roadster so it has to be awesome and it must just be me. I finally sold it and it was the best thing I could have done. I ened up getting a Roland Cube and a Mark V and now I have the tones I want.

You did an awesome job on the tolex that sucker looks slick!
Nice job....looks very pro. As far as the V is concerned, it is an amp that dosn't come to life until the 2nd set. it HAS TO BE PUSHED to sound it's best. It really is not a bedroom amp, a practice amp or a don't want to disturb the neighborhood amp. :lol: It is a stage amp. period.
Now if you said Axe-Fx or something I may have believed you.. solid state but still. I don't see anyone selling a ferrari for a hyundai accent and saying it drives better. :lol:
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boyAll work and no play makes Jack a dull boyAll work and no play makes Jack a dull boyAll work and no play makes Jack a dull boyAll work and no play makes Jack a dull boyAll work and no play makes Jack a dull boyAll work and no play makes Jack a dull boyAll work and no play makes Jack a dull boyAll work and no play makes Jack a dull boyAll work and no play makes Jack a dull boyAll work and no play makes Jack a dull boyAll work and no play makes Jack a dull boyAll work and no play makes Jack a dull boyAll work and no play makes Jack a dull boyAll work and no play makes Jack a dull boyAll work and no play makes Jack a dull boyAll work and no play makes Jack a dull boyAll work and no play makes Jack a dull boyAll work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.......................
Jacko123 said:
Peavey Vypyr :lol:

No I'm not kidding. I bought a Vypyr Tube 60 watter. What a fun amp to play. It has 11 stompboxes, 12 amps (one high gain, one low game per model), and 11 "rack effects" built in.


I also got the Sanpera II pedal which is blast. It seems built pretty cheap, but it's a great little unit. You can store up to 400 presets:


I'm mostly a basement player and it's a great little amp. I say little, but it's LOUD as all hell. To my ears, it sounds great at loud and very low volumes. I got to looking at them to see what the fuss was all about. Once I got to know it, I got hooked and bye bye Mark V.

I hated the look of the combo, so I built my own custom white crocodile leather (cow hide) enclosure:


Anyhoo, I just thought I'd share my little story.

Thanks for all your help and insight while I was a Mark V owner.

...Uhhah! Hmm....? so you put diamond earrings on a pig :shock:
Hehe. I didn't say I upgraded my amp from Mark V to a Vypyr. That would be funny. What I meant to say is that it fits my situation better. I've been buying/selling effects to get the perfect tone, but the problem is that there is not one tone I'm looking for. The Vypyr lets me quickly mess around with settings that I can save with the Sanpera pedals. This might sound silly too, but I like that I am stuck with the stompboxes that are onboard, especially the ones that go into the loop (Vypyr has no loop). No more researching the latest and greatest delays or choruses. Just have to make due with what you got.

I'm a big supporter of companies pushing digital solutions for amplifiers. They're just getting better. I have been an avid photographer for over 15 years, and there were always debates about film (tubes/analog) over digital (solid state/digital) photography. As it stands today, pretty much every pro and amateur photographer has moved to digital. I figure it will eventually come to this with guitar rigs. There's still lots of room for improvement, but they're getting closer and closer (Axe FX being the big dog right now). I, for one, am excited about how this will take shape in the next 5 years. Will the tube amplifier be obsolete? Nope. But there will be a lot more options out there.

Now I have to figure out what to do with the $1,000 I have leftover. Transatlantic maybe? :D :D
Jacko123 said:
Hehe. I didn't say I upgraded my amp from Mark V to a Vypyr. That would be funny. What I meant to say is that it fits my situation better. I've been buying/selling effects to get the perfect tone, but the problem is that there is not one tone I'm looking for. The Vypyr lets me quickly mess around with settings that I can save with the Sanpera pedals. This might sound silly too, but I like that I am stuck with the stompboxes that are onboard, especially the ones that go into the loop (Vypyr has no loop). No more researching the latest and greatest delays or choruses. Just have to make due with what you got.

I'm a big supporter of companies pushing digital solutions for amplifiers. They're just getting better. I have been an avid photographer for over 15 years, and there were always debates about film (tubes/analog) over digital (solid state/digital) photography. As it stands today, pretty much every pro and amateur photographer has moved to digital. I figure it will eventually come to this with guitar rigs. There's still lots of room for improvement, but they're getting closer and closer (Axe FX being the big dog right now). I, for one, am excited about how this will take shape in the next 5 years. Will the tube amplifier be obsolete? Nope. But there will be a lot more options out there.

Now I have to figure out what to do with the $1,000 I have leftover. Transatlantic maybe? :D :D

Not a TA.... so many other options in that lunchbox amp category, it is overpriced and no loop.

Nice handiwork :)
Talking about photo's and amp's in the same sentence really doesn't work. Now if you wanted to apply it to recording solutions that may work. As far as i'm concerned the best a solid state amp can do is emulate the real thing. It's fleshlight vs. female. They're great for what they do, and are very consistent which rocks. Still though nothing can ever top a real tube amp, with variables not dependent on what a software engineer can imagine. Not to start a flame war or anything it just seems plainly obvious to me.

That said, I think every guitarist should have late night solutions (solid state) in their arsenal. They're great as well. I plan to get an axe fx for nighttime jams and possibly to replace my Gforce in the loop.