I play my first gig with my new T-verb combo tonight! Update

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Well-known member
Mar 8, 2005
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Springfield/Mt.Vernon, MO
Tonight, I play my first gig with my new (new to me) T-verb combo and I've been jittery and "chompin' at the bit" all day!! I've had the head for a few months and LOVE it, but wanted a more compact way to travel, even though it's not much more compact it's still easier to lug around the entire amp with the casters than a head and a cab or two. I have never played a 2x12 tube combo other than my Twin and that was for country and seen very little distrotion.

I just had to get that all out..... 1 hr 30 mins until setting up and I get to really crank it..... and 4 hrs 15 mins until the band starts.

PS. Yes....... I did edit it, my first post made me sound gay! .... Nothing agianst them, I'm just not :D .
I hope you kicked it good last night! I've seen your threads since you got the combo and know how you love that amp. Did the 2x12 combo work for you? Any comments from the audience or the band?

We all look forward to hearing about it!
Any comments from the audience or the band

None from the audience....... The bass player (a former guitar player) said thats the best sounding amp he's heard! The drummer rolled his eyes.... The lead singer didn't notice I had a new amp until the end of the night... and the other guitar player just said "you really like those boogies, don't you?".

It was a GREAT night!! I love playing with a new amp, but I also HATE playing with a new amp. You worry more about the amp and the way it sounds and getting it tweaked the first 2 or 3 sets, then I have earplugs in by the end of the 3rd set so I cant really hear the true tone and have to hope it sounded good before the plugs went in.

Yeah, I think I like it better than the head/cab set up I have. It sounded like it mixed with the band better, but still cut through in all the right places. My sound man said it sounded more "alive" (what ever that means) and wasn't as boomy as my head/cab. I contribute part of that to the EL34's in the combo and an open back as opposed to 6L6's and a closed back with the head.

The clean tone was more of what I was wanting, and couldn't quite find in the head/cab... I grew up on open back Fenders, so I think the open back combo was a sound I was more used to??

The only issues I had all night was the power cord in my V-twin kept coming out at all the wrong times and killing my sound. I think I need to mess with that before tonights gig. Other than that, it was a good night.

Heck, the combo is even going to the "hell gig" load in tonight because I like it so much. We gotta haul our stuff down 3 flights of stairs and down a sidewalk about 50 feet long to the club and then through the club/restaraunt (while people are eating) just get to the stage. The things we'll do for tone!!
Glad to hear the Tremoverb combo is working out for you. I ultimately went with my Tremoverb head because I thought a seperate head and cab would be easier to move than the 100lb combo. But your post and the points about the open back cab of the combo have me thinking even further about what I have been contemplating with my cab situation.
I have the same head/cab setup as you with the Tremoverb head and the Gflex 2x12. I have been thinking of either adding a second 2x12 or just going with a 4x12. The 4x12 is a pain to move and I have been fighting the urge to do it for mainly that reason. But if I go 2x12 I am wondering if doing a 3/4 open cab would be a good way to go. Still can move everything on my own, but now have the 'half stack' and also add the dimension of what open cabs can give you....what you are finding with the combo. Have you tried running the combo with the Gflex as an extension?

The only thing I DON't like about the combo vs the head/gflex is the cleans when using my Tele (G&L). No matter what settings I use, the tele just sounds real thin. I even had a couple of hours yesterday to expierment with different tubes (6L6 and EL34's), the 6l6 sounded a bit warmer and more "fender"-ish but didn't add enough warmth or bass to the cleans to keep them in there.

So, I grabbed my gflex and plugged in to it and it improved the bass on the cleans quite a bit.

When I use my Wolfgang, the cleans sound much better and fuller in the combo and with the same settings on the head, they are too bassy.... it's mainly the tele that doesn't sound too good....... but I don't play it too much, so I can live with the tone.

I thought you may need to know that if you're thinking about getting a new cab. At one point in time I had 2 G-Flex cabs and it was much better sounding than any 4x12 I'd heard. Why not check in to another gflex?
tele_jas said:
PS. Yes....... I did edit it, my first post made me sound gay! .... Nothing agianst them, I'm just not :D .
Uh, you have to be political correct. So your statement should have said:
PS. Yes....... I did edit it, my first post made me sound like the alternative life type people! ....
Uh, that don't sound right either :roll:
Aw forget it, your first statement sounds better. :? I guess I can't grasp this "politically correct" concept.

Did you use the tremolo? :twisted:
Did you use the tremolo?

Yeah, I started a new thread about that too.. I had issures with it, my head's tremolo sounds great, but the combo sounded more like Chorus?? We play a few Keith Urban songs that use tremolo and that Greenday song "I walk alone" that has the tremolo part throughout the song.

Uh, you have to be political correct.

Hell, I'm from the Ozarks (around Branson, Mo), ain't nothing politically correct around here!! I mean, we have Yakov Smirnoff down here :shock: !

Have you ever seen "The Beverly Hillbilly's"?? Alot of the places they talk about "back home", are places that are not too far from me!

Maybe I shouln't be telling people about the Ozarks? I would probably get accepted better with that first statement. :D :D
tele_jas said:
I thought you may need to know that if you're thinking about getting a new cab. At one point in time I had 2 G-Flex cabs and it was much better sounding than any 4x12 I'd heard. Why not check in to another gflex?

Well the other consideration I have in the mix is transport space in my car. I drive an '01 Honda Accord Coupe and right now I can get the Gflex, my guitar and my pedal board in the trunk. The head rides on the back seat. The size of the Avatar 2x12 I was considering or a second Gflex would not allow me to get both cabs in the trunk and transfer the guitar to the back seat (and the 2 door thing doesn't provide room to get a cab in the back seat either). One 4x12 is actually smaller than 2 Gflex cabs and would fit. Or the Mesa 3/4 open cab looks to have smaller dimensions and should fit in the trunk with the Gflex. Buying a new car isn't an option at the moment :) **** logistics.

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