I ordered a Mark V!!!

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MBJUnkie, yeah, my Strat with the Lace Hot Golds is a HSS, the dually Hot Gold is close to a humbucker sound, but falls a little short IMO. I have a set of Pearly Gates that my buddy wants me to put into his Epiphone Les Paul and I am thinking one of those will make a detour into my Strat to see how it sounds. May also try a SH-11 in there since it is a bright guitar.

So, in position 4, is that the middle coil with the full humbucker or is the humbucker split when you go into that position? I didn't split the dually on my Strat and I do still get a decent amount of quack on a clean channel. What I have noticed is that it gives a little more bottom end in addition to the humbucker'ish sound of the dually.

Very interesting about the band practice thing on the 10w setting. I would have thought you would have some trouble getting loud enough, but apparently not! I don't gig anymore, but ya know, the sound guys were always telling ya to turn down your amp. Everywhere we played, they always miked the cabs and ran it through the PA. So, ever since I got the Mark V, I always wondered if the 10w setting would be good for gigging through a PA.

I am not familiar with the HB pickups you are discussing, but am interested in finding out how the change(s) sound through your V. I will say the SSH+ HB pickup on my Suhr S3 has a great sound to it and is a fairly hot HB pickup. I am not sure whether position 4 on my guitar is combining my mid single coil with the full HB or splitting the HB, but it sounds more like a single coil on clean stuff with fantastic quack in this position so my guess is that Suhr probably split the HB in this position. However when I play high gain rhythm or leads in this position, the sonic characterstics of the HB are definitely noticeable and a plus so I really do not know.

The 10W mode is a great addition to the V because it really adds a "new" sound and feel to the amp IMO. Naturally, it is the go to setting for "bedroom level" practicing, but can get surprisingly loud as well. I am easily able to cut through over the drummer with 10W selected in each channel. I was very pleasantly surprised how good the high gain sounds of channel 2 and 3 sounded in 10W mode (with careful and judicious use of bass frequencies). I have done small venue gigs with my V set to 10W in all channels and if necessary, I mic it and go through the PA as well. I have also gigged with the V in 45 and/or 90W modes as well, and don't get me wrong, they sound great as well. However, I have been accused of being too loud during rehearsals many times by my bandmates. Rehearsing in 10W has silenced them for now! :D Note: When using 10W mode for rehearsals or gigs, I set all channels to 10W to avoid the unavoidable "popping" when footswitching between channels as mentioned in the manual. 45W and 90W can be selected as desired and footswichted between each channel without any popping noises.
Barry said:
Im amazed when I see some of the settings that people show on the forum . They have so much treble dialed up . I cant figure out how they do it . Not judging anyone it just baffles me .

Now that I finally have gotten to play my Mark V that came this week I now understand your statement here.

The Mark V has SO SO much treble on tap it's ridiculous!

It really forces me to cut back on lots of treble on my tone controls on my guitars as well as the amp itself.
Im totally with you . I went back and used my Deuce and LoneStar rig last weekend and was quickly reminded how awesome that rig is . Im getting the Mark V dialed in better now but dont have lots of treble tweaked up on it
Yeah, the treble is so all powerful in the MV EQ it can take some tweaking!! Itry and keep things quite tame on my EQ, im not brave enough!

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