I need help !!!

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Well-known member
May 9, 2007
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Long Island NY
Okay well i have a triple recto and for some strange reason I'm picking up radio signals from people locally (truckers) lmao it sounds funny but its actually disguistingly annoying. Im guessing its because of the gain and active pickups but has anyone ever had this problem and is there anything i can do to fix this otherwise i may just track this jerk down and murder him for messing with my amp ha

im running a esp ec1000 through a ts9dx and then two Boss ns2 noise suppressors then into the mesa through 2 4x12s. i hear it amazingly clear when i run my effects loop which is a dbx 31 band eq and a sonic maximizer

but any help would be much appreciated because all i keep hearing is theyre bs arguements and stupid call names
that's kind of funny but I can see how that would be annoying. Not sure what to tell you really. I know your cables act as antennas so be sure they are good quality. I'm not too versed with actives but I imagine they could pick up all kinds of interference. You used to get all kinds of radio stations at my old apartment. I could almost jam along with it! Very annoying. At least it was the local classic rock station rather than 'easy listening'. :)

It disappeared when I moved, so there's a chance that it was just crappy power or 'dirty' power. You might try a power conditioner or change outlets? I also lived in a second story apartment so I'm wondering if there was less to 'muffle' the interference because of that...

Good luck with it...
nitrous2400 said:
Okay well i have a triple recto and for some strange reason I'm picking up radio signals from people locally (truckers) lmao it sounds funny but its actually disguistingly annoying.

hey, if it doesn't go away you can always just start up a country band!
i actually have a furman pl plus II that everythings plugged into and all monster cables... also its not the radio stations its like truckers on cb radios talking to each other .... from what i understood the one guy was headed to conneticut, and im located on long island ny so im guessing i have alot of range with the gain of the amp ha but yeah i turned the amp off and back on and it was still there. and its been hours already...

ive never had this problem before and the guy that is talkin has a potty mouth its really annoying cuz you can hear it when the guitars vol is off and you can hear it in the backround while your playing even with all the gain and chunk of the amp :(
wow,i was picking up a radio station today first time i ever heard it.it wasnt loud but it was there ,i hate that,anyhow to bad you couldnt break in their radio waves with the guitar :twisted: lol
Truckers are notorious for using linear, high powered (and illegal) power boosters. There is nothing you can do about that, that I know of. They'll come through your p.a., your phone, and your television if they're close enough.

One bar I play at will allow a touch of radio into my Blue Angel, it's just a touch, annoying, but not a problem. I blame the old wiring and perhaps the station is nearby, I never noticed. Doesn't happen anywhere else.

Does this happen everywhere you play? That would be weird.

Best of luck.

I have owned two Cry Baby wah pedals in my life, an original many years ago and a Jim Dunlop now for the Motown band I am in. Both of them pick up the radio when the wah is on and backed off to the bassy setting (pedal up). I guess that means the Dunlop is an accurate reproduction?? I have had no luck in trying to make it go away, only does it some places. Maybe the ground is better in the circuit in the places it doesn't do it.
either picks or cables usually, try unpluging the guitar and see if you still get it...10-4 :D
tubes/valves are still used to power radiowave transmitter efficiently, so from one tube to the other ....

seriously, i wonder if you have trouble with your earthlink and bold tubes. make sure there is no closed humloop in your rack that multiplies the disturbing noises. i guess you know something about shielding your rig. worn out preamp tubes (first gain) can mean a lot also.

keep on humming ;-)
Now and then I pick up a broadcast that seems to be coming from England over 500 miles away. Short wave radio?
Start replacing cables - starting with the speaker cable. Monsters go bad all time (hence the warranty), and the Furman provides zero RF filtering.
123thefirst said:
Now and then I pick up a broadcast that seems to be coming from England over 500 miles away. Short wave radio?

AM radio. AM broadcasts can skip off the upper atmosphere, and span huge distances.
Yeah I use to pickup shortwave with my Roadster.

Doesn't happen all the time. Guessing its the house wiring or my guitar cable.
ha funny story all the sam ashs and guitar centers within like 50miles of me have no monster cables that are the same size and model to exchange im using a shitty planet waves circuit breaker backup cord in the meantime but it still picks the dude up and the more i crank it the more i hear him and it really doesnt drown him out at all for like 2 hours the other day he was going yeaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh anyone out there yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh ......FOR 2 fuckin hours :lol: i had my friends over and they were rolling no one believes me and the guy at mesa gotta kick outta it

i tried unplugging everything checkin cables changing outlets and no luck most of my cables are under 6months old and i havent moved my setup since i got it gets u thinkin maybe one of the pieces of gear is haunted by a trucker
nitrous2400 said:
...i hear it amazingly clear when i run my effects loop which is a dbx 31 band eq and a sonic maximizer ...

Try running shielded cables (the stereo/TRS type) to and from the EQ. The third wire (ring on the plug) wont really do anything as the amp connections are not balanced, but the EQ's are and the ring connection will be grounded at the EQ. It might help if the EQ is picking up the interferance.

Unhook EVERYTHING and see if the problem persists, adding one piece at a time until you find the offender. If its still happening with guitar straight into amp, check your guitar's innards for proper shielding/grounding, and swap out the cable.

Could be your house wiring, or it could be one of your neighbors has a base-station/ham radio with a big linear amp...solution, move :roll:

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