How to remove speaker grille on 2x12 Horizontal Recto cab

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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2009
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I´ve just got a replacement grilles for my MKV head and 2x12 recto cab. Replacing the grille on the head was easy but the cab is turning out to be quite a headache!!!

I´ve tried removing the back but it feels like it´s glued together, I´ve also tried pulling on the front of the grill, but it´s quite stuck.

Does anyone know what´s the right procedure for replacing the grille?
Don't try to pry it out round the edges - you'll chew it up.

Take out the jack plate, and pull from the hole there. It still might not be easy. There's some sticky sealing tape round the edges (I think - there certainly is on the combo back panels, it's a while since I had one of the closed cabs apart), but once you start to lift it, it will come - but slowly. I've heard of people having to put a screw jack inside and pop it off that way... but I don't know how true that is.
It required quite some force, but once I got the back removed, the rest was easy. Now I have a Tan grille on both my MKV and cab.

Erotomaniac1928 said:
Looks very cool. How did you go about getting the tan grilles?

I ordered mine through my Mesa Dealer - I´d originally ordered the MKV with the tan grille, but it came with a gold one, so Mesa kindly sent me a grille for my 2x12cab along with the tan grille for my head.
Oldschool said:
Erotomaniac1928 said:
Looks very cool. How did you go about getting the tan grilles?

I ordered mine through my Mesa Dealer - I´d originally ordered the MKV with the tan grille, but it came with a gold one, so Mesa kindly sent me a grille for my 2x12cab along with the tan grille for my head.

Another reason why Mesa is so awesome! :mrgreen:

Looks sweet!
Oldschool said:
It required quite some force, but once I got the back removed, the rest was easy. Now I have a Tan grille on both my MKV and cab.


I'm trying to pry out the back panel of a vert 2x12 and would like to know what you mean by "brute force"... like what exactly did you do to get that thing off? I don't remember previous panels being this tough.
It just hit me... I fit my hand and a hammer into the back plate hole and tapped it out from the inside... easy, peezy.