How many RKII owners out there ?

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I've got mine! Love it. And I love my Mk IV. And I love my RV 50. I've got all my sounds covered!
Mine should arrive in a week or two with the Road King cabinet. I suspect that having the open back side as an option will allow a lot of other tones that aren't identifiable as "Recto" sounds even with channels 3 and 4. I'll try to record and post some soundclips that show what it can do.
that's the most intuitive description of WANTING a RK cab i've ever heard! +1 for you sir! I, too own a RKII and in the words of Ferris Bueller, "It is so choice." love it, love the brit voice lately, just playin zepp riffs over n over on that one
kingster911 said:
I, too own a RKII and in the words of Ferris Bueller, "It is so choice." love it, love the brit voice lately, just playin zepp riffs over n over on that one

Nice! Lately I've been spending too much time dreaming about both the Tweed and Brit modes. I'm hoping that they will have both a sufficient amount of gain and a sufficient amount of treble to cop most everything recorded in the 70's without resorting to channels 3 and 4.

I love the Raw mode in my Recto Pre turned way, way down in gain and way up in treble. Very vintage sounding with a touch sensitive clean/dirt threshold.
Greatest amp that I've ever played is my RK II. I love it. Definitely the most versatile sounding all-tube amp ever made.

Before that, I played a Triaxis rig, which was almost as flexible (more in certain ways), but didn't have spectacular Lone Star cleans and lacked the heavy tone of a Dual Recto.
The RK II does it all. Ch 1 cleans are amazing. Ch 2 does nice blues. Ch 3 is great for marshall crunch. Ch 4 will blow your F-in head off. Oh, and the reverb is among the best Mesa has ever made.
I'm hoping to have mine in a couple of weeks. I guess it's taking longer because of the Garnet front panel. I hope it looks as cool as I think it will!

I'm juiced! I got a recorded message(1st time ever!) from UPS saying it would be delivered tomorrow, requiring a signature!
Woo Hoo...can't wait!
