How loud is the Mark III 60 watt combo?

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Looks like a black stripe, which would be about right for 1986 I think. It's a pretty early one. Looks very nice, $700 would be a good price since it has the EQ, Reverb and EV speaker. Appears to be in good shape, maybe ask him for a few more pics on the serial num or power cord to tell which version it is.

Yes the 60 watters are VERY loud, and cut through well. I have a 60 watt Mk3 and a 60 2B as well as a 100/60 version of a 2c+ and a 2B. I never even switch to the 100 watt mode, 60 watt with the master on 3-4 makes me feel like I've been at a Deep purple concert :shock:

60watts is extremely powerful! Don’t forget you will be miking the amp for the PA (keep stage volume down sound person can control mix better which makes the band sound good). Volume wars between band member’s just produces crap for the audience.
You asked about keeping up with a drummer in most cases that amp will overpower even a hard hitting drummer, with not to much effort.
As far as venue I have played a room of 350-400 with a Subway Rocket which is 20 watts & a 10-inch speaker (broke a power tube in my Mark IV) sound guy made comment about the size of the amp and power. Well during sound check asked me to turn it down, I had the volume around 3-4 during the gig.
Don’t get to obsessed with wattage, especially with a Boogie, most of the time people are fighting to keep them at lower volumes with power attenuator’s.
Yes, I agree that 60 watts is plenty of power. When I switch to the 100 watt mode on my Mark I, about the only thing that I notice is the increase in bass (headroom). Stack the combo on top of a 1x12 Thiele for a very compact powerhouse of sound. The ported thiele cab delivers awesome bass, especially when it's EV equipped.
Thanks so much guys, now I feel much better. Hmmm, black stripe eh? What does that mean sonically? I don't really know the differences between the modifications.
So I've successfully purchased the amp for $744, including shipping. Can't wait for it to come!
My 60W Mark III is very loud. Unless you play in stadiums without a PA you should have more than enough volume.
Looks just like my '86 Purple stripe! Great tone on these amps, you won't be disappointed, although it may take some time to dial. If you're not happy with the sound up front, I'd get it retubed and listen again before you put it back on the 'bay -- mine still had the original '86s :D

I have the Blue stripe version of this 60 watt MkIII that you have bought.

In terms of volume, let's just say it rhymes with 'clucking proud' :)

It should be plently loud for alomst any gigging/jamming situation.

Congrats on the purchase - you won't regret it.
60 watts is all you will ever need. The 100 watt series was only designed and recommended for those running extension cabinets.

I have everything in MESA from 15 watts to 300 watts and the Mark 60 watt does it every time!

Boogiewan Kenobi said:
60 watts is all you will ever need. The 100 watt series was only designed and recommended for those running extension cabinets.

I have everything in MESA from 15 watts to 300 watts and the Mark 60 watt does it every time!


I'd go even farther and say that even running a 2nd EVM-12' off of the 60watt MkIII, you STILL have tons of headroom.

Slightly OT: Don't overlook the fact that Rhythm 2 adds crunch to both Rhythm AND Lead channels. I've found this the best way to have a workable and sweet (if not sqeuaky-kleen) clean AND a nice creamy OD.
My black stripe, 60W combo is hooked up to a quad box and it's enough to shear the heads off the front row punters anytime.... 8)

I've usually got it on about 4 and it's more than enough.

At home, it's on 1.5 - I feel a set of yellow jackets coming on... :p