how long is your guitar cable? brand? share pls

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I use Planet Waves 20' Circuit Breakers and love them. Live I use a Shure PGX14 and love it too.
I have used PW's for touring and everything else for years, and the only problem I have ever had is other players stealing them.
That's a rather personal question, don't you think?

I mean, something like that is a matter between myself and my doctor. A slow-moving farm animal perhaps. But certainly no business of yours my friend.



12 feet.
in the studio i've been using four mogami 10ft cables for:
guitar --> pedalboard
pedalboard --> amp
fx send --> pedalboard
pedalboard --> fx return

and mogami patch cables on the pedalboard.

sounds good to me, no complaints. i'll have to step it up to something longer when we start gigging though. my suggestion is to make really good friends with someone at GC and get your mogami's at cost :lol:
I use Planet Waves them...been using the same cables for years without any problems. Had to replace one when my cat chewed through it....funny thing is it still worked fine....I'm just paranoid about tone loss :lol:
20ft Whirlwind.I laughed at the lifetime warranty,as much use/abuse as I have given it never had a problem.I remember GP mag had a shootout on cables and the Whirlwind and George L's won FWIW.
haha, I had to bump this thread up, since I bought 2 cables, a MOGAMI GOLD one and a PLANET WAVES cable. Astonishing.

My review.. the planet waves is kinda dark sounding, real good for heavy riffin' and that kinda stuff, the mogami one, is much brighter and sounds really good for bluesy stuff and for lead stuff, really nice, if I had to choose one of the two, I'd go for the mogami one, however, they do cost more.

Mogami gold 18 feet - $50
Planet Waves 15 feet - $34

Just as a side note.. I really didn't think good cables would drastically improve and clean up my tone. BUY 'EM! 8)
mogami for sure. and you gotta be carefull with the length of the cord. only get it as long as you need it. personally i never use anything over 12 ft because the length of the cord is inversly proportional to the presence of your guitar at the input at the amp. unless you spend 150 on those crazy new mogami pro series or whatever. they are pretty safe up to 24 ft or something
I grew up in the day before all these high-end fancy cables. Maybe it's the years of playing too load but I don't know if I could tell a discernable difference between quality cables. Would never use a $6 cable but have spent up to $30 before. Do the $100 cables really make that much difference, other than in your wallet, or is it just a bunch of hype?

I use a decent wireless system, Sennheiser ew100, and have cables running from the wireless to the pedal board snaking through a volume pedal, wah wah, talk box, TS-9 and a clean boost then back to my amp. I have a hard time believing that high-end cables are going to affect any tone with all that crap in between the guitar and amp. In the studio I would try to go straight into my amp with a short cable if possible but again, does it really make that much difference? If someone is able to explain it to me to where it makes sense maybe I would do things differently but I don't know if I even want to learn to appreciate high-end cables. It would just be one more thing for me to obsess about in the quest for ultimate tone. Don't even get started on preamp tube combinations!

Currently I use low end $20 - $25 Monster cables simply because of the warranty and there is always a Guitar Center nearby. You always need a well built cable at least.
I didn't really believe in that until I really A/Bd some cables I had lying, and yes, I too can hear a difference on when used to connect the guitar to the rest, much less after pedals. I'm using now Planet Waves and Spectraflex.

That said, in a smokey club full of in various stages intoxicated but nonetheless enthusiastic people, I seriously doubt ANYone in the audience could hear that I'm not using high end $$$ cables!
I went from cheap cables to mogami gold, and I do notice a difference. Good quality cables are worth the money, and most expensive cables have a lifetime warranty.

I have Mogami 2524 with Swithcraft ends thoughout my rig, and with the leftover cable that I had, I build two 15' cables with Neutrik ends for my guitar cables. All is good.
I use 10' George L's and I have to admit that I hate them with much passion. I am always having to re-seat the cable with one of the ends...on all 3 of the George L cables that I have.

Maybe it's user error...but I tend to just grab a cable & plug it in. I don't wanna have to get a degree in engineering to figure out how to make them have a solid and consistent connection.

But any pointers on how to improve them would be VERY appreciated.
The calbes Ive been using lately are "bullet" cables. Ive tried various cables, never really actually noticing a difference that made me think one cable was better, and/or different than another by any real degree.

I will say though that these things are noticeable. The most apparent difference is that they appear slightly brighter with stronger signal. On my triple rec, I usually drive the gain on the clean channel just to the point right before where it would start to sound overdriven. Makes for a real fat clean....but again, not yet driven.

I hooked up the bullet with no change to the amp settings, and my clean channel went just over the edge to that point were it began to "drive" with those same settings. This leads me to beleive that Im getting a little hotter signal from my guitar. Ive definitely dialed back the brightness in the amp too cause there is a nice amount of added clarity/high end. This cable is 20 foot....and its longer than all the cables I checked it up against.

I have not tried any of the "best cables out there". But I have played many 50 dollar or less cables and this is the best of the bunch I tried. Cant say how it stacks up agains some of those hundred dollar 20 footers but I like it.
12, 20 and 25 foot George L's - depending on how much I need on the day. PB is all George L's.

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