How do you handle loud volumes--neighbors

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I only have one neigbor. They don't mind as long as we don't play past midnight. We only play on Friday nights and sometimes Saturday afternoons.

One time during a hot summer night, we had the garage door open, I had a neighor that lived on top of a hill about a quarter-mile away come down and ***** about the noise (around 8:00pm). I walked over to my cable bag got out a box of ear plugs and handed it to him and said "this might help", my friends and I kept playing. He didn't like that too much. :)
Sometimes Sheriffs park in front of the house and listen to us play while they are on break, thats kinda cool.

I too have a Vamp through headphones or CPU keeps me practicing.
+1 to the speaker simulator, but I'd suggest the sequis motherload - wonderful sound, with both attenuator and cab simulation.
I have a different rig for practising at night. I use a POD XTL and a set of KRK reference monitors. During daylight hours, I'll use my amp but still won't run it that loud. I found that I could hear it better and keep the volume lower if I keep it on an amp stand.

I live in an apartment and have not received any noise complaints. I figure that I'll have plenty of time to crank up my F-30 when I can afford a house. 8)
I have this same problem, I was living in a house with 4 other people about a month ago. Now we moved out and I went to an apartment with 2 other guys. None of them care how loud I play but before while I was at my house I could run my F30 at 12oclock all day no complaints. Now, I have it at 8-830 and it sucks. I'm not sure what I'm going to do, but I don't think I can deal with the much longer...
ahhh, I live in Montana, in the county not in city limits... so it's mostly anything goes out here. I play my Nomad 100 through a 4x12 with the master about 4'oclock ,normal high gain settings and such. All it ever got me was a drummer and a bass player that happened to live in the area.

When I lved in Los Angles a woman would come over and complain every so often (nextdoor). So, I went over one evening with a Dominoes pizza a six pack of beer. I gave it to her husbandand proceeded to apologize about the loud guitar playing the earlier that day which disturbed his wife and her male "friend"....never heard a peep out of her the rest of the time I lived there. No joke it's really what I did....but I do have to thank my wife for the idea of going over there LOL
As for low volume stuff I use my line 6 spider2 112 75watt combo. Headphones when I really need to be quiet, like when Im learning a new lick or something and I dont want anyone to hear the "suck" :D LOL
You could find out what the noise ordinances are in your area, and then tell them to f-off if you're not breaking it. Excessive noise is one thing. Simply hearing someone else is another. In "most" places in the US, being able to hear music coming from someplace else at a time before 9 or 10pm isn't enough to warrant a complaint. But you'll have to check your local rules.
And remember, when all else fails, F-OFF you A-Hole! Works more often than not.
That is a good idea. Go check out your sound ordinances and if he comes back to *****, let him know you aren't breaking any laws
Another idea might be to just go talk to the neighbor and tell them you'd like to practice and find out if there are times that might be better for them. I usually tell neighbors in general and not just for guitar to just come knock on the door or call me if there is too much noise.

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