How can I get that tone?? MARK IV

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Well-known member
Oct 10, 2007
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Well I been playing with my MARK IV for the week and like many that
had a MIV I have problems dialing my sounds. Now before I give up with this one I have ordered barnd new tubes from Eurotubes.

This is what I ordered after taliking with Bob

High gain option for older Mesa MK IV. 6L6GC’s/E34L’s. Three high gain ECC83S’s, one ECC81 and one balanced ECC83S

So yesterday I decided to try the metallica sound (still have the old tubes in it) but I have lots of troubles acheiving it..
This guy seems to know the amp better than me :(
Hey I'm in the same boat as you lol. I'm getting close to the sound thats in my head its almost there but I just cant dial in something right. I do love that tone in both of those clips so I want those settings for sure.
I'm not sure where you are running into problems. Pretty much setting the Graphic EQ in the standard V shape gets you pretty close to that sound on the lead channel if you have your gain up around 8 or so. You can just tweak the individual sliders after that.

Nah, tubes ain't the problem. While I agree old production tubes are good, you should be able to get in the ballpark with decent current production ones. Most guys here take months and sometimes years to figure out their Marks. Take your time and just be patient.

Another stuff to ponder on; speaker selection makes a huge impact on tone, much bigger than tubes. What kind of speaker do you have in your cab? Perhaps try a Recto standard 4x12 with Vintage 30s.
Here's the cab I'm using:

The top speakers are Black shadows MC-90 with iopen back, th ebottom speakers are Black Shadows MC-90 or EV with close back.

For tubes I always use JJ'S. I order some new tubes last week from eurotube that are: High gain option for older Mesa MK IV. 6L6GC’s/E34L’s. Three high gain ECC83S’s, one ECC81 and one balanced ECC83S. I've talk a lot with Bob and this is waht he recomended to me.
Maybe the tubes with help me a bit.
webstersp said:
Here's the cab I'm using:

The top speakers are Black shadows MC-90 with iopen back, th ebottom speakers are Black Shadows MC-90 or EV with close back.

There's your problem right there. Closed back is what you need for the sound you are willing to achieve. V30 speakers will help too.
Ednolb said:
webstersp said:
Here's the cab I'm using:

The top speakers are Black shadows MC-90 with iopen back, th ebottom speakers are Black Shadows MC-90 or EV with close back.

There's your problem right there. Closed back is what you need for the sound you are willing to achieve. V30 speakers will help too.
That's right. Open back sounds middy and makes your hi-ends harsh. If you can take your head to a store and try
Is there a way to plug only the 2 bottom speakers or something like this?
Only the top speakers are open back?
I may also try my other guitarist cab, he got a 2 x12 mesa cab also.
“trem” nailed it before you even displayed a photo of your cabinet. I use to own this same cabinet and I did have the top piece to close the top speakers. I think mine had the EV’s on the bottom and it defiantly had C90’s on the top. (When this cab was in production it came with a few different speaker options).
I did get the idea to reload the cabinet with 4xV30’s and keep the top section closed also, it was more to what I was chasing in sound at the time. But it still was not quit there. I even tried putting some insulation in the cabinet. The problem was tuning the low end; I believe due to the design of the cabinet just could not get what was looking for, ended up getting a full size Recto with 4xV30’s (which was the extreme) but was more toward the goal.
With the split cab the bottom and especially the top had small compartments I think this is why I could never get the low end where I want it to be, (through use of insulation in the cabinet and also the amp’s EQ’s)
Since all of this I have sold the 4x12 and got a 2x12 Recto cab and really love it, I found the 4x12 a bit to woofie at times (keep in mind mine was the full size Recto nor the be confused traditional Recto which is also the most popular) have got the itch lately to get a 4x12 traditional Recto which is a slightly different low end than the 2x12. Plus how cool does a 2x12 look sitting on top of a 4x12 slant, :D

Warning don’t get rid of your split cabinet got rid of mine years ago and I consider it one of my biggest bone head moves, as far as buying trading gear. I don’t believe I appreciated how great this cabinet was till I got rid of it. The cleans’ from that cab were just killer! And not to mention the cabinets are out of production.
webstersp said:
Is there a way to plug only the 2 bottom speakers or something like this?
Only the top speakers are open back?
I may also try my other guitarist cab, he got a 2 x12 mesa cab also.

I want to say yes but I forget the wiring of that cabinet, I believe it already has a split jack in it already, mine did. But can’t remember if it was splitting the upper and lower speakers or if it was splitting left and right stereo left set C90/EV and right side C90/EV.

If your other guitar player has the 2x12 loaded with V30’s I think it’s more in the direction of what you are looking for.
It's not letting me make it a proper link. just cut and paste this in a new browser
IE didn't work but had no problems with Firefox!
Nice sound buddy!
Wich Cab are you using?
I was looking around for a good 2x12 cab at a great price and many forums were talking about those avatar cabs.
I want to order one but don't want to make the wrong choice :p

There are 3 models of 2x12, wich one would be the best for the type of sound I want?

Maybe the vintage would have the best sound since it is bigger but I preffer the look of the Contemporary

and wich speakers? Vintage 30s?
For my guitars I have no problems, I'm using ESP LTD EC-1000, I have a VB one with EMG's 81/60 and a deluxe vintage sunburst with seymour duncan JB/59. I prefer the duncan pickups over the emg's .. even for metallica. At least with my old amps ( I had a dual rec tremoverb and a single rectifier)
To get that sound (metallica), wich channel should I be using?
Rhytm 1, Rythm 2, lead ??
The bottom speakers in your 4x12 are Eminence Vintage 50's. As some here have suggested, cut out a panel to close off the top half of the 4x12. Then get some EVM-12L's to put in the lower speaker holes of your cab. There is NO bedroom volume Metallica tone to be had, even with the Mark IV. :( :twisted:
btw- Judgiing by the light colored surrounds, I think the bottom speakers are EV's.

The 1/2 backs are great cabs. Closing up the top of the cab should get you closer to the tone you are looking for. As of a couple of years ago, Mesa still sold the back panels for those cabs. Don't know if they still sell them, but assume they do. I'd give them a call.