HI-GAIN Monsters

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I just had to chime in, what realy pisses me off is when people trash other amps, so now it is my turn.

First the thread was high gain amps, i didnt see anything about it having to be tube, with that being said, line 6 has as much or more gain then most recto's depending on what model you choose. As to people thinking that Solid State cant be a high gain monster, look at dimebag, he used Randalls had some of the thickest and sickest distortion out there.

If you ask me at high gain is where line 6 thrive, if anything it is there lower gain stuff that you can start telling the difference, but at the high gain it is hard.

Second, if you think line 6 sucks in tone, is buzzy etc.. that is only because it is modeling the specific amp which happens to be buzzy or thin. I can get some of my highest gain, thickest sounding distortion from line 6 stuff. Or the second reason is you just do not know how to dial it in! Like with any amp you need to take some time and play with different settings.

Now the only way i can see it getting thin or crappy sounding is if you turn it up to high, but that is all solid state stuff. But in all honesty, i do not know many places anymore that you need pure volume, most every place i play or have seen bands use PA's now, hell most of the times you can not even get your amp above 2 or 3 without them bitching!

And for all you tube junkies, i could take 4 amps, 3 tube and one line 6 and record the same clip on all four and I can tell you right now, 99.9% of the people would not know which is which.

now for those doubting me, i have probaly owned more amps then the a majority of the peoples combined amps on this board, yes i know there will be a few people like me that have owned alot, so i cant say everyone. but with that being said i have put my flextone II and my Vetta up against the real things, and here is what i can tell you, they were almost exact, only difference was the Vetta had a little more top end on the uber then the actuall uber, but the vetta had a thicker and more gain on the uber then the actuall uber.

But to be fair, I could put two ubers, or two recto's up against each other and they will not sound exact either, that is just how amps are.

As to the Mesa model, almost exact, but here is where my big grip comes in. I wish line 6 would allow you more control over the models, examples would be on the mesa they model alot of the Rec's on tube rectifier, i do not know many people that actually use the tube rectifiers on there rec's and I much prefer the solid state Rectifiers.

Basicaly I use my Pod 2.0's for recording and messing around, giving guitar lessons etc... When it comes to live playing i use my XTC, why because i am not a high gain freak anymore and like i said earlier, real amps do sound better then the line 6 stuff on medium to low gain.

On a side not, i have seen many bands taking a pod pro plugging directly into the PA system and the tone was to die for! Putting the pod's through PA's sound great, like someone also said, there lower end models sound like crap once you turn them up, but great for practice.
I bought a Triple XXX 112 combo

my last amps were a Sovtek MiG60 very loud
and a 65 gretsch 6161T nice clean

this XXX has not as good a clean as the gretsch
but the Plexi sound I think it has real nice PLUS reverb
since i started playing guitar, i played (and now use for home-playing) through a line 6 Spider 112 combo (series I), and i must say i liked the tone at low volume levels (not many usuable tones though). I dindn't like it at high volumes at all. I tried also a podxt live and wasn't so satisfied, but i never tried the Vetta amps, and many people say they are all another thing if compared to the cheaper models. WELL, about 5 months ago i bought a mesa studio pre and, even if i've always played it through the mixing control since i don't own a poweramp yet, i noticed a great improvement, not only in terms of tone (which however is a matter of taste, there's absolutely no problem if anyone likes line6 amps better), but what really amazed me was how defined the sound is, and the great dinamics you can get. I want to stress that people can like every amp they want, and probably line6 amps sound better than some poor tube amps even for me, but this is talking about the nature of the sounds these amps produce... but in all honesty you simply won't never reach thoose levels of definition and dinamics with a non-tube amp.

BTW... didn't know darrell was using solidstate amps, but however i hated his tone!
To answer your questions, i have owned the roadking, both combo and head, have played the diezel and did not like it, although I am starting to think it is the diezel cab i didnt like, i need more time with it.

Yes i have seen many bands use line 6 flextone's on stage with tone to die for, and yes i can make them sound as good as my tube amps.

It is obvious you are a tube snob, have seen many of them, here is a little clue, alot of what you think is tube amp on recordings, are actually pod's. The big secret in the music business, you want to change a part in a song, or do a little touch up or add a part, plug in a pod and go. Such artists at metallica are known for this as well, hell watch there movie, what amp do you see in the backround, um a line 6 flextone head sitting next to all the tube heads.

As to line 6 not having as much bottem end, you are off your rocker, my vetta will have to much bottem end if i dont tame it! personaly i dont think you have ever used these amps, or you do not know how to EQ it or used a crappy cab or something!

Now if you are gonna talk about metallica please get there recording rigs right. Yes they used a 2C on mater, by the way good album but i do not think it was there best tone, the guitar playing is what slayed on that album.

For the black album they used Mark 4's pre amp section going into mesa power amps, they also used JMP-1 for solo's. I have never heard of them using any rec's on that album, on st anger they did however and we will not go there.

Yes dime's distortion was thick, different kind of distortion then metallica, and honestly if i had to choose i would choose metallica's. But dime wasnt using a amp that models other tube amps, he clearly had a SS amp that sounded like that.

To sum it up on the SS thing, there are alot of recordings out there that were done with some sort of solid state device, whether you know it or not or want to believe it or not. I am not sure where you live, but honestly if you are ever around VA sometime soon, stop at my place, i will let you plug into the vetta and then plug into the real uber, you will see what I am talking about!

As to why you bought up my other posting, what does that really have to do with this posting? Yes i own those tube amps plus a peavey 5150 combo, i also own a vetta, a flextone II head as well as two Pod 2.0s. In the past i have owned almost every marshall known to man, i have gone through all the dual rec's including tremo, rackmounts, 3 channel, roadking. I have also owned the stiletto, peavey 5150, peavey 5150-II, peavey triple xxx and many other amps in my 22 years of playing.

guitarmaster said:
siggy14 said:
As to people thinking that Solid State cant be a high gain monster, look at dimebag, he used Randalls had some of the thickest and sickest distortion out there.
Second, if you think line 6 sucks in tone, is buzzy etc.. that is only because it is modeling the specific amp which happens to be buzzy or thin. I can get some of my highest gain, thickest sounding distortion from line 6 stuff. Or the second reason is you just do not know how to dial it in! Like with any amp you need to take some time and play with different settings.
And for all you tube junkies, i could take 4 amps, 3 tube and one line 6 and record the same clip on all four and I can tell you right now, 99.9% of the people would not know which is which.
now for those doubting me, i have probaly owned more amps then the a majority of the peoples combined amps on this board, yes i know there will be a few people like me that have owned alot, so i cant say everyone. but with that being said i have put my flextone II and my Vetta up against the real things, and here is what i can tell you, they were almost exact, only difference was the Vetta had a little more top end on the uber then the actuall uber, but the vetta had a thicker and more gain on the uber then the actuall uber.
On a side not, i have seen many bands taking a pod pro plugging directly into the PA system and the tone was to die for! Putting the pod's through PA's sound great, like someone also said, there lower end models sound like crap once you turn them up, but great for practice.

I respect your opinion and your great experience, I have never owned or tried a lot of amps as you in my life, but I have listened to bands that use line 6 products in live shows and I think that the sound of these toys lacks of definition and obviously is not a tube sound. I could listen to a cd and understand clearly if a guitarist uses a tube or solid state amp. You speak about Diamond Darrell (R.I.P. great guitarist), but Do you really think that his tone was so thick and sick distortion ??? Listen to Pantera albums and compare Dime sound to Metallica master of puppets (1986) recorded with Mesa Boogie Mark IIC+ or the black album recorded with dual rectifier 2 channels 1991 models and you could really hear the difference between a solid state (Dime) and pure tube sound (Metallica). You couldn't tell that :"i have put my flextone II and my Vetta up against the real things, and here is what i can tell you, they were almost exact, only difference was the Vetta had a little more top end on the uber then the actuall uber, but the vetta had a thicker and more gain on the uber then the actuall uber ". The only difference is a little more top end???? Only this??? Have you ever tried a Diezel tube amp or a Mesa Road king II ? Surely You have tried them.
Do you think that your line 6 stuff could have the same feeling and tones of these 2 amps or of a Bogner?? Excuse me, with all respect I could have for you, the answer is NOT!!!!!!!! Line 6 high end models are toys like low end models .Dime tone, generated by Randall amps (these amps sound very bad in my opinion) and equalizers, lacks of bottom end, and you clearly hear that's a solid state distortion, tubes are another world. The best guitar tones and distortions are obtained with TUBE amps, no compromise.

really strange : here you told about all these interesting opinions about Line 6 amps and it seems that these products are great for you, but in another topic you told : (quote siggy14 from bogner vs mesa topic)

"3 Channel rec's, great all around amp, will get you by for almost any style of music, however they excel at the high gain. Only complaint is wish they were a bit smoother on the lower to medium gain.

Uber, this amp is built as a high gain monster, smoother gain then the rec, a bit more, but how much do you really need? Like said it gets away with medium to low gain, but not that great, well at least the one i have. I heard the newer revision (blue) has a better gain taper and it is more useible. What i like about the uber is the clean channel loves pedels/effects floorboards which makes it that much more useible.

XTC is my amp of choice, I mostly play rock to hard rock/metal and this amp is the die for tone! This amp I will probaly never part ways with unless i find something better, and I have been threw alot and have not found anything better yet.

Well i have done the side by side with the Hughes and Kettner Tri, lets just say it is pretty much a tie, however the Tri can get higher gain, where the uber has a much better plexi voicing. If i could get a TRI for under 2G's i would do a side by side for a few months and then decide which i would keep.

My recto, number R0005, well this has become my favorite high gain amp, i know i said in a post above if i had to choose between this and the Uber the uber would win hands down, well after some time i have concluded the uber is going!

Differences, they both sound pretty **** close but in order to get into the same gain realm as the uber i need to throw a tube screamer in front of the recto, however the recto just has harmonics that jump all over the place. i have tried putting the tube screamer in front of the uber, and well it still does not have th harmonics the recto has
. "
PS i have also been through many boogies, including triaxis, dc5, nomad, markIV, Serveral different Mark III's, I have played the 2C+, honestly way over hyped, but dont get me wrong, it is a great amp, just way over hyped and for the money you can get alot better.

LIke i said in my 22 years of playing i have gone through many amps, solid state as well as tube. Right now i am downsizing and in the end i am keeping my bogner XTC, my dual rec for amps. For rack i am keeping my marshall JMP-1 and my ADA-MP1 as well as my two POD 2.0s.

Why am i downsizing, i just dont really play out that much anymore, i did my touring in the 80's, my asperations to be a rock start died about ten years ago, i just play now for the fun and teach on the side.
i must say that when i tried a diezel vh4 head through an Engl 4x12 cab, i liked it way way more than my line6, but it seemed to me that the highest gain channel (even if the tone was really awesome) was lacking a bit of that feeling and vibe that you usually find in thoose great all tube heads (it's a difficult thing to explain...). A guy who reviewed this amp on harmony-central.com wrote that vh4 sounded solidstate-ish, and i know some people can think a similar thing when playing it. Just my opinion though, and i played it only for 15 minutes...
i am not gonna continue this argument, i have seen many pro's use these amps and sound great, and as i might not be a pro i have never had a problem getting these amps to sound great. But the important word is PRO'S. And yes in 22 years i know tone, you can ask anyone that plays with me, jam's with me etc.. I always have great tone and know how to dial in a amp.

To answer another question on which Diezel's i have played, well i have played both the herbert and VH4 and was not impressed with either, but like i said i am starting to think it was the cab, so i still have to give it more time. But honestly, for the price i would never buy one, i liked the bogner stuff alot better.

MesaColiseum300 said:
siggy14 said:
To answer your questions, i have owned the roadking, both combo and head, have played the diezel and did not like it, although I am starting to think it is the diezel cab i didnt like, i need more time with it.

Yes i have seen many bands use line 6 flextone's on stage with tone to die for, and yes i can make them sound as good as my tube amps.

It is obvious you are a tube snob, have seen many of them, here is a little clue, alot of what you think is tube amp on recordings, are actually pod's. The big secret in the music business, you want to change a part in a song, or do a little touch up or add a part, plug in a pod and go. Such artists at metallica are known for this as well, hell watch there movie, what amp do you see in the backround, um a line 6 flextone head sitting next to all the tube heads.

As to line 6 not having as much bottem end, you are off your rocker, my vetta will have to much bottem end if i dont tame it! personaly i dont think you have ever used these amps, or you do not know how to EQ it or used a crappy cab or something!

Now if you are gonna talk about metallica please get there recording rigs right. Yes they used a 2C on mater, by the way good album but i do not think it was there best tone, the guitar playing is what slayed on that album.

For the black album they used Mark 4's pre amp section going into mesa power amps, they also used JMP-1 for solo's. I have never heard of them using any rec's on that album, on st anger they did however and we will not go there.

Yes dime's distortion was thick, different kind of distortion then metallica, and honestly if i had to choose i would choose metallica's. But dime wasnt using a amp that models other tube amps, he clearly had a SS amp that sounded like that.

To sum it up on the SS thing, there are alot of recordings out there that were done with some sort of solid state device, whether you know it or not or want to believe it or not. I am not sure where you live, but honestly if you are ever around VA sometime soon, stop at my place, i will let you plug into the vetta and then plug into the real uber, you will see what I am talking about!

As to why you bought up my other posting, what does that really have to do with this posting? Yes i own those tube amps plus a peavey 5150 combo, i also own a vetta, a flextone II head as well as two Pod 2.0s. In the past i have owned almost every marshall known to man, i have gone through all the dual rec's including tremo, rackmounts, 3 channel, roadking. I have also owned the stiletto, peavey 5150, peavey 5150-II, peavey triple xxx and many other amps in my 22 years of playing.

guitarmaster said:
I respect your opinion and your great experience, I have never owned or tried a lot of amps as you in my life, but I have listened to bands that use line 6 products in live shows and I think that the sound of these toys lacks of definition and obviously is not a tube sound. I could listen to a cd and understand clearly if a guitarist uses a tube or solid state amp. You speak about Diamond Darrell (R.I.P. great guitarist), but Do you really think that his tone was so thick and sick distortion ??? Listen to Pantera albums and compare Dime sound to Metallica master of puppets (1986) recorded with Mesa Boogie Mark IIC+ or the black album recorded with dual rectifier 2 channels 1991 models and you could really hear the difference between a solid state (Dime) and pure tube sound (Metallica). You couldn't tell that :"i have put my flextone II and my Vetta up against the real things, and here is what i can tell you, they were almost exact, only difference was the Vetta had a little more top end on the uber then the actuall uber, but the vetta had a thicker and more gain on the uber then the actuall uber ". The only difference is a little more top end???? Only this??? Have you ever tried a Diezel tube amp or a Mesa Road king II ? Surely You have tried them.
Do you think that your line 6 stuff could have the same feeling and tones of these 2 amps or of a Bogner?? Excuse me, with all respect I could have for you, the answer is NOT!!!!!!!! Line 6 high end models are toys like low end models .Dime tone, generated by Randall amps (these amps sound very bad in my opinion) and equalizers, lacks of bottom end, and you clearly hear that's a solid state distortion, tubes are another world. The best guitar tones and distortions are obtained with TUBE amps, no compromise.

really strange : here you told about all these interesting opinions about Line 6 amps and it seems that these products are great for you, but in another topic you told : (quote siggy14 from bogner vs mesa topic)

"3 Channel rec's, great all around amp, will get you by for almost any style of music, however they excel at the high gain. Only complaint is wish they were a bit smoother on the lower to medium gain.

Uber, this amp is built as a high gain monster, smoother gain then the rec, a bit more, but how much do you really need? Like said it gets away with medium to low gain, but not that great, well at least the one i have. I heard the newer revision (blue) has a better gain taper and it is more useible. What i like about the uber is the clean channel loves pedels/effects floorboards which makes it that much more useible.

XTC is my amp of choice, I mostly play rock to hard rock/metal and this amp is the die for tone! This amp I will probaly never part ways with unless i find something better, and I have been threw alot and have not found anything better yet.

Well i have done the side by side with the Hughes and Kettner Tri, lets just say it is pretty much a tie, however the Tri can get higher gain, where the uber has a much better plexi voicing. If i could get a TRI for under 2G's i would do a side by side for a few months and then decide which i would keep.

My recto, number R0005, well this has become my favorite high gain amp, i know i said in a post above if i had to choose between this and the Uber the uber would win hands down, well after some time i have concluded the uber is going!

Differences, they both sound pretty **** close but in order to get into the same gain realm as the uber i need to throw a tube screamer in front of the recto, however the recto just has harmonics that jump all over the place. i have tried putting the tube screamer in front of the uber, and well it still does not have th harmonics the recto has
. "

22 years of playing and you think that Line 6 are good amps ???? I play guitar since 1980 and I tried a lot of different amps, now I would like to buy a Mesa Boogie Road king series II and in another topic I asked impressions to other musicians, without telling about how many years I played and what amps I played. Probably I have "a little experience" like you :D , but I think you're wrong man. Line 6 are not professional amps and in live situations they produce disgusting tones far from good tube distortions. I have also tried Flextone II, ****, this cannot be defined :
guitar amp. If you try to set the volume higher (for distortions), you obtain a buzzing undefined sound and naturally SS. I agree with some other guys here, Line 6 are not high gain monsters, but cheap amps emulators, nothing more and they can be palyed as practice amps.
guitarmaster said:
PS : LINE 6 are the WORST amps in the World.

I have to partially disagree.

I owned a Vetta combo in the past, I was able to dial in a couple of pretty cool patches. One of them sounded more Van Halenish than all Marshall I've ever played through :)

It eventually had to go anyway, too complicated an amp, and the older I get the less I feel like going crazy through menus and sub-menus :?
I liked line6, all them options and cabs, I just couldnt get a loud sound that i liked for jamming, solid state or not, I dont like I dont keep. For bedroom playing/writing and recording though, it has definate uses. In fact its really tuff to tell the difference with 'some' of the models these days.

I pick in this order:
Triple Rec (bottom end with highgain..mmmmm)
Marshall Jubilee (output crancked/high output pups, what a crunch)
F-100 (just tried it, loved it)

I dont get Bogners Diezels or Engls in this part of the world so who knows!
guitarmaster said:
PS : LINE 6 are the WORST amps in the World. A lot of people use them, but
I dislike the sound produced by these toys.

I use to think this as well. I have a Mark III patch on my PODxt Pro that would make most people **** there pants (as well as a lot of other great patches). I love my tube amps, but the POD is awesome for home playing and playing while surfing the net. Best of all, I dont have to worry about wearing out tubes 8)

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