HI-GAIN Monsters

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Well-known member
Apr 18, 2006
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diezel vh4 really amazed me with its massive gain... having listened to some clips by nitrobattery i can say Engl can get very very heavy and gorgeous too.
i think with the line6 you could get the highest gain (however not usuable even by the most aggressive death metal band) but it could never compare to the others in terms of tone or thickness of the sound
ok line6 are not a tube amp but for some purposes the line6 is great.
i have the little pod, well, if i need to do a band prove i take my pod, not the triaxis. if i need to record some ideas with my mbox i use my pod, if i need to play a gig and i don´t want a high sound quality i pick up my pod.
the pod is a great swiss knife to some purposes, of course if i want plenty of sound i use my TA
Why is line 6 even on the list with all these other amps?

I love my DR, but the ENGL and Diezel are both AMAZING amps!
guitarmaster said:
ytse_jam said:
i think with the line6 you could get the highest gain

Highest gain ????? Buzzy and "mosquito"solid state sounds without bottom end!!!!!!! I hate Line 6, this company sells toys not amps!!!!!!!!
They told that with their toys you could emulate every hi-gain amp sound :
settings like "dual rec" make me laugh :lol: :lol: If you would like to hear a dual recto sound, buy a Mesa Dual Recto!!!!!!!! I ask myself how a lot of people could buy Line 6 products ( You understand me Guitarzan :) !!!!! ).
To have high gain distortion I only need Mesa or Diezel amps and Zaolla cables!!!!!!!!!

the whole sentence was:

ytse_jam said:
i think with the line6 you could get the highest gain (however not usuable even by the most aggressive death metal band) but it could never compare to the others in terms of tone or thickness of the sound
I think that apolagizes aren´t needed, this is a forum to share opinions, if ytse jam likes line we must respect his ideas, on the other hand guitarmaster you don´t need to excuse you, that is a forum and the context of the forum is a meeting point between several ideas. so take apart the line 6 matter and battles and keep it on with the thread
the only issue that it i dissapointed is to include line6 near a diezel. there are a lot of other amps, that could be high gain better than line 6 for example bogner or cae.
i think that line 6 is good to play on my home, but for real high gain attitude we must to take out the line 6 and discuss about real amps
Here's my opinion based on what I've owned:

Peavey VTM60-ok but only 1 channel
Peavey Transtube-suck
Flextone HD-suck
Flextone II HD-suck
HD 147-mostly suck
Marshall JCM 800 2203-awesome/not for high gain
Marshall JCM 800 2205-ok
Ampeg VL-1002-underrated/awesome
Mesa Dual Rec/2channel-awesome
Mesa Dual Rec/3channel-awesome

Those are just my opinions. Hopefully if my band goes back the Blasting Room again, I'll be able to check out the Bogner and Diezel they have.
Oh, and Line 6 isn't all bad. Guitar Hero tracks were recording using the Flextone lines. I just personally didn't like the amp.
guitarmaster said:
ytse_jam said:
guitarmaster said:
Highest gain ????? Buzzy and "mosquito"solid state sounds without bottom end!!!!!!! I hate Line 6, this company sells toys not amps!!!!!!!!
They told that with their toys you could emulate every hi-gain amp sound :
settings like "dual rec" make me laugh :lol: :lol: If you would like to hear a dual recto sound, buy a Mesa Dual Recto!!!!!!!! I ask myself how a lot of people could buy Line 6 products ( You understand me Guitarzan :) !!!!! ).
To have high gain distortion I only need Mesa or Diezel amps and Zaolla cables!!!!!!!!!

the whole sentence was:

ytse_jam said:
i think with the line6 you could get the highest gain (however not usuable even by the most aggressive death metal band) but it could never compare to the others in terms of tone or thickness of the sound

Scusa yste_jam, hai ragione, ho preso in considerazione la prima parte della tua frase, ma non volevo offenderti, anche perchè hai specificato che i Mesa sono superiori, il fatto è che i line 6 mi fanno cagare :lol:
Scusa ancora.

Excuse me yste_jam, you're right, I have taken in consideration only the first part of your phrase, I didn't want to hurt you also because you specified that Mesa are better, the fact is that Line 6 are crappy :lol:
Excuse me again.

Uei un'altro italiano! tranquillo non mi sono mica offeso, anzi scusa a te se così è parso dalla mia risposta, volevo solo precisare quel che avevo detto perché tu non pensassi che mi piacciono davvero i line6!ciao

Hey, another one from italy here!don't worry, just wanted to say i'm definitely not a line6 fan!bye
guitarmaster said:
Non sono italiano!!!!!!!!! Conosco la tua lingua, cosi' ho deciso di risponderti anche in italiano :)
I'm not Italian!!!!!!!!!! I know your language, so I decided to answer you also in Italian language :)

your italian is very good, guitarmaster! surely better than my english!
returning to the discussion, i think line6 are not that bad for home-playing, but they're the worst i've ever heard at medium to high volumes; the sound become very thin and harsh (i'm talking about the cheaper models, like the spider series I i own, don't know about flextone, vetta or others). That said, i've listened to some clips here which demonstrate that mkIV can be a hi-gain beast too.

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