Help with New Reborn Rec!

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New member
Jan 4, 2012
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I'm totally bummed. I love my brand new duel rec tone but some very funky noise is going on. Right after my pick attack, there is this static sound that happens over the tone for a few seconds. You can really notice it if you let the note ring out. It's worse if pick attack is harder and certain notes are worse.

It is 2 weeks old and I don't know what to do. It only happens on channels 2 and 3. Clean sound is perfect.
It happened with different guitars. The gain is about 12 o'clock.
Any suggestions or ideas what this could be?
only on ch 2 and 3 could possibly be a bad v2 or v3 tube (as the clean channel only uses v1 if i am not mistaken......try taking a known good tube and switching out v2 an v3 one at a time and see if it goes away.
The heater elements in your power tubes are known to rattle around as well. More often than not, I have found this to be a problem. If it is a head, try separating the head from the cabinet by a certain distance and see if your noise goes away.
Thanks, I will try those things. It's weird, as I listen more closely, it only happens when I play. It's dead quiet when not playing. It's almost an oscillating, static noise more noticeable with single notes.
The volume of the noise is about 40% or so of the note volume.
Thanks again.
Welcome to The Board & congrats on the new Recto!

R_ADKINS80 said:
only on ch 2 and 3 could possibly be a bad v2 or v3 tube (as the clean channel only uses v1 if i am not mistaken......try taking a known good tube and switching out v2 an v3 one at a time and see if it goes away.
^ That's the first thing I would try. 98% of "strange" noises from tube amps is tube-related.

Just be cautious of what tube you use in V3, read here:

BTW- The current Mesa 12AX7 is a rebranded JJ and is fine in the cathode follower positions.

Good luck, let us know how you make out.

OK, being the amp was only weeks old, I sent it back to let them resolve it.
They said seems like an intonation problem with my guitar/guitars.
So they sent it back and now....LOUD hum while not playing. Louder with more gain.
Makes my old 5150 seem quiet as a church mouse.
Could it have been something in shipping?
That thing was DEAD quiet while not playing before.
Help me please!!!!!!! All tubes are glowing the same.
I do not want to send it back again.
Loving the tone otherwise.