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1) Put the Power amp in a separate rack.

2) Map out your connections on paper

3) Take a string and use it to measure distance from point A to Point B for each device (Measure twice, cut once)

4) Isolate your power cables on one side of your rig, and your audio lines on the other

5) Use Good Cable and Ends (Use soldered cables)

6) Re: your pedal tray, leave yourself enough cable so that the cable bundle isn't strained when you pull out the drawer ALL the way.

Here are some examples from my own rig: via Custom Audio Electronics

















Or route your cable, make up one end, plug in, then cut the other end to length at it's destination.
RectoStudioGuy said:
Or route your cable, make up one end, plug in, then cut the other end to length at it's destination.

Cutting at the destination can be awkward sometimes due to cramped quarters, plus it takes a lot longer that way... to do continuity checks, and if there's an issue, if there's a large bundle... oh well, whatever works. :wink:
Zachman!! That is a gorgeous rack! Especially that "I ? TONE" sticker :).

I have been studying it for at least the last 45 minutes and it is perfect. My goal is to finish this before August as I am heading out on tour this Fall for the REDSKY project.

Quick question, how do you wire an Edison plug? I want to custom wire my Monster Power Regulator to an Edison plug that can be plugged from the outside of the rack. I will post pictures on Monday to show you what I'm talking about.
MesaGod666 said:
Zachman!! That is a gorgeous rack! Especially that "I ? TONE" sticker :).

I have been studying it for at least the last 45 minutes and it is perfect. My goal is to finish this before August as I am heading out on tour this Fall for the REDSKY project.

Quick question, how do you wire an Edison plug? I want to custom wire my Monster Power Regulator to an Edison plug that can be plugged from the outside of the rack. I will post pictures on Monday to show you what I'm talking about.

Thanks... It's still not "perfect" though. I need to shorten the length of some of my power cables going to my power conditioners... I've just been too lazy. After I got the rig back for Custom Audio Electronics, I realized I needed better ventilation for the Eventide, so I moved a few things around, and added the 2 space drawer, and tightened up the wiring a wee bit.

Is this what you had in mind?



zachman said:
RectoStudioGuy said:
Or route your cable, make up one end, plug in, then cut the other end to length at it's destination.

Cutting at the destination can be awkward sometimes due to cramped quarters, plus it takes a lot longer that way... to do continuity checks, and if there's an issue, if there's a large bundle... oh well, whatever works. :wink:

It does take a bit longer and sure sometimes space is at a premium but it definately works for me, and I always check each cable with a fluke.
This thread should titled:
"Help! I have this horrible problem - my deek is just too beeg!" :lol:
Though not nearly as extraordinary as Zachman's this rig/wiring has served well over the years. (in one form or another)
MesaGod666 said:
I need some serious help cleaning up my rack. It is a flustercuck. I'm going to be adding a G-Force, Bogner Preamp, Randall Preamp, JMP-1, and another 2:Ninety. Before I do that, please help me control my flustercuck of a rack. Any suggestions?



na said:

Nope. I own one and it's just not as tight and compressed as my Triaxis.
Don't get me wrong, it's a fantastic amp. I just prefer touring with a midified rig.
desertdweller said:
How about the Triaxis, 2:90, G Force, and your power strip. That's what I use and it's all I need.

Why do you assume that what covers your needs, covers what anyone Else's needs would/should be?

desertdweller said:
If you think it's congested now, what the hell is going to happen when you load it with all that unnecessary nonsense?

wow... just wow :roll: The whole point is for him to organize the rig's cabling.

desertdweller said:
Also, when playing live, who's moving that 1000 space rack up onto the stage or out of the band's trailer?

um... an assistant, or other band mates. You know like when guys help to move PA equipment around.

desertdweller said:
I've played in a lot of bands,

Anyone notable??? Any video or clips of you at any shows?

desertdweller said:
and it seems the best guitarists seem to have simpler rack systems or amps and let their playing shine through. Most guys that have refrigerators full of rack gear generally have tone that sounds like open ***.

Not what I've experienced, unless you mean the guys you've played with were using racks full of old ART, Zoom and other less than stellar gear, or thought that having the stuff guaranteed great results without actually having to learn to play and use the gear appropriately.

desertdweller said:
I saw this guy about 6 months ago open for our band. His guitar rig was ridiculous. a 20 space rack filled will all kinds of nonsense plus two amp heads. I talked with him and complimented him on his badass collection of gear, told him I couldn't wait to hear it. Then when he played it by himself, he had his dual rectifier running through so many EQs and effects (including a Lexicon MPXG2 and a line 6 something or other) it sounded dull and nasal. No mids, no body, no definition. When his band played, you couldn't hear him because he got lost in the mix.

Just something to think about.

Having a bunch of great gear doesn't guarantee great results, just a bunch of options-- as I see it.

Just because someone can afford a Ferrari, doesn't mean they are capable of driving it like a pro driver. Just saying.

MesaGod666 seems to have a good handle on his sound from the sound of his clips, so... something to think about 8)

desertdweller said:
Why are you building such an insane rack? do you have a legitimate purpose for it or are you simply hoarding gear? That's all. Whatever makes you happy, man.

Why such an aversion to someone else using gear, of their choosing? Why not imagine that guys who have large rack rigs, may likely also be able to afford other rigs too-- not just have the one and only large rig?

There are literally tons of guys who use large rack rigs EVH, Gilmour, Landau, Lukather, Joe Perry, etc...

Sorry for the edginess of my response, but it always seems odd to me that guys on a gear forum would have an issue with others who like and use gear.

It seems that there is a relative consistency to guys who have such a negative vibe re: rack gear/the gear of others, and that is that not many of them can play worth a damned, nor have the tone that I would aspire to, nor have done anything noteworthy to justify their narcissistic view of themselves.
Above being a 'gear head' (in more ways than one) tone is all important to me. And after 30 yrs of playing and hearing what's good and what's not. When I hear someone's sound that appeals to me, I wanna know how they got there. Not belittle them for having a huge rig or small rig or cheap equipment. My father played a Fender Mustang through an ancient twin with OLD tubes in it...sounded amazing. But he often played at home through some old solid state piece of junk that he managed to squeeze out some OK tones. Point being that one should not care what another is playing or playing through, just be glad that they're a musical brother with something to say through a peice of wood wire some wires attached to it. If others joined this forum are like myself then we're all here to learn from each others experiences both big and small, not to compete in an area that is as subjective as politics and religion. Have a great day and ROCK ON with your bad self.
RectoStudioGuy said:
Above being a 'gear head' (in more ways than one) tone is all important to me. And after 30 yrs of playing and hearing what's good and what's not. When I hear someone's sound that appeals to me, I wanna know how they got there. Not belittle them for having a huge rig or small rig or cheap equipment. My father played a Fender Mustang through an ancient twin with OLD tubes in it...sounded amazing. But he often played at home through some old solid state piece of junk that he managed to squeeze out some OK tones. Point being that one should not care what another is playing or playing through, just be glad that they're a musical brother with something to say through a peice of wood wire some wires attached to it. If others joined this forum are like myself then we're all here to learn from each others experiences both big and small, not to compete in an area that is as subjective as politics and religion. Have a great day and ROCK ON with your bad self.

I gotta say one thing......OMFG you guys make me want a second mortgage so i can build such a creation as what you guys have discussed and posted. I can't wait to see your rig all mapped out and cleaned up as well as complete with your proposed componants you are adding. GL brother and rock on. :mrgreen:
I have the same thing going in the back of my rack. i try not to go behind it. hehe. i'm just scared that if i try to clean it up i might mess up some things. it took me a while to build it to where it is now. actually, it used to be very neat. But over the years of taking out stuff for a gig or maintenance or upgrade, etc, i just got tired of redoing the cables. i guess mine is a 'semi-permanent' installation. it looks like a big mess, but it's easier to do maintenance or gear swaps.
Dude - PM me. I've got a 20 space rig with two heads. In fact, a guy back in this thread knocked a guy who had a 20 space and 2 heads and I had to double check to see if it was me. :oops: Turns out he posted that before I ever gigged out with it.

In any case, configuring a massive rig is an arduous and crazy process. I'd be happy to compare notes, talk some methodology, etc. Maybe do it via PM though so we don't get flamed by the people out here who think it's a sin to like a lot of different sounds and want access to all of them in a plug 'n play box.
MesaGod666 said:
I need some serious help cleaning up my rack. It is a flustercuck. I'm going to be adding a G-Force, Bogner Preamp, Randall Preamp, JMP-1, and another 2:Ninety. Before I do that, please help me control my flustercuck of a rack. Any suggestions?




My kid is screaming right now, so I have to make this quick.

Based on all of your recommendations, I made the following improvements:

1. I moved all of the rack pieces down 1 RU space.

2. Kept all of the signal chain wires in the middle of the rack and isolated the power cables to the sides (with exception to the output cables from the GCX to the power amp).

3. Flipped the drawer over and mounted the effects/power supply with industrial strength velcro.

Current Schematics:

I will be adding a rack wah sometime soon.

The economy hasn't turned around much for me to get all of those preamps, so I'll just live with what I have for now. :D :lol:
Well, that's starting to look really nice :D Make sure that there is a minimal of tension on the connectors, so that you don't damage the interior of the TriAxis' and the other equipment.