Help me decide on my next guitar

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Well-known member
Nov 25, 2006
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Well it is coming to that time again when you need a new guitar.

I curently own
:Fender american deluxe telecaster in candy tangerine with maple board
:Ibanez RG1570MRB with Dimarzio custom pups
:Ibanez SA260FMTR with seymour duncan pups

I have owned lots os guitar mainly
:Fender custom shops like Jeff beck

I dont particularly like the look/sound/feel of ESP or EMG's

I have always loved Jems,particularly florals
and I also move ebmm jp6/7's

I currently play in an alt. rock band but as well as this band Im also going to start another band which is focused more on my listening/home playing tastes,somewhat of a Dream Theater,Incubus,Tool inspired outing,something really prog/atmospheric if you know what I mean

any suggestions on the type of guitars,Im looking to spend a resonable amount on my next guitar say somewhere between £1000-1500(thats about $2500 approx.)

My only thing is that I dont really like the tought/image of playing in an originals band and having a signature series guitar,but its all down to how the thing sounds,feels and lets be honest looks are a major part

cheers guys

I wanted to say that but I thought I would leave room for a PRS.
mcnaught's are sick guitars. PRS quality if not possibly better. He's the next Paul Reed Smith in the making, if you ask me.

That neck thru design he does is ridiculous. I wish I could play one so bad. I've heard them and they sound nice online.
Recommend you try a Gibson Les Paul Custom or a PRS. For that much cash, and given your current stock of guitars, you should include on of the above guitars into your collection.

You may surprise yourself with the tonal flexibility that a Paul, or PRS can give you. First time I played a Gibson USA guitar from playing my American Standard Strat for the first two years, I was blown away by how much more overhead and fullness that the Gibson had. I can only image the PRS being as good as or better than a stock Gibson, yet a Gibson is STILL a Gibson.

Check it out and good luck.
yeah,I have considered a PRS(still am) and also a Tyler or Anderson but(and its a big but)I absolutly hate Les pauls,tonaly I would have one anyday(In the studio) but there sheer weight and the necks,not my cup of tea,they do sound amzing but I could only really use one in the studio and it would have to be a vintage one as I have used a vintage 79' goldtop(which had started to green burst) in the studio and it done wonders for the tracks it was used on but I seriously couldnt use one live or day tom day

Im actually trying to buy a JP6 in mystic dream as we speak,piezo's,matching headstock everything apart from the inlay(which is a good thing in my opinion)

feel free to add more gets my brain working and changes its mode from always thinking about a MKIV!!! :twisted:
PRS Singlecut or maybe a Grosh. The Grosh is very intriguing because you can spec just about any details you want from neck shape to pickups, woods, etc. You might check out his Retro Classic, Bent Top and Set Neck models. The Set Neck can be had as a hollow or semi-hollow design as well as full solidbody.

I have 2 Groshes and both are tremendous instruments.
Man try a Suhr Classic or a Suhr Pro those sound as beautiful as they look and more can be use for any style of music... 8)
hit up all of your surrounding boutique dealers and try out anything in your price range. sometimes, that's what it takes to get THE guitar.
well no need I just got myself a ebmm jp6 in mystic dream with matching headstock,she is very purty!!!!

I pretty much already knew that I wanted that but fate had it one came to me

A friend of a freind knew I was getting rid of my recto 2x12" and that I was looking for a new axxe!!!

so he told a friend who was just about to sell his JP and who wanted a recto so I swapped him for it!!!!

I'll get pics of all my gear up here soon
mxr2000 said:
Man try a Suhr Classic or a Suhr Pro those sound as beautiful as they look and more can be use for any style of music... 8)
+1 I only use Suhr's now except for my Jazz Arch top (D'Angelico Excel)
well I just got a EB/MM JP6 in mystic dream with a matching headstock!!

birdseye maple neck like youve never seen,best guitar I have ever played

got it at 1pm yestarday then was soundchecking with it at 3pm and giging it at 9pm,first time I had played it was on the gig!!!!!

that and the dual rec.....fuckin awsome

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