help master pot on mark iii

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May 31, 2007
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i have a broken master / pull deep pot switch on my mark iiii red stripe

does anyone have a part number for this and who carries ?

Can someone recommend a seperate pot and switch to use as a temporary replacement ?

Is there a schematic more readable than the ones I have found on the web ? The ones I have I can hardly make out the pot value.

#596821 It's a 100 k pull on . Any pot with those specs will do , some are better than others .
You can call boogie and they will send it out to you within a week usually .
Less than 10 $ as I recall .
As for a readable schematic , all available are equally crappy , I am in the process of going thru my rs mk III component by component and drawing the schematic out anew .( No idea when I'll be done tho.) The schematics you will find online and from boogie are mk III version one or no stripe and have omissions and different components .
Buddy said:
#596821 It's a 100 k pull on . Any pot with those specs will do , some are better than others .
You can call boogie and they will send it out to you within a week usually .
Less than 10 $ as I recall .
As for a readable schematic , all available are equally crappy , I am in the process of going thru my rs mk III component by component and drawing the schematic out anew .( No idea when I'll be done tho.) The schematics you will find online and from boogie are mk III version one or no stripe and have omissions and different components .

You have mail.
Thanks - for the quick info. I just slapped a 100K radio shack pot on and left the switch open for now. Seems to be working.

BTW it is a red stripe.

Now another pot - Lead Drive does not seem to do too much seems like the pull switch is stuck open (or closed).

I do have a blown 6L6 so I am running it with just the 2 EL34s.

Anyway still tinkering with it.

The tubes are all Bogner (except the EL34s - Mesa Boggie) - Being a newbie - are Bogners any good ?

Thanks again for the help.
That's a bet I'll pass on..
Would that serve to spread out the volume surge somewhat ?
I have a 1987 MK3 simul combo w/red stripe... mine (596821), is and has always been a 250k pot. What makes you say 100K on yours?
Just in case someone's doing a Search and comes across this (admittedly older) thread, here's some additional info. Hope it'll help someone:

I have an 11/85 Mark III, no stripe I suppose, schematic from 1985.
The Master (Pull Deep) pot is given with a value of 100K on the schematic. They probably don't make the exact original pot anymore. Some time ago Boogie sent me a replacement pot, which looks different. Part #: 596821. I've seen it on eBay, too, where it said it's 250K. I'm measuring what perhaps looks more like 200K. (It's on an older analog Multitester, so who knows...)

If you get this or any other similar pot, you have to make sure it has an Audio Taper (and not Linear Taper), otherwise it'll jump from zero to full-on with just a tiny turn.

It seems it's next to impossible to find a 100K pot, Audio Taper, WITH Push/Pull anymore. That's probably why Boogie sent me this one (596821) with ~200K instead.

I was able to locate locally a couple completely different replacement pots in the past, and with the need for Audio Taper I was able to find (and use) both 100K and 250K, but without a push/pull function. So I just had the wiring permanently set for "Deep."
The 100K ramps up perhaps a little more gradually with lower settings than the 250K.

Seeing that most schematics for the Mark III available online seem kinda hard to make out I'll try to scan mine, and maybe I'll try to approach
to see if he can display it along with the other schematics he has.
We'll see.

Hope this helps.

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