help deciding on a new guitar!

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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2007
Reaction score
cincinnati oh
hey everyone
i own a dual rec 3 channel and a marshall 1960A 4x12 and currently im playing through a used ltd ec-50 with a duncan designed destroyer in the bridge postion. lest i say my tone is lacking due to the guitar. so im thinking of getting a schecter c-1 elite. will this improve my sound at all? ive played it and loved the way it played but i did not play through a dual rec. what other suggestions would everyone give to get a better tone out of my amp. i play everything but right now im playing rhythm while singing. im looking for a sound with the likes of creed, thrice, chevelle, nickelback, breaking benjamin, avenged sevenfold, etc. thanks
I like the schecter guitars, I think they are great for the price and would be a nice upgrade from what your playing now. Something to try with your DR- turn the send on the fx down and turn your master up to 1-3 o'clock and slowly turn the fx send up and use that as your master volume, really kicks the beast into action :twisted:
I'd rather get a used Carvin than a new Schecter personally but if you like 'em go for it. Most Guitar Centers in larger cities have a Dual Rec or 8 sitting around as well as about 98 Schecters so I'd suggest trying it out and seeing if you like it.
i went to guitar center yesterday to pick up the schecter and ended up leaving with a gibson vintage mahogany with burstbucker pickups. it kicked the schecter's *** and i got it much cheaper. i have nothing against schecter but ive joined the darkside of gibson and im never looking back. thanks for all the advice guys.
very good decision, I had a c-1 elite w/ my mesa at one point and i couldn't stand it. I have never played a schecter custom shop or anything else that was remotely quality. They just seem to me as one of those companies that try to make their guitars look as good as possible without taking the actual sound and playability in account.
When you gt into playing TRULY good guitars Schecters feel like plastic toys.
I played on a 6 string schecter for the first time today and I'd have to agree, they aren't that great. All my experience before has been with their 7 strings, and they do a much better job on those. I have my eye on a C-7 Blackjack, it actually feels and sounds much like an old Gibson LP of mine.
i never minded schecter till i played it through the dual rec. they still are great guitars for the price. i will say that through a b-52 at100 and a crate i know it sounds decent but with the dual rec it doesnt only for the reason that IMO the duncan designed pickups arent hot enough to get the rec tone. of course ive only played schecters with duncan designed pickups. even the playability was a little rough though cause the neck was abnormally wide. i too felt that when i plugged it into the rec i was playing a plastic toy compared to the gibsons and the prs's i played before buying my new one. all in all it seemed to be a dec guitar but i wasnt looking for a flashy metal guitar that i would eventually want to put emgs in. i was looking for a hard rock guitar with a tone that had some personality. im sure one day i will own a schecter and like many i will put emgs in it just to have a "metal" guitar i can shred on. but until i feel comfortable with a floyd rose, or sweep picking my brains out i can wait to shred on more metal oriented guitar. if such becomes the case a hellraiser or blackjack doesnt look too shabby. but a better cab comes first