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Hey man, I see you asking about tubes in your signature...I have heard by many on this board that the SED =C+ (Winged C's) are the way to go for new production Power Tubes, both EL34 & 6L6's...I haven't tried em yet but am planning to order some this week, I will let you know what I think. As for pre-amp, I don't have a whole lot of experience here but I do like the Tung Sol re-issues for new production, I've noticed them to sound better than the stock Mesa tubes - imo.

Good luck.
The MAG & also the AG are soley for amp switching. They don't have any effect loops.

When a GCX is used for amp swiching, only one of the four jacks for a loop are used. Each loop section has an input, send, return and output. Only the output is connected when it is dedicated for channel switching. It's providing a grounding switch operation (like a foot switch) rather than feeding an audio source.
#2121313 said:
Hey man, I see you asking about tubes in your signature...I have heard by many on this board that the SED =C+ (Winged C's) are the way to go for new production Power Tubes, both EL34 & 6L6's...I haven't tried em yet but am planning to order some this week, I will let you know what I think. As for pre-amp, I don't have a whole lot of experience here but I do like the Tung Sol re-issues for new production, I've noticed them to sound better than the stock Mesa tubes - imo.

Good luck.

What about Eurotubes? Anybody here have any experience using these?
So Mongo1, the MAG will control the amp switching functions, since Im only using one or two effect units then i shouldn't need the capabilities of the GCX. As long as I have banks on the foot controller I can make any number of configurations. I.e. bank 1 no effects but only amp switching. Bank 2 say switch 1 rhy 1 clean with delay, 2 lead eq with reverb etc. I can connect any number of effects as long as each unit allows for midi in, midi out/thru.

am I on the right path?

for the poster about the tubes Im awaiting your review.

Mongo1 said:
Gold Star!!! :D

If you go with an RG-16 you get the added benefit of using a single cable to replace the foot switch on the boogie rather than running individual 1/4 switch cables to the MKIV switch jacks. Not really a big deal if you are only talking about channel switching, but if you want to control the rest of the options (EQ, etc....) it may clean up your cable runs. Plus you still end up with 8 EFX loops. If you ever run multiple amps in the future, the RG-16 can run two of those amp control cables.

If you don't need any EFX loops, I just found 'The mini Amp Gizmo'.
Pretty neat that they scaled it down even more.

There's a way to get it all done.
All it takes is money...


Want to make sure I understand you correctly. I was looking on the RJM web site and they list the DR and TR amps for pre-assembled midi cable patches. The Single Rec should be workable, right? Maybe not just as popular? I want to control a Single Rec and MKV, along with the other garden variety effects.


Mongo1 said:

There's lots of midi switching options for your MKIV. Everything from an Amp Gizmo which can plug right into the 6 pin XLR socket for the foot switch, or an RG-16 or GSX which also give you audio loops for effects, to something like a G-Major which gives you switching relays in addition to killer effects in a single rack space.

Amp Gizmo http://www.rjmmusic.com/ampgizmo.php
RG-16 http://www.rjmmusic.com/rg16.php
GSX http://www.voodoolab.com/gcx.htm
GCP http://www.voodoolab.com/gcontrolpro.htm

I went with a GSX controlled by a Ground Control Pro, but probably would have gone with an RG-16 if I hadn't landed such a killer deal on the GSX. Let's touch base via email, phone and talk shop.

I notice your an Ibanez player. In addition to Boogies, I've been an Ibanez fan. Got my first ST-100 in 79 and have quite a few. Amazing guitars for sure!

Hey bought my mark Iv about a month ago. ITs sweet! :) But i need a footswitch since it didnt come with one. The one for this amp is over 200 bucks.. so im looking for any alternative option for a less expensive footswitch... at least to switch channels.

Any ideas.. mabe a smaller footswitch? The ones all posted above are too much and too expensive for it to be worth it for me.

Thx for all the info. Im learning more about the midi stuff cuz i had no idea what would work with my amp.